Sat Mar 8 4:42PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

House Bill 581

NMED Inspections Before New Permits [view on]

Financial Analysis: FIR

Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero 13 Bernalillo

HENRCTabled in committee

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [8] HENRC/HJC-HENRC

Legis DayActionDetails
8 referred HENRC/HJC
8 sent HENRC

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 20 filed: [Prefiled by Patricia Roybal Caballero; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to HENRC
title: '[prefiled by Patricia Roybal Caballero; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Nmed Inspections Before New Permits'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[8] HENRC/HJC-HENRC'
new sponsor: Patricia Roybal Caballero
Feb 21 title: 'Nmed Inspections Before New Permits' -> 'NMED Inspections Before New Permits'
Feb 27 scheduled for HENRC on Sat Mar 1, 08:00


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Patricia Roybal Caballero










     SECTION 1. Section 74-2-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, Chapter 51, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. By regulation, the environmental improvement board or the local board shall require:

                (1) a person intending to construct or modify any source, except as otherwise specifically provided by regulation, to obtain a construction permit from the department or the local agency prior to such construction or modification; and

                (2) a person intending to operate any source for which an operating permit is required by the 1990 amendments to the federal act, except as otherwise specifically provided by regulation, to obtain an operating permit from the department or the local agency.

          B. Regulations adopted by the environmental improvement board or the local board shall include at least the

following provisions:

                (1) requirements for the submission of relevant information, including information the department or the local agency deems necessary to determine that regulations and standards under the Air Quality Control Act, [or] the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities and the federal act, including all amendments, will not be violated through minimum mandatory documentation and procedures and that:

                     (a) applications for construction and operating permits shall include certified or otherwise verified proof of compliance issued by the department, the local agency or other authorized government department or agency establishing that each of the other facilities owned or operated by the applicant and subject to these state and federal laws are in compliance with all state and federal emission standards during the current inspection period and all prior inspection periods, where such proof of compliance shall be a condition precedent to the application;

                     (b) if an applicant is unable to produce acceptable proof of compliance with the applicant's application, the department or local agency shall inspect all of the applicant's facilities within six months of the submission of the application; and

                     (c) the department or local agency shall notify the applicant of the results of all inspections conducted pursuant to the provisions of this subsection and, if the department or local agency determines that the sources are in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws and emission standards and the department or local agency determines that the application is otherwise complete, the department or local agency shall proceed with evaluating the application for the new source; if the department or local agency determines that the sources are not in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws and standards, the department or local agency shall issue a final action pursuant to Subsection G of this section denying the permit application for the new source;

                (2) specification of the deadlines for processing permit applications; provided that the deadline for a final decision by the department or the local agency on a construction permit application may not exceed:

                     (a) ninety days after the application is determined to be administratively complete, if the application is not subject to requirements for prevention of significant deterioration, unless the secretary or the director grants an extension not to exceed ninety days for good cause, including the need to have public hearings and, if the applicant has failed to produce proof of compliance of each of the applicant's facilities not subject to the prevention requirements, the secretary or the director shall deem such event as good cause for an additional extension of six months; or

                     (b) one hundred eighty days after the application is determined to be administratively complete, if the application is subject to requirements for prevention of significant deterioration, unless the secretary or the director grants an extension not to exceed ninety days for good cause, including the need to have public hearings and, if the applicant has failed to produce proof of compliance of each of the applicant's facilities subject to the prevention requirements, the secretary or director shall deem the event as good cause for an additional extension of six months;

                (3) that if the department or local agency fails to take final action on a construction permit application within the deadlines specified in Paragraph (2) of this subsection, the department or local agency shall notify the applicant in writing that an extension of time is required to process the application and specify in detail the grounds for the extension;

                (4) a description of elements required before the department or local agency shall deem an application administratively complete and where such elements shall include as a condition precedent the proof of compliance issued by the department, the local agency or other authorized government department or agency as described in this subsection;

                (5) specification of the public notice, comment period and public hearing, if any, required prior to the issuance of a permit; provided that the permit regulations adopted:

                     (a) by the environmental improvement board shall include provisions governing notice to nearby states; and

                     (b) by any local board shall include provisions requiring that notice be given to the department of all permit applications by any source that emits, or has a potential emission rate of, one hundred tons per year or more of any regulated air contaminant, including any source of fugitive emissions of each regulated air contaminant, at least sixty days prior to the date on which construction or major modification is to commence;

                (6) a schedule of construction permit fees sufficient to cover the reasonable costs of:

                     (a) reviewing and acting upon any application for such permit; and

                     (b) implementing and enforcing the terms and conditions of the permit, including the costs of the periodic inspection program required by Section 74-2-13 NMSA 1978, but excluding any court costs or other costs associated with an enforcement action;

                (7) a schedule of emission fees consistent with the provisions of Section 502(b)(3) of the 1990 amendments to the federal act;

                (8) a method for accelerated permit processing that may be requested at the sole discretion of the applicant [at the time the applicant submits a construction permit application] if and only if the applicant has first submitted a proof of compliance that has been subsequently accepted by the department or local agency as true and that:

                     (a) allows the department or local agency to contract with qualified outside firms to assist the department or local agency in its accelerated review of the construction permit application; provided that the department or local agency can contract with a qualified firm that does not have a conflict of interest; and

                     (b) establishes a process for the department or local agency to account for the expenditure of the accelerated permit processing fees;

                (9) allowance for additional permit application fees, sufficient to cover the reasonable costs of an accelerated permit application review process that is applicable only to applicants who have first submitted proof of compliance that has been subsequently accepted as true as described in this subsection. Before the applicant is notified that the permit application has been determined to be complete, the department or local agency shall give the applicant a reasonable estimate of costs of an accelerated permit application review process;

                (10) specification of the maximum length of time for which a permit shall be valid; provided that for an operating permit such period may not exceed five years; and

                (11) for an operating permit only:

                     (a) provisions consistent with Sections 502(b) and 505(b) of the federal act providing: 1) notice to and review and comment by the United States environmental protection agency; and 2) that if the department or local agency receives notice of objection from the United States environmental protection agency before the operating permit is issued, the department or the local agency shall not issue the permit unless it is revised and issued under Section 505(c) of the federal act;

                     (b) provisions governing renewal of the operating permit; and

                     (c) specification of the conditions under which the operating permit may be terminated, modified or revoked and reissued prior to the expiration of the term of the operating permit.

          C. Except as provided in Subsection O of this section, the department or the local agency may deny any application for:

                (1) a construction permit if it appears that the construction or modification:

                     (a) will not meet applicable standards, rules or requirements of the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to regulations of the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities or the federal act;

                     (b) will cause or contribute to air contaminant levels in excess of a national or state standard or, within the boundaries of a local authority, applicable local ambient air quality standards; or

                     (c) will violate any other provision of the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to regulations of the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities or the federal act; and

                (2) an operating permit if the source will not meet the applicable standards, rules or requirements pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to regulations of the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities or the federal act.

          D. The department or the local agency may specify conditions to any permit granted under this section, including:

                (1) for a construction permit:

                     (a) a requirement that such source install and operate control technology, determined on a case-by-case basis, sufficient to meet the standards, rules and requirements of the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to regulations of the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities and the federal act;

                     (b) individual emission limits, determined on a case-by-case basis, but only as restrictive as necessary to meet the requirements of the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to regulations of the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities and the federal act or the emission rate specified in the permit application, whichever is more stringent;

                     (c) compliance with applicable federal standards of performance;

                     (d) reasonable restrictions and limitations not relating to emission limits or emission rates; or

                     (e) any combination of the conditions listed in this paragraph; provided that the combination results in the most stringent level of performance that is the most protective of health and safety; and

                (2) for an operating permit, terms and conditions sufficient to ensure compliance with the applicable standards, rules and requirements pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act specifically relating to regulations of the venting and flaring of natural gas by oil and gas facilities and the federal act.

          E. This section does not authorize the department or the local agency to require the use of machinery, devices or equipment from a particular manufacturer if the federal standards of performance, state regulations and permit conditions may be met by machinery, devices or equipment otherwise available.

          F. The issuance of a permit does not relieve any person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions of the Air Quality Control Act, the applicable portions of the Oil and Gas Act and any applicable regulations of the environmental improvement board or the local board. Any conditions placed upon a permit by the department or the local agency shall be enforceable to the same extent as a regulation of its board.

          G. A person who participated in a permitting action before the department or the local agency shall be notified by the department or the local agency of the final action taken and the reasons for the final action. Notification of the applicant shall be by certified mail.

          H. A person who participated in a permitting action before the department or the local agency and who is adversely affected by such permitting action may file a petition for hearing before the environmental improvement board or the local board upon receipt of the final action of the department or the local agency. The petition shall be made in writing to the environmental improvement board or the local board within thirty days from the date notice is given of the department's or the local agency's action. Unless a timely petition for hearing is made, the decision of the department or the local agency shall be final.

          I. If a timely petition for hearing is made, the environmental improvement board or the local board shall hold a hearing within sixty days after receipt of the petition. The environmental improvement board or the local board shall notify the petitioner and the applicant or permittee, if other than the petitioner, by certified mail of the date, time and place of the hearing. If the subject of the petition is a permitting action deemed by the environmental improvement board or the local board to substantially affect the public interest, the environmental improvement board or the local board shall ensure that the public receives notice of the date, time and place of the hearing. The public in such circumstances shall also be given a reasonable opportunity to submit data, views or arguments orally or in writing and to examine witnesses testifying at the hearing. Any person submitting data, views or arguments orally or in writing shall be subject to examination at the hearing.

          J. The environmental improvement board or the local board may designate a hearing officer to take evidence in the hearing. All hearings shall be recorded.

          K. The burden of proof shall be upon the petitioner. Based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, the environmental improvement board or the local board shall sustain, modify or reverse the action of the department or the local agency respectively.

          L. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and subject to the provisions of Section 74-2-4 NMSA 1978, a final decision on a permit by the department, the environmental improvement board, the local agency, the local board or the court of appeals that a source will or will not meet applicable local, state and federal air pollution standards and regulations shall be conclusive and is binding on every other state agency and as an issue before any other state agency shall be deemed resolved in accordance with that final decision.

          M. Subject to the provisions of Section 74-2-4 NMSA 1978, if the local board has adopted a permit regulation pursuant to this section, persons constructing or modifying any source within the boundaries of the local authority shall obtain a permit from the local agency and not from the department.

          N. Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in:

                (1) the state air quality permit fund created by Section 74-2-15 NMSA 1978 if collected by the department; or

                (2) a fund created pursuant to Section 74-2-16 NMSA 1978 if collected by a local agency pursuant to a permit regulation adopted by the local board pursuant to this section.

          O. The department may not deny an application for a construction permit for a cotton gin if the applicant proposes use of the best system of emissions reduction currently in use by cotton gins in the United States, as specified by regulation of the environmental improvement board, and the cotton gin has a potential emission rate, considering the use of the proposed emissions reduction system and the proposed hours of operation, of not more than fifty tons per year of any regulated air contaminant for which there is a national ambient air quality standard. The construction permit shall require that the applicant use the proposed emission reduction system and limit the hours of operation to the hours specified in the application. For purposes of this subsection, "best system of emissions reduction" for cotton gins means a system that will result in emissions reduction equal to or greater than that obtained by the use of condenser screens, seventy-mesh screen or equivalent on low-pressure exhausts and high-efficiency cyclone dust collectors on high-pressure exhausts.

          P. The department or local agency may deny any permit application or revoke any permit issued pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act if, within ten years immediately preceding the date of submission of the permit application, the applicant or permittee has:

                (1) knowingly misrepresented a material fact in an application for a permit;

                (2) refused to disclose the information required by the provisions of the Air Quality Control Act;

                (3) been convicted in any court of any state or the United States of:

                     (a) a felony related to environmental crime; or

                     (b) a crime defined by state or federal statute as involving or being in restraint of trade, price fixing, bribery or fraud;

                (4) constructed or operated a facility for which a permit is sought without a permit required by the Air Quality Control Act, except when such an unpermitted facility is discovered after acquisition in the course of a timely environmental audit authorized by department or local board policy and except if:

                     (a) the operator of the facility using good engineering practices and established approved calculation methodologies estimated that the facility's emissions would not require a permit pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act; and

                     (b) upon discovery of the discrepancy between the calculated pre-construction maximum facility emissions and the calculated post-construction maximum facility emissions, the operator of the facility applies for the appropriate permit within thirty calendar days; or

                (5) had any permit revoked or permanently suspended for cause under the environmental laws of any state or the United States.

          Q. In making a finding under Subsection P of this section, the department or local agency may consider aggravating and mitigating factors.

          R. If an applicant or permittee whose permit is being considered for denial or revocation on any basis provided by Subsection P of this section has submitted an action plan that has been approved in writing by the secretary or director, and plan approval includes a period of operation under a conditional permit that will allow the applicant or permittee a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate its rehabilitation, the secretary or director may issue a conditional permit for a reasonable period of time.

          S. An applicant for a permit pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act shall file a disclosure statement with the department or local agency with the information listed in Subsection P of this section, and on a form developed by the department. An existing permit holder shall provide such disclosure upon request by the department or local agency."

     SECTION 2. Section 74-2-13 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, Chapter 51, Section 8, as amended) is repealed and a new Section 74-2-13 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:


          A. The department, through a joint powers agreement with the energy, minerals and natural resources department and local agencies, shall establish a periodic inspection program through regulations that shall be effective no later than November 2025 that shall require that inspections:

                (1) occur without prior notice every two years at all sources within their respective boundaries that hold construction or operating permits;

                (2) determine whether the sources inspected are in compliance with the Air Quality Control Act, the Oil and Gas Act as it relates to all regulations of venting and flaring of oil and gas facilities and the federal act;

                (3) be completed onsite with use of the best available technology, including EXOatmospheric measurements generated by methaneSAT; and

                (4) be funded by permitting fees paid by the owners or operators of permitted sources, the costs to be allocated in an equitable manner to be determined by the secretary and the director and approved by the board or local board.

          B. The department and a local agency shall notify the owners and operators of the inspected sources of the results of these periodic inspections within thirty days of their completion, and the notification shall include either a proof of compliance or, as applicable, a remediation plan, a plan for follow-up inspections and an assessment of all resulting penalties or conditional penalties.

          C. The department shall report to the legislature in 2026 and 2027 regarding the status of the periodic inspection program, to include, at a minimum:

                (1) the number of sources inspected during the reporting period;

                (2) the schedule for the completion of the inspections of all sources;

                (3) the number of sources that are in noncompliance with the applicable standards under state and federal laws and regulations but expressly to include the methane emission standards of the Oil and Gas Act and Section 136 of the federal act; and

                (4) a summary of the remediation plans imposed and the penalties assessed.

          D. The secretary or the director or an authorized representative of either, upon presentation of the appropriate credentials:

                (1) shall have a right of entry to, upon or through all premises on which an emission source is located or on which all records required to be maintained by regulations of the environmental improvement board, the local board or by a permit condition are located to conduct the periodic inspections described in this section; and

                (2) may at all reasonable times have access to the premises to copy all records required to be established and maintained by regulations of the environmental improvement board or the local board or a permit condition; to inspect all monitoring equipment and method required by regulations of the environmental improvement board, the local board or by a permit condition; and to sample any emissions that are required to be sampled pursuant to regulation of the environmental improvement board, the local board or a permit condition."

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