Sat Mar 8 4:57PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

House Bill 324

Educational Scholarships & Tax Credit [view on]

Financial Analysis: LESC

Rep. Rod Montoya 1 San Juan
Rep. Jonathan A. Henry 54 Eddy, Chaves & Otero
Rep. Mark Duncan 2 San Juan

HEC[Referred, not scheduled]

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [4] HEC/HTRC-HEC

Legis DayActionDetails
4 referred HEC/HTRC
4 sent HEC

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 7 filed: [Prefiled by Rod Montoya et al; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to HEC
title: '[prefiled by Rod Montoya Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Educational Scholarships & Tax Credit'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[4] HEC/HTRC-HEC'
new sponsor: Rod Montoya
new sponsor: Jonathan A. Henry
new sponsor: Mark Duncan


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Rod Montoya and Jonathan A. Henry and Mark Duncan











          A. The department may authorize a school tuition organization to award educational scholarships to eligible students to attend a private school in New Mexico of the students' parents' choice pursuant to this section.

          B. A school tuition organization shall apply for authorization on forms and in a manner prescribed by the department. To be eligible as a school tuition organization, the organization shall:

                (1) allocate at least ninety percent of the organization's annual revenue received from contributions for educational scholarships to eligible students to attend private schools in New Mexico;

                (2) not limit the availability of educational scholarships to students of only one private school;

                (3) not allow donors to designate student beneficiaries as a condition of any contribution to the organization or facilitate, encourage or knowingly allow the exchange of beneficiary student designations;

                (4) include on the organization's website, if one exists, the percentage and total dollar amount of educational scholarships awarded during the previous fiscal year;

                (5) award educational scholarships only to eligible students; and

                (6) not award educational scholarships to attend a public, tribal or federal bureau of Indian education school.

          C. If an individual educational scholarship exceeds the tuition of the private school that an eligible student attends, the amount in excess shall be returned to the school tuition organization that made the award. The school tuition organization may allocate the returned amount:

                (1) as a multi-year award for that student; or

                 (2) for educational scholarships for other eligible students.

          D. On or before September 30 of each year, each school tuition organization shall report electronically to the department, in a form prescribed by the department, the following information:

                (1) the name, address and contact person of the school tuition organization;

                (2) the names, job titles and annual salaries of the three employees who receive the highest annual salaries from the school tuition organization;

                (3) the total number of contributions received during the previous fiscal year;

                (4) the total dollar amount of contributions received during the previous fiscal year;

                (5) the total number of eligible students awarded educational scholarships during the previous fiscal year;

                (6) the total dollar amount of educational scholarships awarded during the previous fiscal year;

                (7) the total dollar amount of money being held for eligible students' scholarships in future years, including the amount allocated as a multi-year award pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subsection C of this section, with each eligible student identified;

                (8) for each private school to which educational scholarships were awarded:

                     (a) the name and address of the private school;

                     (b) the number of educational scholarships awarded during the previous fiscal year; and

                     (c) the total dollar amount of educational scholarships awarded during the previous fiscal year; and

                (9) the cost of an audit or financial review required pursuant to Subsections F and G of this section paid during the fiscal year.

          E. The department shall post on its website a report of the information it receives pursuant to Subsection D of this section on or before January 1 of the calendar year following the year in which the information is received.

          F. On or before September 30 of each year, a school tuition organization that received five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) or more in contributions in the previous fiscal year shall provide for a financial audit of the organization. The audit shall be conducted by an independent certified public accountant licensed pursuant to the 1999 Public Accountancy Act in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and shall evaluate the organization's compliance with Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of this section. The independent certified public accountant and any firm the accountant is affiliated with shall be independent with respect to the organization and its officers and directors, services performed by the organization and all other independent relationships of the organization, as prescribed by generally accepted auditing standards.

          G. On or before September 30 of each year, a school tuition organization that received less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in total donations in the previous fiscal year shall provide for a financial review of the organization. The review shall be conducted by an independent certified public accountant licensed pursuant to the 1999 Public Accountancy Act in accordance with generally accepted standards for accounting and review services and shall evaluate the organization's compliance with the fiscal requirements of this section. The independent certified public accountant and any firm the certified public accountant is affiliated with shall be independent with respect to the organization and its officers and directors, services performed by the organization and all other independent relationships of the organization, as prescribed by generally accepted auditing standards.

          H. Within five days after receiving an audit or financial review, the school tuition organization shall file a signed copy of the audit or financial review with the department. The school tuition organization shall pay the fees and costs of the audit or financial review from the organization's operating budget. The fees and costs shall be excluded from the calculation of revenues spent on educational scholarships.

          I. The department shall:

                (1) maintain a public registry of authorized school tuition organizations;

                (2) make the registry available to the public on request; and

                (3) post the registry on the department's website.

          J. As used in this section:

                (1) "department" means the public education department;

                (2) "eligible student" means a qualified student, as defined in the Public School Finance Act, who resides in New Mexico and is member of a household for which the total annual income does not exceed an amount used to qualify for a reduced-price lunch through the federal school lunch programs established pursuant to 42 USCA Sections 1751 through 1769, as amended; provided that once a student becomes an eligible student, receives an educational scholarship and continuously attends the private school, the student shall remain an eligible student regardless of household income until the student graduates from high school or reaches twenty-one years of age, and:

                     (a) attended a public school in New Mexico as a full-time student for at least one full semester immediately prior to receiving an educational scholarship and enrolling in and transferring to a private school; or

                     (b) attended, as a full-time student, a home school in New Mexico that meets the requirements of the Public School Code for at least one full semester immediately prior to receiving an educational scholarship and enrolling in and transferring to a private school;

                (3) "nonprofit organization" means an organization that has been granted exemption from the federal income tax by the United States commissioner of internal revenue as organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended or renumbered; and

                (4) "school tuition organization" means a nonprofit organization with a principal place of business in New Mexico that provides educational scholarships to eligible students attending private schools in New Mexico of their parents' choice."

     SECTION 2. A new section of the Income Tax Act is enacted to read:


          A. A taxpayer who is not a dependent of another individual and who makes a contribution to a school tuition organization pursuant to Section 1 of this 2025 act may apply for, and the department may allow, a credit against the taxpayer's tax liability imposed pursuant to the Income Tax Act. The tax credit provided by this section may be referred to as the "educational scholarship income tax credit".

          B. The amount of the tax credit allowed by this section shall be in an amount equal to the amount contributed to a school tuition organization in a taxable year, not to exceed seven hundred dollars ($700) for single individuals and married individuals filing separate returns and one thousand four hundred dollars ($1,400) for heads of household, surviving spouses and married individuals filing joint returns; provided that for the taxable year beginning January 1, 2026 and each taxable year thereafter, the amount of credit shall be adjusted to account for inflation. The department shall allow a tax credit only for a contribution certified pursuant to Subsection C of this section.

          C. A taxpayer shall apply for certification of eligibility for the tax credit allowed by this section from the public education department on forms and in the manner prescribed by that department. The application shall include evidence of a contribution to a school tuition organization made pursuant to Section 1 of this 2025 act.

          D. A taxpayer may claim the tax credit allowed by this section for the taxable year in which the taxpayer makes a contribution to a school tuition organization. To receive the tax credit, a taxpayer shall apply to the department on forms and in the manner prescribed by the department within twelve months following the calendar year in which the contribution is made. The application shall include a certification made pursuant to Subsection C of this section.

          E. That portion of the credit that exceeds a taxpayer's tax liability in the taxable year in which the credit is claimed shall not be refunded to the taxpayer but may be carried forward for the following three consecutive taxable years until the amount of the tax credit is exhausted.

          F. A taxpayer allowed a tax credit pursuant to this section shall report the amount of the tax credit to the department in a manner required by that department.

          G. The credit provided by this section shall be included in the tax expenditure budget pursuant to Section 7-1-84 NMSA 1978, including the total annual aggregate cost of the credit."

     SECTION 3. A new section of the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act is enacted to read:


          A. A taxpayer that makes a contribution to a school tuition organization pursuant to Section 1 of this 2025 act may apply for, and the department may allow, a credit against the taxpayer's tax liability imposed pursuant to the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act. The tax credit provided by this section may be referred to as the "educational scholarship corporate income tax credit".

          B. The amount of the tax credit allowed by this section shall be in an amount equal to the amount contributed to a school tuition organization in a taxable year, not to exceed one thousand four hundred dollars ($1,400); provided that for the taxable year beginning January 1, 2026 and each taxable year thereafter, the amount of credit shall be adjusted to account for inflation. The department shall allow a tax credit only for a contribution certified pursuant to Subsection C of this section.

          C. A taxpayer shall apply for certification of eligibility for the tax credit allowed by this section from the public education department on forms and in the manner prescribed by that department. The application shall include evidence of a contribution to a school tuition organization made pursuant to Section 1 of this 2025 act.

          D. A taxpayer may claim the tax credit allowed by this section for the taxable year in which the taxpayer makes a contribution to a school tuition organization. To receive the tax credit, a taxpayer shall apply to the department on forms and in the manner prescribed by the department within twelve months following the calendar year in which the contribution is made. The application shall include a certification made pursuant to Subsection C of this section.

          E. That portion of the credit that exceeds a taxpayer's tax liability in the taxable year in which the credit is claimed shall not be refunded to the taxpayer but may be carried forward for the following three consecutive taxable years until the amount of the tax credit is exhausted.

          F. A taxpayer allowed a tax credit pursuant to this section shall report the amount of the tax credit to the department in a manner required by that department.

          G. The credit provided by this section shall be included in the tax expenditure budget pursuant to Section 7-1-84 NMSA 1978, including the total annual aggregate cost of the credit."

     SECTION 4. APPLICABILITY.--The provisions of Sections 2 and 3 of this act apply to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2025.

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Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
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Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

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