Sun Mar 9 5:58AM
- 13 days, 6 hours left in session
About This Site
First of all, this is in no way affiliated with That is the official New Mexico Legislature web site. I just happen to think that it's a little hard to navigate at times, so in 2017 I wrote something that I think is easier. And then in 2025 I rewrote much of it.
If you like this, please use it to engage with your legislators. That's what I care about. If you think others would find this useful, please spread the word.
-- Ed
Change History
- Mar 5
- add "[view on]" links to committees, legislators, other places.
- fixed weird bug where some active (scheduled) bills were being shown in gray (inactive).
- new Half-Passed page, for showing bills passing only one chamber so far.
- Mar 4
- committee pages: vote reports: repeat headings every 15 rows; otherwise the table gets too long and requires scrolling up and down to figure out names.
- Mar 3
- legislator pages: now show daily schedules (committees where they sit, and committee hearings for bills they sponsor and for which they might be called to testify).
- search: now indexes bill BLURBS! The "AN ACT TO BLAH BLAH" text that is not actually part of the title
- search: now redirects to committee or legislator when given an abbreviation.
- Feb 27
- fix nasty bug in new-user registration.
- new Bills Pending (awaiting Governor's signature)
- Legislators navigation element: when logged in, menu now lists shortcuts to your Representative and Senator
- Bill pages: display floor votes
- Feb 23
- tracker pages - collapse hearing schedules. Show only the bills on this tracker, not the entire list. Also show agenda sequence number. Tracker pages are now much more readable.
- along those lines, in agenda tables, the committee link now goes to that specific calendar instead of just to the page.
- bill pages - highlight party of dissenting votes. In individual bill pages (the ones showing bill text), in the committee vote record lines, highlight the party of nay votes.
- committee schedule page - remove House and Senate floor agendas. They're just too unwieldy. Show them in their individual pages instead.
- bill/legislator/committee update tables - hide under accordion expander. Most people won't care about this.
- Feb 22
- this About page
- User-editable categories in tracker pages.
- new URL field in trackers, useful for public trackers (LWV, AAUW).
- added Somos tracker.
- legislator pages now list Bills Introduced and Bills Cosponsored.
- Feb 21
- Much better handling of Committee Substitutions. This is a big one. Bill pages now display the most recent committee sub, with links to prior ones (if any). In bill rows, the expected "CS/" is now there.
- Much better handling of Committee Reports. I now link to the original report, and parse it better.
- Feb 20
- cleanup, getting ready for announcing to friends.
- Feb 19
- handle two-hearings-in-one-day, such as SFC.
- too much other cleanup and fixes to list.
- Feb 5
- Started this rewrite of the web UI.
This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.
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is fully Open Source. See About page for more info, and for a list of recent changes.