Sat Mar 8 5:20PM - 13 days, 17 hours left in session
Sponsors | ||
Rep. Randall T. Pettigrew | 61 | Lea |
Rep. Mark B. Murphy | 59 | Chaves |
Rep. Jonathan A. Henry | 54 | Eddy, Chaves & Otero |
Rep. Cathrynn N. Brown | 55 | Eddy & Lea |
Status | |||
HRDLC ✓ | Passed, Feb 13, with Do Pass recommendation | ||
HENRC ❓ | Possibly heard on Mar 6; it may take 1-2 days to learn status. | ||
This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.
Legis Day | Action | Details | ||
4 | referred | HRDLC/HENRC | ||
4 | sent | HRDLC | ||
6 | passed | HRDLC (view committee report) | DP | 4-2; nays: Gonzales, Serrato |
6 | sent | HENRC |
This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.
Feb 5 | filed: [Prefiled by Randall T. Pettigrew et al; not yet on nmlegis] |
[new] | |
sent to HRDLC | |
title: '[prefiled by Randall T. Pettigrew Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Certain Natural Gas as Renewable Energy' | |
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[4] HRDLC/HENRC-HRDLC' | |
new sponsor: Randall T. Pettigrew | |
new sponsor: Mark B. Murphy | |
new sponsor: Jonathan A. Henry | |
Feb 10 | added to HRDLC agenda on Thu Feb 13, 09:00 |
Feb 12 | new sponsor: Cathrynn N. Brown |
Feb 14 | passed HRDLC; sent to HENRC |
actions: '[4] HRDLC/HENRC-HRDLC' -> '[4] HRDLC/HENRC-HRDLC [6] DP-HENRC' | |
Feb 22 | scheduled for HENRC on Tue Feb 25, 08:30 |
Feb 27 | scheduled for HENRC on Sat Mar 1, 08:00 |
Mar 1 | rescheduled for HENRC on Tue Mar 4, 08:30 |
Mar 4 | scheduled for HENRC on Thu Mar 6, 08:30 |
removed from HENRC 03-04 |
57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025
Randall T. Pettigrew and Mark B. Murphy and Jonathan A. Henry and Cathrynn N. Brown
SECTION 1. Section 62-15-37 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 4, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read:
"62-15-37. DEFINITIONS--ENERGY EFFICIENCY--RENEWABLE ENERGY.--As used in the Rural Electric Cooperative Act:
A. "energy efficiency" means measures, including energy conservation measures, or programs that target consumer behavior, equipment or devices to result in a decrease in consumption of electricity without reducing the amount or quality of energy services;
B. "renewable energy" means electric energy generated by use of renewable energy resources and delivered to a rural electric cooperative;
C. "renewable energy certificate" means a certificate or other record, in a format approved by the public regulation commission, that represents all the environmental attributes from one megawatt-hour of electricity generated from renewable energy;
D. "renewable energy resource" means electric or useful thermal energy:
(1) generated by use of the following energy resources, with or without energy storage and delivered to a rural electric cooperative:
(a) solar, wind, [and] geothermal and natural gas using combined cycle technology;
(b) hydropower facilities brought in service on or after July 1, 2007;
(c) other hydropower facilities supplying no greater than the amount of energy from hydropower facilities that were part of an energy supply portfolio prior to July 1, 2007;
(d) fuel cells that do not use fossil fuels to create electricity;
(e) biomass resources, limited to agriculture or animal waste, small diameter timber, not to exceed eight inches, salt cedar and other phreatophyte or woody vegetation removed from river basins or watersheds in New Mexico; provided that these resources are from facilities certified by the energy, minerals and natural resources department to: 1) be of appropriate scale to have sustainable feedstock in the near vicinity; 2) have zero life cycle carbon emissions; and 3) meet scientifically determined restoration, sustainability and soil nutrient principles; and
(f) landfill gas and anaerobically digested waste biomass; and
(2) does not include electric energy generated by use of fossil fuel or nuclear energy, except for natural gas using combined cycle technology;
E. "useful thermal energy" means renewable energy delivered from a source that can be metered and that is delivered in the state to an end user in the form of direct heat, steam or hot water or other thermal form that is used for heating, cooling, humidity control, process use or other valid end-use energy requirements and for which fossil fuel or electricity would otherwise be consumed;
F. "zero carbon resource" means an electricity generation resource that emits no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, or that reduces methane emitted into the atmosphere in an amount equal to no less than one-tenth of the tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, as a result of electricity production; and
G. "zero carbon resource standard" means providing New Mexico rural electric cooperative retail customers with electricity generated from one hundred percent zero carbon resources."
SECTION 2. Section 62-16-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2004, Chapter 65, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read:
"62-16-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Renewable Energy Act:
A. "commission" means the public regulation commission;
B. "energy storage" means batteries or other means by which energy can be retained and delivered as electricity for use at a later time;
C. "municipality" means a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the state, and H class counties;
D. "public utility" means an entity certified by the commission to provide retail electric service in New Mexico pursuant to the Public Utility Act but does not include rural electric cooperatives;
E. "reasonable cost threshold" means an average annual levelized cost of sixty dollars ($60.00) per megawatt-hour at the point of interconnection of the renewable energy resource with the transmission system, adjusted for inflation after 2020;
F. "renewable energy" means electric energy
generated by use of renewable energy resources and delivered to a public utility;
G. "renewable energy certificate" means a certificate or other record, in a format approved by the commission, that represents all the environmental attributes from one megawatt-hour of electricity generated from renewable energy;
H. "renewable energy resource" means the following energy resources, with or without energy storage:
(1) solar, wind, [and] geothermal and natural gas using combined cycle technology;
(2) hydropower facilities brought in service on or after July 1, 2007;
(3) biomass resources, limited to agriculture or animal waste, small diameter timber, not to exceed eight inches, salt cedar and other phreatophyte or woody vegetation removed from river basins or watersheds in New Mexico; provided that these resources are from facilities certified by the energy, minerals and natural resources department to:
(a) be of appropriate scale to have sustainable feedstock in the near vicinity;
(b) have zero life cycle carbon emissions; and
(c) meet scientifically determined restoration, sustainability and soil nutrient principles;
(4) fuel cells that do not use fossil fuels to create electricity; and
(5) landfill gas and anaerobically digested waste biogas;
I. "renewable portfolio standard" means the minimum percentage of retail sales of electricity by a public utility to electric consumers in New Mexico that is required by the Renewable Energy Act to be from renewable energy;
J. "renewable purchased power agreement" means an agreement that binds an entity generating power from renewable energy resources to provide power at a specified price and binds the purchaser to that price;
K. "zero carbon resource" means an electricity generation resource that emits no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, or that reduces methane emitted into the atmosphere in an amount equal to no less than one-tenth of the tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, as a result of electricity production; and
L. "zero carbon resource standard" means providing New Mexico public utility customers with electricity generated from one hundred percent zero carbon resources."
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