Sat Mar 8 5:19PM - 13 days, 17 hours left in session

House Bill 170

Require Voter I.d. [view on]

Rep. John Block 51 Otero
Rep. Stefani Lord 22 Bernalillo & Torrance
Rep. Mark Duncan 2 San Juan
Sen. Steve D. Lanier 2 San Juan
Sen. Jay C. Block 12 Bernalillo & Sandoval

HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [2] HGEIC/HJC-HGEIC

Legis DayActionDetails
2 referred HGEIC/HJC
2 sent HGEIC

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Jan 28 filed: [Prefiled by Michael Padilla et al; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to HGEIC
title: '[prefiled by Michael Padilla Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Require Voter I.d.'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[2] HGEIC/HJC-HGEIC'
new sponsor: John Block
new sponsor: Stefani Lord
new sponsor: Mark Duncan
new sponsor: Steve D. Lanier
new sponsor: Jay C. Block


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


John Block and Stefani Lord and Mark Duncan and Steve D. Lanier and Jay C. Block









     SECTION 1. A new section of the Election Code is enacted

to read:


XEROGRAPHIC COPIES.--At the request of a voter, the state shall provide at no charge a xerographic copy of the voter's required voter identification document when the voter presents the document during normal business hours at any city, county or state government office that is capable of making such copies."

     SECTION 2. Section 1-1-24 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2005, Chapter 270, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read:

     "1-1-24. REQUIRED VOTER IDENTIFICATION.--As used in the Election Code, "required voter identification" means: [any of the following forms of identification as chosen by the voter:

          A. a physical form of identification, which may be:

                (1) an original or copy of a current and valid photo identification with or without an address, which address is not required to match the voter's certificate of registration; or

                (2) an original or copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student identification card or other government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo, that shows the name and address of the person, the address of which is not required to match the voter's certificate of registration; or

          B.] A. for a voter voting in-person:

                (1) a current driver's license or identification card issued by the motor vehicle division of the taxation and revenue department; and

                (2) a verbal or written statement by the voter of the voter's name, registration address and year of birth; provided, however, that the statement of the voter's name need not contain the voter's middle initial or suffix; or

          B. for a voter voting absentee by mail, a current driver's license or identification card issued by the motor vehicle division of the taxation and revenue department and the voter's social security number."

     SECTION 3. Section 1-4-5.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, Chapter 314, Section 7 and Laws 1993, Chapter 316, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A qualified elector may apply for registration using the paper form by mail, in the office of the secretary of state or county clerk or with a registration agent or officer.

          B. A person may request certificate of registration forms from the secretary of state or any county clerk in person, by telephone or by mail for that person or for other persons.

          C. A qualified elector who wishes to register to vote shall fill out completely and sign the certificate of registration and provide a copy of the required voter identification. The qualified elector may seek the assistance of any person in completing the certificate of registration.

          D. A qualified elector who has filed for an order of protection pursuant to the provisions of the Family Violence Protection Act and who presents a copy of that order from a state or tribal court to the registration officer shall be referred to the confidential address program administered by the secretary of state pursuant to the Confidential Substitute Address Act.

          E. Completed certificates of registration may be mailed or presented in person by the registrant or any other person to the secretary of state, to the county clerk of the county in which the registrant resides or to any other county clerk in this state.

          F. If the registrant wishes to vote in the next election, the completed and signed certificate of registration shall be delivered or mailed and postmarked within the time frame provided in Subsection A of Section 1-4-8 NMSA 1978.

          G. Within one business day after receipt of a certificate of registration, the secretary of state shall send the certificate to the county clerk in the county where the qualified elector resides. Within one business day after receipt of a certificate of registration of another county, a county clerk shall send the certificate of registration to the county clerk in the county where the qualified elector resides.

          H. Only when the certificate of registration is properly filled out, signed by the qualified elector and accepted for filing by the county clerk as evidenced by the county clerk's signature or stamp and the date of acceptance thereon shall it constitute an official public record of the registration of the qualified elector. A qualified elector complies with a voter registration deadline established in the Election Code when a properly filled-out voter registration certificate has been received by a county clerk or the secretary of state, regardless of the date the certificate is processed.

          I. The secretary of state shall prescribe the form of the certificate of registration, which form shall be a postpaid mail-in format and shall be printed in Spanish and English. The certificate of registration form shall be clear and understandable to the average person and shall include brief but sufficient instructions to enable the qualified elector to complete the form without assistance. The form shall also include:

                (1) the question "Are you a citizen of the United States of America?" and boxes for the applicant to check to indicate whether the applicant is or is not a citizen;

                (2) the statement "If you checked 'no', do not complete this form."; and

                [(3) a statement informing the applicant that:

                     (a) if the form is submitted by mail by the applicant and the applicant is registering for the first time in New Mexico, the applicant must submit with the form a copy of: 1) a photo identification issued by a government or educational institution; or 2) a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student identification card or other government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo, that shows the name and current address of the applicant; and

                     (b) if the applicant does not submit the required documentary identification, the applicant will be required to do so when voting in person or absentee; and

                (4)] (3) a statement requiring the applicant to swear or affirm that the information supplied by the applicant is true."

     SECTION 4. Section 1-6-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 130, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. In a statewide election, application by a voter for a mailed ballot shall be made only on the official form approved by the secretary of state or its online equivalent accessed through a website authorized by the secretary of state. The form shall identify the applicant and contain information to establish the applicant's qualification for issuance of a mailed ballot under the Absent Voter Act.

          B. Each application on a paper form for a mailed ballot shall be signed by the applicant and shall require the applicant's printed name, registration address, [and] year of birth and required voter identification. When submitted by the voter, the county clerk shall accept an application for a mailed ballot pursuant to this subsection regardless of whether the application for a mailed ballot is delivered to the county clerk on paper or by electronic means. When submitted by a third party, the county clerk shall not accept an application for a mailed ballot pursuant to this subsection if the application for a mailed ballot is delivered by electronic means.

          C. The secretary of state shall allow a voter to submit an online application for a mailed ballot through a website authorized by the secretary of state; provided that the voter shall have a current [or expired] New Mexico driver's license or state identification card issued by the motor vehicle division of the taxation and revenue department. An online request for a mailed ballot shall contain all of the information that is required for a paper form. The voter shall also provide the person's full New Mexico driver's license number, [or] state identification card number or social security number.

          D. When a voter requests a mailed ballot pursuant to this section, the voter shall mark the box associated with the following statement, which shall be included as part of the online mailed ballot request form:

     "By clicking the boxes below, I swear or affirm all of the following:

          [ ] I am the person whose name and identifying information is provided on this form and I desire to request a mailed ballot to vote in the state of New Mexico; and

          [ ] All of the information that I have provided on this form is true and correct as of the date I am submitting this form.".

          E. Online applications for mailed ballots shall retain the dates of submission by the qualified elector and of acceptance by the county clerk. For purposes of deadlines contained in the Election Code, the time and date of the submission by the voter shall be considered the time and date when the application for a mailed ballot is received by the county clerk.

          [F. New registrants who registered for the first time in this state by mail and at that time did not provide acceptable documentary identification as required by federal law shall be informed of the need to comply with federal identification requirements when returning the requested ballot and notified that if the registrant votes for the first time in New Mexico by mail and does not follow the instructions for returning the required documentary identification, the registrant waives the right to secrecy in that mailed ballot. The secretary of state shall issue rules to exempt voters from submitting identification only as required by federal law and shall review and, if necessary, update these rules no later than March 15 of even-numbered years.

          G.] F. A person who willfully and with knowledge and intent to deceive or mislead any voter, election board, canvassing board, county clerk or other election official and who falsifies any information on an absentee ballot request form or who affixes a signature or mark other than the person's own on a mailed ballot request form is guilty of a fourth degree felony."

     SECTION 5. Section 1-6-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 131, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The county clerk shall mark each completed application for a mailed ballot with the date and time of receipt in the clerk's office and enter the required information in the ballot register. The county clerk shall then determine if the applicant is a voter and if the voter is a uniformed-service voter or an overseas voter. If the applicant is a uniformed-service voter or overseas voter, the application shall be processed pursuant to the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act. An application for a mailed ballot from a voter who is not a federal qualified elector is timely if received by the county clerk no later than fourteen days prior to election day.

          B. If the applicant does not have a valid certificate of registration on file in the county, a mailed ballot shall not be issued and the county clerk shall mark the application "rejected" and file the application in a separate file from those accepted.

          [C. When required by federal law, if the applicant has on file with the county a valid certificate of registration that indicates that the applicant is a voter who is a new registrant in the state and who registered by mail without submitting the required documentary identification, the county clerk shall notify the voter that the voter must submit with the mailed ballot a form of documentary identification from the list in Paragraph (3) of Subsection I of Section 1-4-5.1 NMSA 1978. The county clerk shall note on the ballot register and signature roster that the applicant's mailed ballot must be returned with the required voter identification.

          D.] C. If the applicant has on file with the county a valid certificate of registration, the county clerk shall mark the application "accepted" and deliver a mailed ballot to the voter and the required envelopes for use in returning the ballot.

          [E.] D. Upon the mailing of a mailed ballot to an applicant who is a voter, an appropriate designation shall be made in the absentee ballot register.

          [F.] E. A mailed ballot shall not be delivered by the county clerk to any person other than the applicant for the ballot. Mailed ballots shall be sent to applicants beginning twenty-eight days before the election. For each application for a mailed ballot received twenty-three or more days before the election, the county clerk shall send either the ballot or a notice of rejection to the applicant as soon as practicable; provided that the ballot or a notice of rejection is sent not later than twenty-two days before the election. For each application for a mailed ballot received within twenty-two days of election day, the county clerk shall send either the mailed ballot or a notice of rejection to the applicant within twenty-four hours after receipt of the voter's application for a mailed ballot.

          [G.] F. If the application for a mailed ballot from a voter who is not a federal qualified elector indicates that the mailed ballot is to be delivered to an address other than an address listed on the voter's certificate of registration, the county clerk shall prepare a notice of requested mailed ballot. The notice of requested mailed ballot shall inform the voter of the address to which the ballot was mailed along with the phone number of the county clerk's office and the internet address of the voter web portal provided by the secretary of state. The notice of requested mailed ballot shall be sent to the address provided on the voter's certificate of registration on the same day the county clerk sends the mailed ballot to the address requested by the voter.

          [H.] G. When an application for a mailed ballot is rejected pursuant to this section, the county clerk shall send a notice of rejection to the mailing address on the voter's certificate of registration and the address listed on the voter's application for mailed ballot, if different. The notice of rejection shall indicate the reason for the rejection and, if applicable, information on how to correct the deficiency that is the reason for the rejection. If an application is rejected because it was not timely received, the county clerk shall, within twenty-four hours of receipt of the application, send a rejection notice to the voter that shall include a list of the early voting locations and election day polling places in the county.

          [I.] H. The county clerk shall only accept applications for a mailed ballot made through the official web portal operated by the secretary of state or submitted on the official form. If a voter submits more than one application for a mailed ballot containing the same information, subsequent applications containing the same information shall not be processed."

     SECTION 6. Section 1-6-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 132, as amended) is amended to read:

     "1-6-6. BALLOT REGISTER.--

          A. For each statewide election, the county clerk shall keep an "absentee ballot register", in which the county clerk shall enter:

                (1) the name and address of each absentee ballot applicant;

                (2) the date of receipt of the application;

                (3) whether the application was accepted or rejected;

                (4) the date of issue of an absentee ballot at an early voting location or the mailing of an absentee ballot to the applicant;

                (5) the applicant's precinct;

                (6) whether the applicant is a voter and whether the voter is a uniformed-service voter or an overseas voter;

                (7) whether the voter is required to submit [documentary] required voter identification [pursuant to Section 1-6-5 NMSA 1978]; and

                (8) the date the completed mailed ballot was received from the voter by the county clerk or the absent voter registered a ballot early in person in the county clerk's office or at an alternate location.

          B. For each special election, the county clerk shall keep a "mailed ballot register", in which the county clerk shall enter:

                (1) the name and address of each voter to whom a mailed ballot was sent;

                (2) the date of mailing of a mailed ballot to the voter;

                (3) the applicant's precinct;

                (4) whether the voter is a uniformed-service voter or an overseas voter;

                (5) whether the voter is required to submit [a documentary] required voter identification [pursuant to Section 1-6-5 NMSA 1978]; and

                (6) the date and time the completed mailed ballot was received from the voter by the county clerk.

          C. Each ballot register is a public record open to public inspection in the county clerk's office during regular office hours. The county clerk shall have an updated ballot register available for public inspection Monday through Friday during regular office hours.

          D. The county clerk shall deliver to the absent voter election board on election day a complete list of all absentee ballot applicants and early voters with applicable information shown in the absentee ballot register for each applicant and early voter up to 6:00 p.m. on the Saturday preceding a statewide election. The county clerk shall deliver a signature roster containing the same information as the lists to the absent voter election board.

          E. Upon request by a candidate, a political committee or the state or county chair of a political party represented on the ballot in an election, the secretary of state or county clerk shall transmit without charge to an electronic address provided in the request a complete copy of entries made in the absentee ballot register statewide or in the county. Such transmissions shall be made daily beginning four weeks immediately prior to the election through the Saturday immediately following the election."

     SECTION 7. Section 1-6-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 134, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. The secretary of state shall prescribe the form of, procure and distribute to each county clerk a supply of:

                (1) official inner envelopes for use in sealing the completed mailed ballot;

                (2) official mailing envelopes for use in returning the official inner envelope to the county clerk, which shall be postage-paid; provided that only the official mailing envelope for absentee ballots in a political party primary shall contain a designation of party affiliation;

                (3) mailed ballot instructions, describing proper methods for completion of the ballot and returning it; and

                (4) official transmittal envelopes for use by the county clerk in sending mailed ballot materials.

          B. Official transmittal envelopes and official mailing envelopes for transmission of mailed ballot materials to and from the county clerk and voters shall be printed in black in substantially similar form. All official inner envelopes shall be printed in black.

          C. The reverse of each official mailing envelope shall contain a form to be executed under penalty of perjury by the voter completing the mailed ballot. The form shall identify the voter and shall contain the pre-printed name of the voter to whom the ballot was sent and the following statement to be affirmed by the voter: "I attest under penalty of perjury that I am the voter identified on this official mailing envelope and that I have not and will not vote any other ballot in this election.". The official mailing envelope shall contain a space for the voter to record the voter's signature and [the last four digits of] the voter's social security number, which shall constitute the required voter identification. Under the space for the voter's signature shall be the following statement: "NOTICE: The only people who may lawfully mail or deliver this ballot to the county clerk are the voter, a member of the voter's immediate family or household, the voter's caregiver or a person with whom the voter has a continuing personal relationship.". The envelope shall have a security flap to cover this information."

     SECTION 8. Section 1-6-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 136, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. Completed official mailing envelopes that are received at the county clerk's office or a polling place or that are retrieved from the post office or a monitored secured container shall be accepted until 7:00 p.m. on election day. A completed official mailing envelope received after that time shall not be qualified or opened but shall be preserved by the county clerk for the applicable retention period provided in Section 1-12-69 NMSA 1978. The county clerk shall report the number of late ballots from voters, uniformed-service voters and overseas voters and report the number from each category to date on the final mailed ballot report and as part of the county canvass report. If additional late ballots are received, the county clerk shall update the number of late ballots from each category to the secretary of state.

          B. On the day a returned mailed ballot is received by the county clerk, the county clerk shall mark the date of receipt on the outside of the official mailing envelope. Within one business day of receiving a returned official mailing envelope, the county clerk shall remove the privacy flap to verify that the voter signed the official mailing envelope and to confirm that [the last four digits of] the social security number provided by the voter [match] matches the information available to the county clerk; provided that no county clerk or deputy county clerk shall perform the verification process pursuant to this subsection unless the county clerk or deputy county clerk would also meet the requirements to be a challenger, watcher or election observer pursuant to Paragraphs (1) through (4) of Subsection C of Section 1-2-22 NMSA 1978.

          C. If the voter's signature is present and [the last four digits of] the voter's social security number [match] matches, the county clerk shall note in the absentee ballot register that the information required to be provided by the voter under the privacy flap has been verified and shall safely keep the official mailing envelope unopened in a locked and number-sealed ballot box until it is delivered to the absent voter election board.

          D. If either the voter's signature is missing or [the last four digits of] the voter's social security number [are] is not provided or [do] does not match, the county clerk shall make the appropriate notation in the absentee ballot register and shall safely keep the official mailing envelope unopened in a secured ballot box designated for those official mailing envelopes received that are missing the voter's signature or [the last four digits of] the voter's social security number or where [the last four digits of] the social security number [do] does not match the information available to the county clerk. The county clerk shall immediately send the voter a notice to cure containing information regarding how the voter may provide documentation to cure the missing or incorrect information.

          E. If [pursuant to Subsection F of Section 1-6-4 NMSA 1978] the voter was notified of the need to comply with federal identification requirements when returning the requested ballot and failed to comply, the county clerk shall preserve the inner envelope with the official mailing envelope and write "Rejected" on the front of the official mailing envelope, and the county clerk shall update the ballot register accordingly and immediately send the voter a notice to cure containing information regarding how the voter may provide the missing or incorrect information. The county clerk shall place the official mailing envelope with the attached inner envelope in a container provided for rejected ballots; provided that if the county clerk was required to open the inner envelope to determine that the required documentary identification was not included, the untallied ballot shall be returned to the inner envelope and preserved along with the official mailing envelope in a container for this purpose.

          F. The voter may provide the missing or corrected information at any time up to the conclusion of the appeal process for rejected ballots. If a voter provides the missing or corrected information:

                (1) before the absent voter election board has been convened, the county clerk shall attach the documentation to the unopened official mailing envelope, update the ballot register accordingly and transfer the ballot to the locked and number-sealed ballot box until it is delivered to the absent voter election board;

                (2) after the absent voter election board has been convened, the county clerk shall attach the documentation to the unopened official mailing envelope, update the ballot register accordingly and transfer the ballot to the absent voter election board;

                (3) after the adjournment of the absent voter election board but before the conclusion of the county canvass process, the county clerk shall attach the documentation to the unopened official mailing envelope, update the ballot register accordingly and transfer the ballot to an election board convened to assist in preparation of the county canvass report; and

                (4) after approval of the county canvass report, the voter may appeal in accordance with appeal procedures for provisional ballots established by rule of the secretary of state pursuant to Section 1-12-25.2 NMSA 1978.

          G. In a statewide election, if the unopened official mailing envelope is received by the county clerk from an election board before the absent voter election board has adjourned, the unopened official mailing envelope shall be transmitted to the absent voter election board to be tallied immediately. If the unopened official mailing envelope is received by the county clerk from an election board after the absent voter election board has adjourned, the unopened official mailing envelope shall be transmitted to an election board convened to assist in preparation of the county canvass report to be tallied and included in the canvass report of that county for the appropriate precinct."

     SECTION 9. A new section of Chapter 1, Article 12 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read:

     "[NEW MATERIAL] CONDUCT OF ELECTION--CHALLENGES TO A VOTER'S IDENTIFICATION.--If the required voter identification is challenged because it does not conform to the requirements of Section 1-1-24 NMSA 1978, the voter shall be allowed to vote on a provisional ballot."

     SECTION 10. Section 1-12-7.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 112, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. At each election day polling location, other than a consolidated precinct where any voter in the county may vote, the precinct board shall post securely at or near the entrance of the polling place one copy of an alphabetical list of voters and a map of the precincts represented in that polling place for use of the voters prior to voting. The posted copy shall not contain a listing of voter addresses, years, months or days of birth or social security numbers.

          B. At each polling location where physical rosters are used, the presiding judge of the precinct board shall assign one judge or election clerk of the board to be in charge of one copy of the checklist of voters, which shall be used to confirm the registration and voting of each person offering to vote.

          C. The presiding judge of the precinct board shall assign one judge or election clerk to be in charge of the signature roster.

          D. The judge or election clerk assigned to confirm registration shall determine that each person offering to vote is registered and, in the case of a primary election, that the voter is registered in a party designated on the primary election ballot. If the person's registration is confirmed and the voter provides the required voter identification, the judge or election clerk shall announce to the judges or election clerks the list number and the name of the voter as shown on the checklist of voters. If the voter does not provide the required voter identification, the voter shall be allowed to vote on a provisional paper ballot and shall provide the required voter identification to the county clerk's office before 5:00 p.m. on the second day following the election, or to the precinct board before the polls close, or the voter's provisional ballot shall not be qualified. If the required voter identification is provided, the voter's provisional paper ballot shall be qualified and the voter shall not vote on any other type of ballot.

          E. The judge or election clerk shall locate the name on the signature roster and shall require the voter to sign the voter's usual signature or, if unable to write, to make the voter's mark opposite the voter's printed name. If the voter makes the voter's mark, it shall be witnessed by one of the judges or election clerks of the precinct board.

          [F. If the signature roster indicates that the voter is required to present a physical form of identification before voting, the judge or election clerk shall ask the voter for the required physical form of identification. If the voter does not provide the required identification, the voter shall be allowed to vote on a provisional paper ballot; provided, however, that if the voter brings the required physical form of identification to the polling place after casting a provisional paper ballot, that ballot shall be qualified.

          G.] F. The judge or election clerk shall follow the procedures provided for in Sections 1-12-7.2 and 1-12-8 NMSA 1978 if a person whose name does not appear on the signature roster requests to vote or a person is required to vote on a provisional paper ballot.

          [H.] G. A voter shall not be permitted to vote until the voter has properly signed the voter's usual signature or made the voter's mark in the signature roster."

     SECTION 11. Section 1-12-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 247, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A person shall be permitted to vote on a provisional paper ballot even though the person's original certificate of registration cannot be found in the county register or even if the person's name does not appear on the signature roster; provided that:

                (1) the person's residence is within the boundaries of the county in which the person offers to vote;

                (2) the person's name is not on the list of persons submitting absentee ballots; and

                (3) the person executes a statement swearing or affirming to the best of the person's knowledge that the person is a qualified elector, is currently registered and eligible to vote in that county and has not cast a ballot or voted in that election.

          [B. A voter shall vote on a provisional paper ballot if the voter:

                (1) has not previously voted in a general election in New Mexico or has been purged from the voter list;

                (2) registered to vote by mail;

                (3) did not submit the physical form of the required voter identification with the certificate of registration form; and

                (4) does not present to the election judge a physical form of the required voter identification.

          C.] B. A voter shall vote on a provisional paper ballot in accordance with the provisions of Section 1-12-7.1 NMSA 1978 if the voter does not provide the required voter identification to the election judge.

          [D.] C. A judge or election clerk shall have the voter sign the signature roster and issue the voter a provisional paper ballot, an outer envelope and an official inner envelope. The voter shall vote on the provisional paper ballot in secrecy and, when done, place the ballot in the official inner envelope and place the official inner envelope in the outer envelope and return it to the judge or election clerk. The judge or election clerk shall ensure that the required information is completed on the outer envelope, have the voter sign it in the appropriate place and place it in an envelope designated for provisional paper ballots.

          [E.] D. Knowingly executing a false statement constitutes perjury as provided in the Criminal Code, and voting on the basis of such falsely executed statement constitutes fraudulent voting."

     SECTION 12. Section 1-12-20 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 240, Section 273, as amended) is amended to read:

     "1-12-20. CONDUCT OF ELECTION--INTERPOSING CHALLENGES.--A challenge may be interposed by a member of the precinct board or by a party challenger for the following reasons:

          A. the person offering to vote is not registered to vote;

          B. the person offering to vote is listed among those persons to whom an absentee ballot was mailed;

          C. the person offering to vote has already cast a ballot in that election;

          D. the person offering to vote is improperly registered because the person is not a qualified elector; [or]

          E. the required voter identification that the person presents does not conform to the requirements of Section 1-1-24 NMSA 1978; or

          [E.] F. in the case of a primary election, the person desiring to vote is not affiliated with a political party represented on the ballot."

     SECTION 13. Section 1-12-25.3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2003, Chapter 356, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. At a minimum, the following information shall be printed on the outer envelope for a provisional paper ballot:

                (1) the name and signature of the voter;

                (2) the voter's registered address, both present and former if applicable;

                (3) the voter's date of birth;

                (4) the reason for using the ballot;

                (5) the precinct and the polling place at which the voter has voted; and

                (6) sufficient space to list the disposition of the ballot after review by the county clerk.

          B. A provisional paper ballot shall not be rejected for lack of the information required by this section and shall be qualified as long as the voter provides a valid signature and sufficient information for the clerk to determine the voter is a qualified elector and has provided a copy of the required voter identification."

     SECTION 14. Section 1-24-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2019, Chapter 212, Section 156, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. All special elections in this state shall be conducted absentee. Mailed ballots shall be used exclusively for voting in special elections. Except as otherwise provided in the Special Election Act, all special elections in this state shall be conducted and canvassed as provided in the Election Code.

          B. Without requiring a voter to file an application to receive a ballot, the county clerk shall send a mailed ballot to every voter of the county or local public body, except a voter:

                (1) who was sent a notice pursuant to Subsection C of Section 1-4-28 NMSA 1978 and who has not returned the prepaid and pre-addressed return card sent pursuant to that section and has not filed a new certificate of registration with a new address;

                (2) whose voter notification pursuant to Section 1-11-4.1 NMSA 1978 or official election-related mail sent through a uniform, nondiscriminatory process was returned to the county clerk or the secretary of state as undeliverable and the voter has not communicated with the county clerk that the official voter notification or election-related mail was returned as undeliverable in error or filed a certificate of registration with a new address; or

                (3) whose ballot is delivered pursuant to the provisions of the Intimate Partner Violence Survivor Suffrage Act.

          C. Forty-two days before the election or in the case of a voter notification returned to the county clerk, as soon thereafter as practicable, the county clerk shall send to each voter of the county or local public body described in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection B of this section notice, sent by forwardable mail, that the voter will not be sent a ballot for the special election unless the voter updates the voter's address as provided by the Election Code or informs the county clerk that the address on the certificate of registration is valid. The notice shall include contact information for the office of the county clerk and an internet address where the voter may update the voter's address or communicate with the county clerk. The mailed ballot register shall note which voters were sent a notice pursuant to this subsection.

          D. Between the twenty-seventh and twenty-fifth day before the election, pursuant to Subsection B of this section, the county clerk shall send to each voter a ballot for the special election, along with a postage-paid return envelope, a notice that there will be no traditional polling places for the election, the recommended deadline to deposit the voted mailed ballot with the United States postal service for return by mail, the deadline for the ballot to be received by the county clerk and a list of the times and locations of monitored secured containers available in the county.

          E. Beginning twenty-two days before the election, the county clerk shall issue replacement and provisional ballots as provided in the Absent Voter Act for the mailed ballot process. In addition, the county clerk shall send a ballot to any voter described in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Subsection B of this section who has not previously been sent a ballot if the voter submits an application pursuant to Section 1-6-4 NMSA 1978.

          [F. When required by federal law, if the voter has on file with the county a valid certificate of registration that indicates that the voter is a new registrant in the state and who registered by mail without submitting the required documentary identification, the county clerk shall notify the voter that the voter must submit with the mailed ballot the required documentary identification from the list in Paragraph (3) of Subsection I of Section 1-4-5.1 NMSA 1978. The county clerk shall note on the mailed ballot register and signature roster that the applicant's mailed ballot must be returned with the required documentary identification.]"

     SECTION 15. Section 66-5-408 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, Chapter 35, Section 335, as amended) is amended to read:

     "66-5-408. FEES.--

          A. Upon application for an identification card with a four-year term, there shall be paid to the department a fee of five dollars ($5.00). Upon application for an identification card with an eight-year term, there shall be paid to the department a fee of ten dollars ($10.00). A fee shall not be charged to an applicant for an identification card if the applicant:

                (1) is at least seventy-five years of age or a homeless individual; or

                (2) will be at least eighteen years of age on

the date of the next general election and the person signs a

statement requesting an identification card at no cost for

voter identification purposes.

          B. The department with the approval of the governor may increase the amount of the identification card fee by an amount not to exceed three dollars ($3.00) for the purpose of implementing an enhanced licensing system; provided that for an identification card issued for an eight-year period, the amount of the fee shall be twice the amount charged for other identification cards. The additional amounts collected pursuant to this subsection are appropriated to the department to defray the expense of the new system of licensing and for use as set forth in the provisions of Subsection F of Section 66-6-13 NMSA 1978. Unexpended and unencumbered balances from fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this subsection at the end of any fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall be expended by the department in fiscal year 2010 and subsequent fiscal years.

          C. As used in this section, "homeless individual" means an individual:

                (1) who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence, including an individual who:

                     (a) lives in the housing of another person due to that individual's loss of housing, economic hardship or other reason related to that individual's lack of a fixed residence;

                     (b) lives in a motel, hotel, trailer park or camping ground due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;

                     (c) lives in an emergency or transitional shelter;

                     (d) sleeps in a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; or

                     (e) lives in an automobile, a park, a public space, an abandoned building, substandard housing, a bus station, a train station or a similar setting; and

                (2) whose homelessness can be verified through an attestation, which shall not be required to be notarized, by one of the following:

                     (a) a public or private governmental or nonprofit agency that provides services to homeless individuals;

                     (b) a local education agency homeless liaison, school counselor or school nurse;

                     (c) a social worker licensed in the state; or

                     (d) the homeless individual."

     SECTION 16. REPEAL.--Section 1-12-4.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2005, Chapter 270, Section 59) is repealed.

     SECTION 17. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the provisions of this act is July 1, 2025.

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