Sun Mar 9 6:05AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Representative Martin R. Zamora (R-63) [view on]

Representative since 2019

Standing Committees

House Agriculture, Acequias And Water Resources Ranking Member Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 AM 315
House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 AM 305

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Sponsored Bills Being Heard in Committee:
 HHHC - 8:30 AM Room 307
   HB551 Health Care Authority Debt Procedures

Bills Introduced

HB90 💲 Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment Program HECWas scheduled for Feb 7. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB154 💲 Bingo & Raffle Act Exemptions HousePassed, Mar 1, 63-1
STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB155 💲 Gaming Control Board Director Qualifications House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 
HB300 💲 Seizure Safe Schools Act HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB301 💲 Improve Silver Alerts HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB390 💲 Curry County Water Lines HENRCPassed, Feb 20, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB474 💲 Trail Life Use License Plate HTPWCTabled in committee
HB551 💲 Health Care Authority Debt Procedures HHHC🗓 Mon Mar 108:30 AMRoom 307 

Bills Cosponsored

*HB206 💲 NMFA Water Project Fund Projects HousePassed 63-0
SCONCPassed, Mar 6, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB359   Perjury for False Legislative Testimony HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB572 💲 Registration of Non-Citizens to Vote HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB573   Notice of Voting Eligibility to Non-Citizens HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB188 💲 Rooftop Solar Panel Installation Complaints SCONCPassed, Feb 13, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]

Vote Record

House Agriculture, Acequias And Water Resources
2025-01-28 HB85 💲 Prohibiting Nonfunctional Turf Installation No
2025-01-30 HB126 💲 Soil And Water Conservation Districts Funding Yes
CS/  HB34 💲 Oil Conservation Protect Health & Environment No
2025-02-04 HB150 💲 State Meat Processor Assistance Grants Yes
HB92 💲 Water Quality Construction Projects Funding Yes
2025-02-11 *HB206 💲 NMFA Water Project Fund Projects Yes
HB229 💲 NM-Grown Approved Supplier Program Yes
CS/  HB137 💲 Strategic Water Supply Act No
2025-02-13 HB240 💲 Drinking Water System Grants & Loans Yes
CS/  HB284 💲 Free-Roaming Horses & Livestock Code Yes
2025-02-18 HB348 💲 Water Law Violation Penalty Yes
HB356 💲 Protests for Replacement Wells Yes
2025-02-20 HB423 💲 Water Security Planning Act Funds Excused
HJM5   Protections for Upper Pecos Watershed Yes
CS/  HB311 💲 Reclaimed Water Act Yes
2025-02-25 HB431 💲 Appointment of Watershed Boards Yes
2025-02-27 HB569 💲 Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Yes
HB482 💲 Community Water System Assistance Project Yes
HB427 💲 Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Yes
2025-03-04 CS/  SB21 💲 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act No
2025-03-06 SB7 💲 Storm Water Service as Municipal Utility Yes
SB101 💲 Increase Certain Livestock Fees Yes

House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs
2025-01-29 CS/  *HB47 💲 Veteran Property Tax Exemptions Yes
HJR2 💲 Eliminate Pocket Vetoes, CA Yes
HJR1 💲 Session Length, Subjects & Overrides, CA No
2025-01-31 HB69 💲 Loan Forgiveness Multiplier Act Yes
HB75 💲 County & Tribal Health Councils Funding Yes
2025-02-03 HJR3 💲 Environmental Rights, CA No
2025-02-05 HB108 💲 Statewide Public Health And Climate Pgm No
HB113 💲 Animal Welfare Program And Trust Fund Yes
HB98 💲 Automatic Expungement of Eviction Records No
2025-02-07 HB16 💲 Fentanyl Trafficking Sentences Yes
HB91 💲 Public Utility Rate Structures Yes
HB118 💲 Professional Recruitment & Retention Act No
CS/  HB93 💲 Advanced Grid Technology Plans No
2025-02-08 HJR5 💲 CYFD Commission, CA No
HB6 💲 IRB Project Minimum Wage Excused
CS/  HB120 💲 Accessibility of State Agencies Excused
HB143 💲 Lobbying Activity Reports Excused
HB123 💲 Uniform Cohabitants' Economic Remedies Act Yes
2025-02-10 HB164 💲 Increase Retiree Cola Yes
CS/  HB194 💲 Cultural Expression At Graduation Ceremonies Yes
HB181 💲 State Trust Program Accountability Plan Yes
2025-02-12 HB155 💲 Gaming Control Board Director Qualifications Yes
HB180 💲 Speech Language Pathology License No
2025-02-14 HB172 💲 "New Mexico Red & Green Chile Month" Yes
CS/  *HB308 💲 Remove Mrgcd From Local Election Act Yes
HB203 💲 Use of State Devices for CYFD Business Yes
2025-02-15 HB157 💲 New School Licenses Yes
HB129 💲 Public Employee Probation Period No
HB193 💲 Study Public Education System Yes
HB214 💲 Doula Credentialing & Access Act Yes
HB117 💲 Death Certificate by Physician Assistant Yes
HB77 💲 Annual Federal Snap State Outreach Plans Yes
2025-02-17 HB111 💲 Search for Missing Qualified Service Animal Yes
HJR11 💲 Change Anti-Donation Clause, CA No
HJM2 💲 Combine Standing & Interim Committees Yes
2025-02-19 HB228 💲 Local Restrictions on Certain Fences No
HB192 💲 Digital Trunked Radio System Subscriber Fees Yes
HB62 💲 Uniform Investigative Demand Procedure No
HB199 💲 Tax Return Info for LFC Evaluation Yes
HB238 💲 Middle & High School Professional Work Hours Yes
HJR12 💲 College Boards of Regents Changes, CA Yes
HB208 💲 Hunting & Fishing License Voter Registration Yes
HB249 💲 Unemployment & Emergencies & Disasters Excused
2025-02-21 CS/  HB221 💲 Voice & Visual Likeness Rights Act No
HB291 💲 Recycling & State's Circular Economy Yes
HB114 💲 Ban Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants Yes
HJM6 💲 Strengthen Relations with Taiwan Yes
HJR8 💲 Legislative Session Changes, CA Yes
HB293 💲 Eliminate Social Security Tax Yes
HB260 💲 Allowable Responses to Student Behavior No
2025-02-24 HB297 💲 School Personnel Computer Science Licensure Yes
HB411 💲 State Mineral Yes
HB340 💲 Dna of Certain Offenders in Codis Yes
HB367 💲 Add Days of Live Horse Racing Yes
HB283 💲 Law Enforcement Records Changes Yes
2025-02-26 HM24 💲 Corrections & CYFD Staffing Levels No
HB428 💲 Rules Definitions for Corrections No
HB365 💲 Public Education Commission Staff Yes
HB244 💲 Magistrate Judge Minimum Age Yes
HJR10 💲 Allow Voting with Felony Conviction, CA No
2025-02-27 HB352 💲 Close & Relocate Certain Magistrate Courts Yes
2025-02-28 HM37   Mount Taylor as Cultural Property Excused
HB298 💲 Local Government Official Changes Yes
HM31   "Citizen Science Day" Yes
CS/  HB444 💲 Transfer Athletic Commission Authority Yes
2025-03-01 SB109 💲 PRC & Supporting Agency Yes
HB372 💲 Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act Changes Yes
HB526 💲 Voting Age for Local & Municipal Elections No
HB371 💲 Off-Highway Motor Vehicles on Roads Yes
*HB448 💲 Office of Housing Planning & Production Yes
HB453 💲 Housing Creditworthiness Assistance Program No
SB135 💲 Reimbursement for Certain Legislators Yes
*SB163 💲 Tribal Regalia At School Events Yes
2025-03-03 HB493 💲 Public Finance Accountability Act Yes
SB16 💲 Non-Major Party Voters in Primary Elections No
SB124 💲 Superintendent of Insurance Subpoenas Yes
HB386 💲 Governmental Accounting Class & Compensation Yes
SB36 💲 Sensitive Personal Information Nondisclosure No
2025-03-05 HM42   Didelphis Virginiana, Important Marsupial Yes
HB427 💲 Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Yes
HB459 💲 Pollinator Research No
HB439 💲 Public Safety Telecommunicator Cpr Training Yes
HB571 💲 Building Housing Communities Yes
HB468 💲 Retiring of State Flags Yes
HB518   LGBTQ+ Day No
SJR11 💲 School Elections Timing, CA Yes
HB405 💲 Volunteer Firefighter Svc. & Training Yes
CS/  HB438 💲 Employee Payment for Unused Leave No
CS/  HB477 💲 Lodger's Tax Exemption for Legislators Yes
2025-03-07 HB416 💲 Public Employee Pension Changes Yes
HM34 💲 Study Domestic Violence Service Gaps Yes
HM27 💲 Anti-Donation Clause Interim Committee Work No
HM40 💲 Study Office of Peace Yes
CS/  HB402 💲 Health Insurance Provider Info Loading Yes
CS/  HB343 💲 CYFD Plans of Safe Care for Certain Children Yes
HB554 💲 Residential Home Building Authorization No
2025-03-08 HR4   Prefiling for Members-Elect Excused
HB540 💲 Legislative Vacancies Eligibility & Process Excused
HM45 💲 Effect of Federal Actions on NM Residents Excused
HB286 💲 Crime Reduction Grant Act Applications Excused
HB369 💲 Insurance Licensing Times & Fees Excused
HB398 💲 Hmo & Contract Provider Exam Time Lines Excused

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '203EN'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4211'
Jan 25 session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List'
Jan 27 new role: House Agriculture, Acequias And Water Resources: Ranking Member
new role: House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs: Member
Jan 28 sponsored: HB154 Bingo & Raffle Act Exemptions
sponsored: HB155 Gaming Control Board Director Qualifications
Jan 29 sponsored: HB206 NMFA Water Project Fund Projects
sponsored: SB188 Rooftop Solar Panel Installation Complaints
Feb 5 sponsored: HB300 Seizure Safe Schools Act
sponsored: HB301 Improve Silver Alerts
Feb 11 sponsored: HB359 Perjury for False Legislative Testimony
Feb 12 sponsored: HB390 Curry County Water Lines
Feb 20 sponsored: HB474 Trail Life Use License Plate
sponsored: HB551 Health Care Authority Debt Procedures
sponsored: HB572 Registration of Non-Citizens to Vote
sponsored: HB573 Notice of Voting Eligibility to Non-Citizens
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4211' -> '505-986-4211'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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