Sat Mar 8 4:40PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

Senate Bill 328

Racetrack & Gaming Operator Licensing [view on]

Sen. Antonio Maestas 26 Bernalillo

STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [4] STBTC/SJC-STBTC

Legis DayActionDetails
4 referred STBTC/SJC
4 sent STBTC

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 10 filed: [Prefiled by Antonio Maestas; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to STBTC
title: '[prefiled by Antonio Maestas; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Racetrack & Gaming Operator Licensing'
actions: 'SPREF' -> '[4] STBTC/SJC-STBTC'
new sponsor: Antonio Maestas


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Antonio Maestas










     SECTION 1. Section 60-1A-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 4) is amended to read:


          A. The commission may:

                (1) grant, deny, suspend or revoke occupational licenses, secondary licenses and racetrack licenses, establish the terms for each classification of a racetrack license and set fees for submitting an application for a license;

                (2) exclude or compel the exclusion of a person from all horse racetracks [who] whom the commission deems detrimental to the best interests of horse racing or who willfully violates the Horse Racing Act, a rule or order of the commission or a law of the United States or New Mexico;

                (3) compel the production of documents, books and tangible items, including documents showing the receipts and disbursements of a racetrack licensee;

                (4) investigate the operations of a licensee and place a designated representative on the licensed premises of a racetrack licensee for the purpose of observing compliance with the Horse Racing Act and rules or orders of the commission;

                (5) employ staff as required to administer the Horse Racing Act and employ staff with basic law enforcement training to be stationed at racetracks to maintain peace and order, enforce the law, conduct investigations and enforce the Horse Racing Act or rules or orders of the commission; provided that staff employed with law enforcement training may not carry firearms or other deadly weapons while on duty for the commission;

                (6) summon witnesses;

                (7) administer oaths for the effective discharge of the commission's authority; and

                (8) appoint a hearing officer to conduct hearings required by the Horse Racing Act or a rule adopted pursuant to that act.

          B. The commission shall:

                (1) make rules to hold, conduct and operate all race meets and horse races held in the state and to identify and [assign] approve racing dates;

                (2) require the following information for each applicant on an application for a license:

                     (a) the full name, address and contact information of the applicant, and if the applicant is a corporation, the name of the state of incorporation and the names, addresses and contact information of officers, members of the board of directors and managers of the corporation;

                     (b) the exact location at which the applicant desires to conduct a horse race or race meet;                         (c) whether the horse racetrack is owned or leased, and, if leased, the name and residence of the fee owner of the land or, if the owner is a corporation, the names of the directors and stockholders;

                     (d) a statement of the assets and liabilities of the person or corporation making the application;

                     (e) the kind of racing to be conducted;                      (f) the beginning and ending dates desired for the race meet and the days during that time period when horse races are to be scheduled; and

                     (g) other information determined by the commission to be necessary to assess the potential for success of the applicant;

                (3) require a statement under oath by the applicant that the information on the application is true;

                (4) supervise and oversee the making of pari-mutuel pools and the distribution from those pools;

                (5) make on-site inspections of horse racetracks in New Mexico at reasonable intervals;

                (6) approve all improvements proposed to be completed on the licensed premises of a horse racetrack, including extensions, additions or improvements of buildings, stables or tracks;

                (7) monitor and oversee the pari-mutuel machines and equipment at all horse races or race meets held in the state;

                (8) approve contracts for simulcasting, pari-mutuel wagering and capital improvements funded pursuant to Section 60-1A-20 NMSA 1978 entered into by horse racetracks;

                (9) regulate the size of the purses to be offered at horse races run in the state;

                (10) require background investigations of employees of a racetrack licensee as set forth in the rules of the commission; and

                (11) provide an annual report to the governor regarding the commission's administration of horse racing in the state."

     SECTION 2. Section 60-1A-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 6) is amended to read:


          [A. A license to conduct a race meet in New Mexico shall be classified as either a class A or class B license, determined by the commission as follows:

                (1) a class A racetrack license shall be issued to a racetrack licensee who received from all race meets in the preceding calendar year a gross amount wagered through the pari-mutuel system of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) or more; and

                (2) a class B racetrack license shall be issued to a racetrack licensee who received from all race meets in the preceding calendar year a gross amount wagered through the pari-mutuel system of less than ten million dollars ($10,000,000).

          B. A new racetrack license to conduct a race meet in New Mexico shall be given a classification by the commission based on an estimate of the anticipated gross amounts projected to be received by the new racetrack licensee from all pari-mutuel wagering in the racetrack licensee's first full calendar year of racing. After the racetrack licensee's first full calendar year of racing, the commission shall review the classification and change it if necessary.

          C. Each class of] Every racetrack license is subject to all provisions of the Horse Racing Act, except as otherwise provided in that act. The commission shall adopt and promulgate rules necessary to provide for license classification."

     SECTION 3. A new section of the Horse Racing Act, Section 60-1A-7.1 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read:


          A. Any communication or document of an applicant for a license or a licensee is confidential and does not impose liability for defamation or constitute a ground for recovery in any civil action if the communication or document is required by:

                (1) law or the rules of the board; or

                (2) a subpoena issued by the board to be made or transmitted to the board.

          B. The confidentiality provided for in Subsection A of this section is not waived or lost because the document or communication is disclosed to the board.

          C. Notwithstanding the powers granted to the board by the Horse Racing Act, the board:

                (1) may release or disclose any confidential information, documents or communications provided by an applicant or licensee only with the prior written consent of the applicant or licensee or pursuant to a lawful court order after timely notice of the proceedings has been given to the applicant or licensee;

                (2) shall maintain all confidential information, documents and communications in a secure place accessible only to members of the board; and

                (3) shall adopt procedures and rules to protect the confidentiality of information, documents and communications provided by an applicant or licensee."

     SECTION 4. A new section of the Horse Racing Act, Section 60-1A-7.2 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read:

     "60-1A-7.2. [NEW MATERIAL] MOTION FOR RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.--An application to a court for an order requiring the board to release any information declared by law to be confidential shall be made only by petition in district court. A hearing shall be held on the petition not less than ten days and not more than twenty days after the date of service of the petition on the board, the attorney general and all persons who may be affected by the entry of that order. A copy of the petition, all papers filed in support of it and a notice of hearing shall be served."

     SECTION 5. Section 60-1A-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 8) is amended to read:


          A. It is a violation of the Horse Racing Act for a person to hold a public horse race or a race meet for profit or gain in any manner unless the person has been issued a racetrack license by the commission and has been authorized by the commission to hold the horse race or race meet on specific dates.

          B. An application for a racetrack license shall be submitted in writing on forms designated by the commission. An applicant shall affirm that information contained in the application is true and accurate. The application shall be signed by the applicant or the applicant's agent, and the signature shall be notarized.

          C. A racetrack license shall be valid for a period not to exceed [one year] three years. The commission may renew a racetrack license upon expiration of the term of the license.

          D. Renewal applications for racetrack licenses shall be filed no later than June 1 of each year. The race dates for the upcoming year shall be set by the commission after the commission receives all renewal applications.

          E. An application shall specify the dates and days of the week of the race meet that the applicant is requesting the commission to approve.

          F. An application shall be filed not less than sixty days prior to the first day the proposed horse race or race meet is to be held.

          G. The fee for a new racetrack license issued pursuant to this section shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000).

          H. The commission may schedule a date for a hearing on the application for a new racetrack license to determine the eligibility of the applicant pursuant to the Horse Racing Act or as needed for determining the eligibility for the renewal of a racetrack license. The applicant shall be notified of the hearing at least five days prior to the date of the hearing. The applicant has the right to present testimony in support of the application. Notice shall be mailed to the address of the applicant appearing upon the application for the racetrack license. Notice of the hearing date, time and location shall be postmarked by United States mail five days prior to the date of the hearing. Deposit of the hearing notice in United States mail constitutes notice.

          I. If, after a hearing on the application, the commission finds the applicant ineligible pursuant to the provisions of the Horse Racing Act or rules adopted by the board, the racetrack license shall be denied.

          J. If there is more than one application for a racetrack license pending at the same time, the commission shall determine the racing days that will be allotted to each successful applicant. Upon renewal, the commission shall determine the racing days that will be allotted to each applicant upon terms and conditions established by the commission.

          K. A person shall not have a direct, indirect or beneficial interest of any nature, whether or not financial, administrative, policymaking or supervisory, in more than two horse racetracks in New Mexico. For purposes of this subsection, a person shall not be considered to have a direct, indirect or beneficial interest in a horse racetrack if the person owns or holds less than ten percent of the total authorized, issued and outstanding shares of a corporation that is licensed to conduct a race meet in New Mexico, unless the person has some other direct, indirect or beneficial interest of any nature, whether or not financial, administrative, policymaking or supervisory, in more than two licensed horse racetracks.

          L. To determine interest held in a racetrack, to the extent that the interest is based on stock ownership:

                (1) stock owned, directly or indirectly, by or for a corporation, partnership, estate or trust shall be considered as being owned proportionately by its shareholders, partners or beneficiaries;

                (2) an individual shall be considered as owning the stock, directly or indirectly, if it is held by an immediate family member. For purposes of this paragraph, an "immediate family member" includes only the individual's siblings, spouse or children; and

                (3) stock constructively owned by a person by reason of the application of Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be considered to be actually owned by the person; and stock shall be constructively owned by an individual by reason of the application of Paragraph (2) of this subsection if the purpose of the constructive ownership is to make a person other than the individual applicant appear as the owner of the stock.

          M. A corporation holding a racetrack license shall not issue to a person shares of its stock amounting to ten percent or more of the total authorized, issued and outstanding shares, and a corporation holding a racetrack license shall not issue shares of its stock that would, when combined with that stock transferee's existing shares owned, total more than ten percent of the total authorized, issued and outstanding shares of the corporation, unless:

                (1) the corporation gives written notice to the commission at least sixty days before the contemplated stock transfer that the person to whom the stock is being transferred will become an owner of ten percent or more of the total authorized, issued and outstanding shares of the corporation; and

                (2) the corporation receives written approval from the commission of the proposed transfer.

          N. A determination made by the commission of a matter pursuant to this section shall be final and not subject to appeal."

     SECTION 6. Section 60-1A-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 18) is amended to read:


          A. The "daily pari-mutuel tax" is imposed on a racetrack licensee that offers pari-mutuel wagering at the racetrack licensee's licensed premises and shall be remitted to the taxation and revenue department for deposit in the general fund.

          B. The daily pari-mutuel tax imposed on [class A] racetrack licensees pursuant to this section shall be:

                (1) for each racing day a [class A] racetrack licensee offers pari-mutuel wagering on live on-track horse races, six hundred fifty dollars ($650); provided, however, that a [class A] racetrack licensee shall deduct from the six hundred fifty dollars ($650) and remit to the municipality in which the racetrack licensee is located one hundred fifty dollars ($150) if the racetrack licensee is located in a municipality having a population according to the 2000 federal decennial census of:

                     (a) less than six thousand located in a county with a population of more than ten thousand but less than fifteen thousand; or

                     (b) more than eight thousand but less than ten thousand located in a county with a population of more than one hundred thousand but less than one hundred fifty thousand; and

                (2) for each day a [class A] racetrack licensee offers no pari-mutuel wagering on live on-track horse races and offers solely pari-mutuel wagering on simulcast races pursuant to the Horse Racing Act, one-eighth percent of the racetrack licensee's gross daily handle, not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) per racing day.

          [C. The daily pari-mutuel tax imposed on a class B racetrack licensee pursuant to this section shall be:

                (1) for each racing day a class B racetrack licensee offers pari-mutuel wagering on live on-track horse races, one-eighth percent of the racetrack licensee's gross daily handle, not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) per racing day; and

                (2) for each day a class B racetrack licensee offers no pari-mutuel wagering on live on-track horse races and offers solely pari-mutuel wagering on simulcast races pursuant to the Horse Racing Act, one-eighth percent of the class B racetrack licensee's gross daily handle, not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) per racing day.]"

     SECTION 7. Section 60-1A-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 19) is amended to read:


          A. Each racetrack licensee shall notify the commission at least thirty days prior to each race meet of the amount of exotic wager retainage that the racetrack licensee will retain pursuant to Paragraph (1) [or (2)] of this subsection. There shall be an amount retained by the racetrack licensee equal to:

                (1) [for a class A racetrack licensee:

                     (a)] nineteen percent of the gross amount wagered on win, place and show, of which:

                     [1)] (a) eighteen and three-fourths percent shall be retained by the racetrack licensee; and

                     [2)] (b) one-fourth percent shall be remitted to the taxation and revenue department for deposit in the general fund; and

                [(b)] (2) not less than twenty-one percent and not greater than twenty-five percent of the gross amount wagered in exotic wagers. [and

                (2) for a class B racetrack licensee:

                     (a) not less than eighteen and three-fourths percent and not greater than twenty-five percent of the gross amount wagered daily on win, place and show; and

                     (b) not less than twenty-one percent and not greater than thirty percent of the gross amount wagered in exotic wagers]

          B. There shall be retained by a racetrack licensee for allocation to the New Mexico horse breeders' association amounts equal to:

                (1) five-eighths percent of the gross amount wagered on win, place and show to be allocated weekly to the New Mexico horse breeders' association for further distribution pursuant to the provisions of Subsection D of Section 60-1A-24 NMSA 1978; and

                (2) one and three-eighths percent of the gross amount wagered in exotic wagers to be allocated weekly to the New Mexico horse breeders' association for further distribution pursuant to the provisions of Subsection D of Section 60-1A-24 NMSA 1978.

          C. The breakage from the gross amount wagered through pari-mutuel wagering shall be retained by the licensee and allocated as follows:

                (1) fifty percent of the total breakage shall be retained by the racetrack licensee; and

                (2) fifty percent of the total breakage shall be allocated by the racetrack licensee to enhance the race purses of established stakes races that include only New Mexico-bred horses that are registered with the New Mexico horse breeders' association. The New Mexico horse breeders' association shall distribute the percentage designated to purses pursuant to Subsection D of Section [60-1-24] 60-1A-24 NMSA 1978, subject to the approval of the commission.

          D. All money resulting from the failure of patrons who purchased winning pari-mutuel tickets during a race meet to redeem their winning tickets before the end of the sixty-day period immediately succeeding the closing day of the race meet or from all money resulting from the failure of patrons who purchased pari-mutuel tickets that were entitled to a refund but were not refunded by the end of the sixty-day period immediately following the race meet shall be apportioned as follows:

                (1) thirty-three and thirty-three hundredths percent shall be retained by the racetrack licensee;

                (2) thirty-three and thirty-four hundredths percent shall be distributed to the New Mexico horse breeders' association to enhance each racetrack licensee's established overnight purses for races that include only horses registered as New Mexico bred pursuant to Paragraph (3) of Subsection D of Section 60-1A-24 NMSA 1978, subject to the approval of the commission; and

                (3) thirty-three and thirty-three hundredths percent shall be allocated [to the New Mexico horsemen's association] for purses.

          E. One-half percent of the gross amount wagered on simulcast horse races broadcast to a horse racetrack in New Mexico shall be distributed by the racetrack licensee to the [New Mexico horsemen's association for medical benefits for the members of the New Mexico horsemen's association] commission or to an organization designated by the commission that is under the absolute control of the commission. The commission shall by rule provide for the timing and manner of the distribution required pursuant to this subsection and shall audit or arrange for an independent audit of the distributions required.

          F. Amounts to be deducted from the retainage by the racetrack licensee from any form of wager made on the licensed premises of the racetrack licensee are: 

                (1) the daily pari-mutuel tax imposed by Section 60-1A-18 NMSA 1978;

                (2) money allocated in this section to the New Mexico horse breeders' association;

                (3) money allocated by this section to [the New Mexico horsemen's association] the commission or to an organization designated by the commission that is under the absolute control of the commission;

                (4) expenses incurred to engage in intrastate simulcasting pursuant to the Horse Racing Act; provided that the deduction for a racetrack licensee shall be a portion of five percent of the gross amount wagered at all the sites receiving the same simulcast horse races and:

                     (a) the deduction for a racetrack licensee shall be an amount allocated to the racetrack licensee by agreement voluntarily reached between all the racetracks sending or receiving the same simulcast horse races; or

                     (b) the deduction for a racetrack licensee shall be an amount identified by the commission if all the racetracks sending or receiving the same simulcast horse races fail to reach a voluntary agreement on the level at which to set the rate of the deduction for expenses incurred for engaging in intrastate simulcasting; and

                (5) fees incurred to receive interstate simulcasts pursuant to the Horse Racing Act.

          G. A racetrack licensee shall allocate to the New Mexico horse breeders' association five percent of the daily retainage on interstate common pools received from a guest state by a racetrack licensee. Of the net retainage from all wagers, after deductions:

                (1) fifty percent shall be allocated to purses; and

                (2) fifty percent shall be retained by the racetrack licensee."

     SECTION 8. Section 60-1A-20 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 20, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A "daily capital outlay tax" of two and three-sixteenths percent is imposed on the gross amount wagered each day at a racetrack where horse racing is conducted on the premises of a racetrack licensee and also on the gross amount wagered each day when a racetrack licensee is engaged in simulcasting pursuant to the Horse Racing Act. After deducting the amount of offset allowed pursuant to this section, any remaining daily capital outlay tax shall be paid by the commission to the taxation and revenue department from the retainage of a racetrack licensee from on-site wagers made on the licensed premises of the racetrack licensee for deposit in the general fund. Of the daily capital outlay tax imposed pursuant to this subsection:

                (1) [for a class A racetrack licensee] not more than one-half of the daily capital outlay tax imposed on the first two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) of the daily handle may be offset by the amount that the [class A] racetrack licensee expends for capital improvements or for long-term financing of capital improvements at the racetrack licensee's existing facility

                [(2) for a class B racetrack licensee, not more than one-half of the daily capital outlay tax imposed on the first two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) of the daily handle may be offset:

                      (a) in an amount not to exceed one-half of the offset allowed, the amount expended by the class B racetrack licensee for capital improvements; and

                     (b) in an amount not to exceed one-half of the offset allowed, the amount expended by the class B racetrack licensee for advertising, marketing and promoting horse racing in the state;

                (3) through December 31, 2014, for both class A and class B racetrack licensees, an amount equal to one-half of the daily capital outlay tax is appropriated and transferred to the state fair commission for expenditure on capital improvements at the state fairgrounds and for expenditure on debt service on negotiable bonds issued for the state fairgrounds' capital improvements; and

                (4) on and after January 1, 2015, for both class A and class B racetrack licensees]; and

                (2) an amount equal to one-half of the daily capital outlay tax is appropriated and transferred to the racehorse testing fund.

          B. An additional daily license fee of five hundred dollars ($500) shall be paid to the commission by the racetrack licensee for each day of live racing on the premises of the racetrack licensee.

          C. Accurate records shall be kept by the racetrack licensee to show gross amounts wagered, retainage, breakage and amounts received from interstate common pools and distributions from gross amounts wagered, retainage, breakage and amounts received from interstate common pools, as well as other information the commission may require. Records shall be open to inspection and shall be audited by the commission, its authorized representatives or an independent auditor selected by the commission. The commission may prescribe the method in which records shall be maintained. A racetrack licensee shall keep records that are accurate, legible and easy to understand.

          D. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,

a political subdivision of the state shall not impose an occupational tax on a horse racetrack owned or operated by

a racetrack licensee. A political subdivision of the state shall not impose an excise tax on a horse racetrack owned

or operated by a racetrack licensee. Local option gross

receipts taxes authorized by the state may be imposed to the extent authorized and imposed by a subdivision of the state

on a horse racetrack owned or operated by a racetrack licensee."

     SECTION 9. Section 60-1A-21 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2007, Chapter 39, Section 21) is amended to read:

     "60-1A-21. INABILITY TO RECEIVE OR ADMINISTER DISTRIBUTIONS--NEW MEXICO HORSE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION [NEW MEXICO HORSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION]--COMMISSION AUTHORITY--NEW MEXICO-BRED HORSE REGISTRY.--[A.] In the event that money allocated to the New Mexico horse breeders' association pursuant to Section 60-1A-19 NMSA 1978 cannot be received or administered by the New Mexico horse breeders' association, the commission or another organization designated by the commission and under the absolute control of the commission shall receive and administer the money that is allocated to be distributed by the New Mexico horse breeders' association pursuant to Section 60-1A-24 NMSA 1978. If the commission or its designee organization is required to receive, administer and distribute money on behalf of the New Mexico horse breeders' association, the maximum percentage of retainage from Paragraph (3) of Subsection D of Section 60-1A-24 NMSA 1978 shall be distributed by the commission to the New Mexico horse breeders' association as a fee to certify the dam and stud of New Mexico-bred horses from the registry maintained by the New Mexico horse breeders' association.

          [B. In the event that money allocated to the New Mexico horsemen's association pursuant to the Horse Racing Act cannot be received or administered by the New Mexico horsemen's association, the commission or another organization designated by the commission and under the absolute control of the commission shall receive and administer the money that is allocated by Section 60-1A-19 NMSA 1978 to the New Mexico horsemen's association and distribute the money as required by Section 60-1A-19 NMSA 1978.]"

     SECTION 10. Section 60-2E-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1997, Chapter 190, Section 16, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The board shall establish and issue the following categories of licenses:

                (1) manufacturer;

                (2) distributor;

                (3) gaming operator; and

                (4) gaming machine.

          B. The board shall issue certifications of findings of suitability for key executives and other persons for whom certification is required.

          C. The board shall issue work permits for gaming employees.

          D. A licensee shall not be issued more than one type of license, but this provision does not prohibit a licensee from owning, leasing, acquiring or having in the licensee's possession licensed gaming machines if that activity is otherwise allowed by the provisions of the Gaming Control Act. A licensee shall not own a majority interest in, manage or otherwise control a holder of another type of license issued pursuant to the provisions of that act.

          E. An applicant for a license, a certification of finding of suitability or a work permit shall apply [on] using forms provided by the board and shall furnish to the board two sets of fingerprint cards and all other information requested by the board. Submission of an application constitutes consent to a national criminal background check of the applicant, a credit check of the applicant and all persons having a substantial interest in the applicant and any other background investigations required pursuant to the Gaming Control Act or deemed necessary by the board. The board may obtain from the taxation and revenue department copies of tax returns filed by or on behalf of the applicant or its affiliates and information concerning liens imposed on the applicant or its affiliates by the taxation and revenue department.

          F. All licenses issued by the board pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be reviewed for renewal [annually] every three years unless revoked, suspended, canceled or terminated.

          G. All certifications of findings of suitability and work permits issued by the board pursuant to this section shall be reviewed for renewal every three years unless revoked, suspended, canceled or terminated.

          [G.] H. A license shall not be transferred or assigned.

          [H.] I. The application for a license shall include:

                (1) the name of the applicant;

                (2) the location of the proposed operation;

                (3) the gaming devices to be operated, manufactured, distributed or serviced;

                (4) the names of all persons having a direct or indirect interest in the business of the applicant and the nature of such interest; and

                (5) such other information and details as the board may require.

          [I.] J. The board shall furnish to the applicant supplemental forms that the applicant shall complete and file with the application. The supplemental forms shall require two sets of fingerprint cards and complete information and details with respect to the applicant's antecedents, habits, immediate family, character, state and federal criminal records, business activities, financial affairs and business associates, covering at least a ten-year period immediately preceding the date of filing of the application.

          [J.] K. In conducting a background investigation and preparing an investigative report on the applicant, the board's law enforcement officers may request and receive criminal history information from the federal bureau of investigation or any other law enforcement agency or organization. The board's law enforcement officers shall maintain confidentiality regarding information received from a law enforcement agency that may be imposed by the agency as a condition for providing the information to the board."

     SECTION 11. Section 60-2E-27 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1997, Chapter 190, Section 29, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A racetrack licensed by the state racing commission pursuant to the Horse Racing Act to conduct live horse races or simulcast races may be issued a gaming operator's license to operate gaming machines at the racetrack's licensed premises. The gaming operator's license issued pursuant to this subsection shall allow the licensee to conduct live racing either on its licensed premises [where live racing is conducted] or at another licensed premises that has been authorized by the state racing commission.

          B. A racetrack's gaming operator's license shall [automatically] become void only upon a decision of the board and if:

                (1) the racetrack no longer holds an active license to conduct pari-mutuel wagering; or

                (2) the racetrack [paid gaming tax to the state on its net take in an amount greater than eight million dollars ($8,000,000) in the prior fiscal year pursuant to Section 60-2E-47 NMSA 1978 and] fails to maintain a minimum of [four] three live race days a week with at least [nine] ten live races on each race day during its licensed race meet, except as provided in [Subsection F] Subsections E and F of this section [or

                (3) the racetrack paid gaming tax to the state on its net take in an amount equal to eight million dollars ($8,000,000) or less in the prior fiscal year pursuant to Section 60-2E-47 NMSA 1978 and fails to maintain a minimum of three live race days a week with at least ten live races on each day during its licensed race meets, except as provided in Subsection F of this section].

          C. Unless a larger number is allowed pursuant to Subsection D of this section, a gaming operator licensee that is a racetrack may have up to six hundred licensed gaming machines.

          D. By execution of an allocation agreement, signed by both the allocating racetrack and the racetrack to which the allocation is made, a gaming operator licensee that is a racetrack may allocate any number of its authorized gaming machines to another gaming operator licensee that is a racetrack. To be valid, the allocation agreement must bear the written approval of the board and the state racing commission, and this approval shall make specific reference to the meeting at which the action of approval was taken and the number of votes cast both for and against the approval. By allocating a number of its authorized machines to another racetrack, the allocating racetrack automatically surrenders all rights to operate the number of machines allocated. No racetrack shall operate or be authorized to operate more than seven hundred fifty gaming machines.

          E. Gaming machines on a racetrack gaming operator licensee's premises may be played only on days when the racetrack is either conducting live horse races or simulcasting horse race meets, unless there are no live or simulcast race meets due to acts, events or occurrences that the board finds are not within the control of the licensee, even with the licensee's exercise of reasonable diligence or care. On days when gaming machines are permitted to be operated, a racetrack gaming operator licensee may offer gaming machines for operation for up to eighteen hours per day; provided that the total number of hours in which gaming machines are operated does not exceed one hundred twelve hours in a one-week period beginning on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 8:00 a.m. on the following Tuesday. A racetrack gaming operator licensee may offer gaming machines for play at any time during a day; provided that the total hours of operation in each day from just after midnight of the previous day until midnight of the current day does not exceed eighteen hours. A racetrack gaming operator licensee shall determine, within the limitations imposed by this subsection, the hours it will offer gaming machines for operation each day and shall notify the board in writing of those hours.

          F. Maintaining fewer live race days or fewer live races on each race day during a licensed race meet does not constitute a failure to maintain the minimum number of live race days or races as required by [Paragraphs] Paragraph (2) [and (3)] of Subsection B of this section if the licensee submits to the board written approval by the state racing commission for the licensee to vary the minimum number of live race days or races, and the variance is due to:

                (1) the inability of a racetrack gaming operator licensee to fill races as published in the licensee's condition book as long as the same type of canceled race is run within the following two race weeks as the race season permits;

                (2) severe weather or other act, event or occurrence resulting from natural forces;

                (3) a strike or work stoppage by jockeys or other persons necessary to conduct a race or meet;

                (4) a power outage, electrical failure or failure or unavailability of any equipment or supplies necessary to conduct a race or meet;

                (5) hazardous conditions or other threats to the public health or safety; or

                (6) any other act, event or occurrence that the board finds is not within the control of the licensee even with the exercise of reasonable diligence or care.

          G. Alcoholic beverages shall not be sold, served, delivered or consumed in the area restricted pursuant to Subsection F of Section 60-2E-26 NMSA 1978."

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