Sun Mar 9 6:13AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Representative Tanya Mirabal Moya (R-7) [view on]

Representative since 2023

Legislative Aide: Dasha Wood - 505-946-5607 -

Standing Committees

House Agriculture, Acequias And Water Resources Ranking Member Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 AM 315
House Education Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 AM 309

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Morning Committee Meetings:
 HEC - 8:00 AM Room 309
   Role: Member

Bills Introduced

HB237 💲 Gross Receipts Credit for Certain Businesses HCEDCWas scheduled for Feb 10. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB254 💲 Ed. Retirees Returning to Work Time Period HLVMCPassed, Feb 11, with Do Pass, as amended
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB277 💲 Millage for Certain School Districts HECPassed, Feb 28, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HM10   "Valencia County Day" House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 
HM47 💲 Study Public School Employee Compensation HEC[Referred, not scheduled]

Bills Cosponsored

HB94 💲 Maximum Class Loads HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB193 💲 Study Public Education System Senate🗓 Sat Mar 81:00 PMSenate Floor 
HB200 💲 Additional School Program Units HECWas scheduled for Feb 26. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB201 💲 Raise School Employee Minimum Wage HECPassed, Feb 5, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB223 💲 Bilingual Education Cost Differential HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB251 💲 Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes HousePassed, Mar 5, 62-0
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB297 💲 School Personnel Computer Science Licensure HousePassed, Feb 26, 61-1
SECPassed, Mar 7, with Do Pass, as amended
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB422 💲 Teaching Resident Stipends HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB487 💲 Protection of Hispanic Education HECPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB512   Medical Residency Loan Repayment Act HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB306 💲 Valencia County Police Departments SIRCPassed, Feb 13, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]

Vote Record

House Agriculture, Acequias And Water Resources
2025-01-28 HB85 💲 Prohibiting Nonfunctional Turf Installation No
2025-01-30 HB126 💲 Soil And Water Conservation Districts Funding Yes
CS/  HB34 💲 Oil Conservation Protect Health & Environment No
2025-02-04 HB150 💲 State Meat Processor Assistance Grants Yes
HB92 💲 Water Quality Construction Projects Funding Yes
2025-02-11 *HB206 💲 NMFA Water Project Fund Projects Yes
HB229 💲 NM-Grown Approved Supplier Program Yes
CS/  HB137 💲 Strategic Water Supply Act No
2025-02-13 HB240 💲 Drinking Water System Grants & Loans Yes
CS/  HB284 💲 Free-Roaming Horses & Livestock Code Yes
2025-02-18 HB348 💲 Water Law Violation Penalty Yes
HB356 💲 Protests for Replacement Wells Yes
2025-02-20 HB423 💲 Water Security Planning Act Funds Yes
HJM5   Protections for Upper Pecos Watershed Yes
CS/  HB311 💲 Reclaimed Water Act Yes
2025-02-25 HB431 💲 Appointment of Watershed Boards Excused
2025-02-27 HB569 💲 Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Yes
HB482 💲 Community Water System Assistance Project Yes
HB427 💲 Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Yes
2025-03-04 CS/  SB21 💲 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act No
2025-03-06 SB7 💲 Storm Water Service as Municipal Utility Yes
SB101 💲 Increase Certain Livestock Fees Yes

House Education
2025-02-03 HB63 💲 Public School Funding Formula Changes Yes
HM2 💲 LESC Artificial Intelligence Work Group Yes
HB156 💲 Increase Educational Salaries Yes
2025-02-05 HB157 💲 New School Licenses Yes
HB201 💲 Raise School Employee Minimum Wage Yes
HB193 💲 Study Public Education System Yes
2025-02-07 HB167 💲 Higher Ed. Payment for Certain Tests Excused
2025-02-10 HB260 💲 Allowable Responses to Student Behavior No
HB64 💲 Expand Post-Secondary Tuition Eligibility Excused
2025-02-12 HB238 💲 Middle & High School Professional Work Hours Yes
HJR12 💲 College Boards of Regents Changes, CA Yes
2025-02-14 HB71 💲 Early Childhood Ed & Care Fund Transfers Yes
2025-02-17 HB89 💲 Graduate Scholarship Act Changes No
HB32 💲 Electric or Alt Fuel School Busses No
HB27 💲 Librarian Protection Act No
2025-02-19 HB297 💲 School Personnel Computer Science Licensure Yes
HB69 💲 Loan Forgiveness Multiplier Act Yes
2025-02-21 HB195 💲 School Nurse Salary Tiers & Minimums Yes
2025-02-24 HB365 💲 Public Education Commission Staff Yes
*HB65 💲 Instructional Days in School Year Yes
HB67 💲 Reasonable Assurance for Higher Ed Employees Yes
2025-02-26 HB251 💲 Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes Yes
HB375 💲 Graduate Behavioral Health Scholarship Act No
CS/  HB54 💲 Defibrillators in Every High School Yes
2025-02-28 *SB163 💲 Tribal Regalia At School Events Yes
HB433 💲 Study Career & Tech Education Yes
SB75 💲 Educational Retirement Changes Yes
HB277 💲 Millage for Certain School Districts Yes
2025-03-03 SB82 💲 Public School Capital Outlay Changes Yes
HB395 💲 Health Care Preceptor Tax Credit Yes
HB449 💲 Higher Education Major Projects Fund Yes
HB110 💲 Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact Yes
2025-03-05 HM32 💲 Study Means of Teacher Advancement Yes
HB487 💲 Protection of Hispanic Education Yes
HM43 💲 Hispanic & Bilingual Education Programs Yes
CS/  SB19 💲 Boards of Regents Training Requirements Yes
2025-03-07 HB532 💲 Student Water Safety Guidance Yes

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '203B'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4226'
district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Dasha Wood '
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ' '
district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5607 '
district_legislative_aide: 'Dasha Wood ' -> 'Dasha Wood'
district_legislative_aide_email: ' ' -> ''
district_legislative_aide_phone: '505-946-5607 ' -> '505-946-5607'
Jan 24 office: '203B' -> '201B'
office_phone: '986-4226' -> '986-4214'
Jan 25 session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List'
Jan 29 sponsored: HB193 Study Public Education System
sponsored: HB201 Raise School Employee Minimum Wage
sponsored: HB200 Additional School Program Units
sponsored: HB223 Bilingual Education Cost Differential
Jan 30 sponsored: HB94 Maximum Class Loads
Feb 3 sponsored: HB237 Gross Receipts Credit for Certain Businesses
sponsored: HM10 "Valencia County Day"
Feb 4 sponsored: HB251 Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes
sponsored: HB254 Ed. Retirees Returning to Work Time Period
Feb 5 sponsored: HB277 Millage for Certain School Districts
sponsored: HB297 School Personnel Computer Science Licensure
Feb 13 sponsored: HB422 Teaching Resident Stipends
Feb 18 sponsored: SB306 Valencia County Police Departments
Feb 20 sponsored: HB487 Protection of Hispanic Education
sponsored: HB512 Medical Residency Loan Repayment Act
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4214' -> '505-986-4214'
Mar 1 sponsored: HM47 Study Public School Employee Compensation

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

Powered by Mojolicious. Tracking software is fully Open Source. See About page for more info, and for a list of recent changes.