Sun Mar 9 6:12AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session
House Consumer & Public Affairs | Member | Tuesday & Thursday | 1:30 PM | 317 |
House Rural Development, Land Grants And Cultural Affairs | Ranking Member | Tuesday & Thursday | 9:00 AM | 305 |
Sunday (Today) | Monday (Tomorrow) | Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete) | |
Morning |
Committee Meetings: HRDLC - 9:30 AM Room 305 Role: Ranking Member |
Sponsored Bills Being Heard in Committee: HTPWC - 9:00 AM Room 309 HB580 Elk License Plate | |
Afternoon |
HB318 💲 | Penalty for Resisting or Evading Officers |
Sponsors: HB318
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB319 💲 | Quail as "Game Bird" & Raising Without Permit |
Sponsors: HB319
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HAAWC ❓ | Was scheduled for Feb 18. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled. | |||
HGEIC | |||||||
HB320 💲 | Necrophilia as a Crime |
Sponsors: HB320
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB321 💲 | Penalty for Careless Driving & Death |
Sponsors: HB321
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB322 | Increase Penalties for Certain Crimes |
Sponsors: HB322
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
*HB381 | Pretrial Detention Presumption |
Sponsors: HB381
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB382 | Family in Need of Court-Ordered Services |
Sponsors: HB382
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HHHC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HAFC | |||||||
HB383 💲 | Exposure to Fentanyl Use as Child Abuse |
Sponsors: HB383
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HAFC | |||||||
HB384 💲 | Repeal Firearm Sale Waiting Period |
Sponsors: HB384
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB385 | Chemical Castration of Some Sex Offenders |
Sponsors: HB385
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB485 💲 | School Marshal Act |
Sponsors: HB485
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HEC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB486 💲 | Background Checks for Returning Children |
Sponsors: HB486
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HHHC | Tabled in committee | |||
HB535 💲 | Termination of States of Emergency |
Sponsors: HB535
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HGEIC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB565 | Gun Waiting Period for Law Enforcement |
Sponsors: HB565
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB566 | Gun Waiting Period & Law Enforcement |
Sponsors: HB566
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB576 💲 | Museum & Park Admission for Adopted Children |
Sponsors: HB576
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HRDLC ✓ | Passed, Feb 27, with Do Pass recommendation | |||
HAFC | [Referred, not scheduled] | ||||||
HB580 💲 | Elk License Plate |
Sponsors: HB580
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HTPWC | 🗓 Tue Mar 11 | 9:00 AM | Room 309 | |
HAFC | |||||||
HJR6 💲 | Recall of Public Officers, CA |
Sponsors: HJR6
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HGEIC ❓ | Was scheduled for Feb 12. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled. | |||
HJC | |||||||
HJR14 | Denial of Bail, CA |
Sponsors: HJR14
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HGEIC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HJR21 | Termination of Declarations of Emergency, CA |
Sponsors: HJR21
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HGEIC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HM38 | Restoration of Route 66 |
Sponsors: HM38
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HTPWC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HM46 | "Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month" |
Sponsors: HM46
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
House | 🗓 Sat Mar 8 | 12:00 PM | House Floor | |
HR3 | Articles of Impeachment |
Sponsors: HR3
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
HGEIC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HB23 💲 | "Iron Horse" Motorcycle License Plates |
Sponsors: HB23
Rep. Art De La Cruz (D)
HTPWC ✓ | Passed, Feb 18, with Do Pass recommendation | |||
HJC | [Referred, not scheduled] | ||||||
HB83 💲 | Permitless Carry of Firearms |
Sponsors: HB83
Rep. John Block (R)
HCPAC | Tabled in committee | |||
HB170 | Require Voter I.d. |
Sponsors: HB170
Rep. John Block (R)
HGEIC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB316 💲 | Interference with Federal Immigration Law |
Sponsors: HB316
Rep. John Block (R)
HCPAC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HJC | |||||||
HB437 💲 | Foster Care Organization Tax Credit |
Sponsors: HB437
Rep. Mark Duncan (R)
HHHC ✓ | Passed, Mar 3, with Committee Substitution | |||
HTRC | [Referred, not scheduled] | ||||||
HJR13 | State Board of Education, CA |
Sponsors: HJR13
Rep. John Block (R)
HEC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HGEIC | |||||||
HJC | |||||||
HM7 | "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" |
Sponsors: HM7
Rep. Randall T. Pettigrew (R)
HJC ❓ | Was scheduled for Feb 5. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled. | |||
HM42 | Didelphis Virginiana, Important Marsupial |
Sponsors: HM42
Rep. John Block (R)
House | 🗓 Sat Mar 8 | 12:00 PM | House Floor | |
HR2 | Articles of Impeachment |
Sponsors: HR2
Rep. John Block (R)
HGEIC | [Referred, not scheduled] | |||
HCPAC | |||||||
HJC | |||||||
SB152 💲 | County Petition for Cannabis License Pause |
Sponsors: SB152
Sen. Elizabeth "Liz" Stefanics (D)
STBTC ✓ | Passed, Feb 13, with Do Pass recommendation | |||
SJC ❓ | Was scheduled for Feb 26. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled. | ||||||
SB183 💲 | Economic Development in Lower Estancia Valley |
Sponsors: SB183
Sen. Elizabeth "Liz" Stefanics (D)
STBTC ❓ | Was scheduled for Feb 20. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled. | |||
SFC | |||||||
SB314 💲 | Torrance County NM History Curriculum |
Sponsors: SB314
Sen. Elizabeth "Liz" Stefanics (D)
SEC ✓ | Passed, Feb 19, with Do Pass, as amended | |||
SFC | [Referred, not scheduled] |
House Consumer & Public Affairs | |||||
2025-01-28 | HB12 💲 | Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Changes |
Sponsors: HB12
Rep. Joy Garratt (D)
No | |
HB27 💲 | Librarian Protection Act |
Sponsors: HB27
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
No | ||
HB26 💲 | Ticket Resale At State And Nonprofit Events |
Sponsors: HB26
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
No | ||
HB4 💲 | Criminal Competency & Treatment |
Sponsors: HB4
Rep. Christine Chandler (D)
Yes | ||
2025-01-30 | HB39 💲 | Juvenile Record in Firearm Background Checks |
Sponsors: HB39
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
No | |
HB31 💲 | Fourth Degree Felony for Shooting Threat |
Sponsors: HB31
Rep. Joy Garratt (D)
Absent | ||
CS/ HB60 💲 | Artificial Intelligence Act |
Sponsors: HB60
Rep. Christine Chandler (D)
Absent | ||
2025-02-03 | HB38 💲 | Possession of Weapon Conversion Device |
Sponsors: HB38
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
No | |
HB50 💲 | Penalties for Vehicle Thefts |
Sponsors: HB50
Rep. Cynthia Borrego (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-04 | HB89 💲 | Graduate Scholarship Act Changes |
Sponsors: HB89
Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D)
No | |
HB86 💲 | Human Trafficking Changes |
Sponsors: HB86
Rep. Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson (D)
Yes | ||
HB87 💲 | Non-Consensual Touching Clarification |
Sponsors: HB87
Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D)
Yes | ||
CS/ HB73 💲 | Childhood Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations |
Sponsors: HB73
Rep. Marianna Anaya (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-06 | HB103 💲 | Battery on Peace Officer Penalty |
Sponsors: HB103
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
Yes | |
HB124 💲 | Death of Protected Person or Guardian |
Sponsors: HB124
Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary (D)
No | ||
HB101 💲 | Firearm At Polling Place for Law Enforcement |
Sponsors: HB101
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
Yes | ||
HB102 💲 | Violent Felonies for Meritorious Deduction |
Sponsors: HB102
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
Yes | ||
2025-02-08 | HB132 💲 | Repeal of Deposit of Will |
Sponsors: HB132
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
Yes | |
HB104 💲 | Crimes Against Peace Officer Definitions |
Sponsors: HB104
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
Yes | ||
2025-02-11 | HB111 💲 | Search for Missing Qualified Service Animal |
Sponsors: HB111
Rep. Marian Matthews (D)
Yes | |
CS/ HB153 💲 | Protect Reporters From Exploitative Spying |
Sponsors: HB153
Rep. Sarah Silva (D)
No | ||
CS/ HB169 💲 | Public Expression Protection Act |
Sponsors: HB169
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
No | ||
HB154 💲 | Bingo & Raffle Act Exemptions |
Sponsors: HB154
Rep. Martin R. Zamora (R)
Yes | ||
2025-02-13 | HB197 💲 | Expand "Silver Alert" Definition |
Sponsors: HB197
Rep. Joseph Sanchez (D)
Yes | |
2025-02-15 | CS/ HB255 💲 | Rename "Juvenile Corrections Act" |
Sponsors: HB255
Rep. Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson (D)
Absent | |
HB250 💲 | Menstrual Products in Correctional Facilities |
Sponsors: HB250
Rep. Janelle Anyanonu (D)
No | ||
CS/ HB76 💲 | Congenital Heart Disease Tests for Infants |
Sponsors: HB76
Rep. Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson (D)
No | ||
CS/ HB253 💲 | Sealing of Certain Court Records |
Sponsors: HB253
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
No | ||
2025-02-18 | HB9 💲 | Immigrant Safety Act |
Sponsors: HB9
Rep. Eleanor Chávez (D)
No | |
HB287 💲 | Telephone, Text & Social Media Crimes |
Sponsors: HB287
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
Yes | ||
HB281 💲 | Hair Braiding Licensure |
Sponsors: HB281
Rep. Janelle Anyanonu (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-20 | HB339 💲 | Housing Discrimination & Human Rights Act |
Sponsors: HB339
Rep. Angelica Rubio (D)
No | |
2025-02-22 | *HB17 💲 | Commission on Reduction of Grocery Costs |
Sponsors: HB17
Rep. Charlotte Little (D)
No | |
CS/ HB442 💲 | Mobile Home Rent Stabilization |
Sponsors: HB442
Rep. Marian Matthews (D)
No | ||
HB406 💲 | Victim Recovery for Incarcerated |
Sponsors: HB406
Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D)
Yes | ||
HB418 💲 | Mobile Home Rental Agreements & Landlords |
Sponsors: HB418
Rep. Cristina Parajón (D)
No | ||
HB440 💲 | Homeowners Assoc. Liens |
Sponsors: HB440
Rep. Tara L. Lujan (D)
No | ||
2025-02-25 | HB405 💲 | Volunteer Firefighter Svc. & Training |
Sponsors: HB405
Rep. Anita Gonzales (D)
Yes | |
HB532 💲 | Student Water Safety Guidance |
Sponsors: HB532
Rep. Joseph Sanchez (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-27 | SB17 💲 | Parole & Parole Board Changes |
Sponsors: SB17
Sen. Leo Jaramillo (D)
Yes | |
SB72 💲 | Nonprofit Condo Assoc. Remote Business |
Sponsors: SB72
Sen. Peter Wirth (D)
Yes | ||
HB554 💲 | Residential Home Building Authorization |
Sponsors: HB554
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
No | ||
HB470 💲 | "Neglected Child" Definition |
Sponsors: HB470
Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D)
No | ||
HB518 | LGBTQ+ Day |
Sponsors: HB518
Rep. Marianna Anaya (D)
Absent | ||
2025-03-04 | CS/ HB125 💲 | Liability Waivers for Conservators |
Sponsors: HB125
Rep. Marian Matthews (D)
No | |
2025-03-06 | HB462 💲 | Nonpayment of Rent Notice Period |
Sponsors: HB462
Rep. Tara L. Lujan (D)
No |
House Rural Development, Land Grants And Cultural Affairs | |||||
2025-01-28 | HB41 💲 | Public Project Fund Appropriations |
Sponsors: HB41
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
Yes | |
HB21 💲 | Land Grant-Merced Assistance Fund Changes |
Sponsors: HB21
Rep. Matthew McQueen (D)
Yes | ||
CS/ HB24 💲 | Community Governance Attorneys Changes |
Sponsors: HB24
Rep. Miguel P. García (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-05 | HB172 💲 | "New Mexico Red & Green Chile Month" |
Sponsors: HB172
Rep. Rebecca Dow (R)
Yes | |
2025-02-06 | CS/ HB191 💲 | Wildfire Suppression & Preparedness Funds |
Sponsors: HB191
Rep. Nathan P. Small (D)
Yes | |
2025-02-11 | HB228 💲 | Local Restrictions on Certain Fences |
Sponsors: HB228
Rep. Linda Serrato (D)
Excused | |
HB227 💲 | Child Care Facility Qualifying Entities |
Sponsors: HB227
Rep. Linda Serrato (D)
Excused | ||
HB226 💲 | Increase Rural Health Care Tax Credit |
Sponsors: HB226
Rep. Alan T. Martinez (R)
Excused | ||
2025-02-13 | HB273 💲 | Certain Natural Gas as Renewable Energy |
Sponsors: HB273
Rep. Randall T. Pettigrew (R)
Yes | |
HB161 💲 | State Park Day Passes for Veterans |
Sponsors: HB161
Rep. Rebecca Dow (R)
Yes | ||
HB288 💲 | Chaparral Local Governance Study |
Sponsors: HB288
Rep. Sarah Silva (D)
Yes | ||
HB239 💲 | Espanola Lowrider Museum |
Sponsors: HB239
Rep. Susan K. Herrera (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-18 | HB315 💲 | Archaeology Field School Education Program |
Sponsors: HB315
Rep. Luis M. Terrazas (R)
Yes | |
HB326 💲 | Small Business Disaster Relief Tax Credit |
Sponsors: HB326
Rep. Anita Gonzales (D)
Yes | ||
HB330 💲 | Land Grant-Merced & Acequia Infrastructure |
Sponsors: HB330
Rep. Miguel P. García (D)
Yes | ||
2025-02-20 | HB351 💲 | Storm Event Zero-Interest Loans |
Sponsors: HB351
Rep. Mark B. Murphy (R)
Yes | |
HB334 💲 | Rural Electric Co-Op Wildfire Liability Act |
Sponsors: HB334
Rep. Meredith A. Dixon (D)
Yes | ||
HB411 💲 | State Mineral |
Sponsors: HB411
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
Yes | ||
2025-02-25 | HB519 💲 | African American Arts Center Directors |
Sponsors: HB519
Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D)
Excused | |
HB521 💲 | Agritourism Promotion Act |
Sponsors: HB521
Rep. John Block (R)
Yes | ||
HB419 💲 | Correctional Reentry Workforce Program |
Sponsors: HB419
Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D)
Excused | ||
2025-02-27 | HB576 💲 | Museum & Park Admission for Adopted Children |
Sponsors: HB576
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
Excused | |
HB571 💲 | Building Housing Communities |
Sponsors: HB571
Rep. Rebecca Dow (R)
Excused | ||
SB47 💲 | Santa Cruz De La Canada Land Grant |
Sponsors: SB47
Sen. Leo Jaramillo (D)
Excused | ||
2025-03-04 | HB265 💲 | Creative Industries Fund |
Sponsors: HB265
Rep. Reena Szczepanski (D)
Excused | |
HB219 💲 | Slot Canyon Riverlands State Park |
Sponsors: HB219
Rep. Nathan P. Small (D)
Excused |
This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.
Jan 23 | office: '' -> '203HN' |
office_phone: '' -> '986-4453' | |
Jan 25 | session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List' |
Jan 27 | sponsored: SB152 County Petition for Cannabis License Pause |
Jan 28 | sponsored: HB170 Require Voter I.d. |
sponsored: HJR6 Recall of Public Officers, CA | |
Jan 29 | sponsored: HM7 "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" |
sponsored: SB183 Economic Development in Lower Estancia Valley | |
Jan 31 | district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Joe Nalbone' |
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> '' | |
district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5622' | |
sponsored: HB23 "Iron Horse" Motorcycle License Plates | |
Feb 7 | sponsored: HB316 Interference with Federal Immigration Law |
sponsored: HB318 Penalty for Resisting or Evading Officers | |
sponsored: HB319 Quail as "Game Bird" & Raising Without Permit | |
sponsored: HB320 Necrophilia as a Crime | |
sponsored: HB321 Penalty for Careless Driving & Death | |
sponsored: HB322 Increase Penalties for Certain Crimes | |
sponsored: HJR13 State Board of Education, CA | |
sponsored: HJR14 Denial of Bail, CA | |
sponsored: HR2 Articles of Impeachment | |
sponsored: SB314 Torrance County NM History Curriculum | |
Feb 11 | sponsored: HB381 Pretrial Detention Presumption |
sponsored: HB382 Family in Need of Court-Ordered Services | |
sponsored: HB383 Exposure to Fentanyl Use as Child Abuse | |
sponsored: HB384 Repeal Firearm Sale Waiting Period | |
sponsored: HB385 Chemical Castration of Some Sex Offenders | |
Feb 17 | sponsored: HB437 Foster Care Organization Tax Credit |
Feb 20 | sponsored: HB485 School Marshal Act |
sponsored: HB486 Background Checks for Returning Children | |
sponsored: HB535 Termination of States of Emergency | |
sponsored: HB565 Gun Waiting Period for Law Enforcement | |
sponsored: HB566 Gun Waiting Period & Law Enforcement | |
sponsored: HB576 Museum & Park Admission for Adopted Children | |
sponsored: HB580 Elk License Plate | |
Feb 21 | sponsored: HJR21 Termination of Declarations of Emergency, CA |
sponsored: HM38 Restoration of Route 66 | |
sponsored: HR3 Articles of Impeachment | |
Feb 25 | sponsored: HM42 Didelphis Virginiana, Important Marsupial |
Feb 26 | office_phone: '986-4453' -> '505-986-4453' |
Feb 28 | sponsored: HM46 "Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month" |
Legislators: | Democratic sponsorship | Republican sponsorship | Bipartisan sponsorship | This indicates your legislator (Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in) |
Bill Rows: | Active -- hearings scheduled | (NN) - sequence number in agenda | Inactive -- no hearings scheduled | |
Bill Progress: | Passed | Failed Vote | Tabled | |
Incomplete Data: | Heard(?) (was scheduled for hearing recently) |
Heard Long Ago (was scheduled for hearing many days ago) |
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results) |
This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.