Sun Mar 9 6:14AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session
Upcoming hearings. For Floor activity, you're probably better off viewing viewing directly on
10:30 AM 🗓 | Room House Floor | ||
CS/ HB76 💲 | Congenital Heart Disease Tests for Infants |
Sponsors: HB76
Rep. Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson (D)
HB27 💲 | Librarian Protection Act |
Sponsors: HB27
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
HB32 💲 | Electric or Alt Fuel School Busses |
Sponsors: HB32
Rep. Debra M. Sariñana (D)
HB98 💲 | Automatic Expungement of Eviction Records |
Sponsors: HB98
Rep. Janelle Anyanonu (D)
HB40 💲 | Universal Adult Changing Stations |
Sponsors: HB40
Rep. Kathleen Cates (D)
HB208 💲 | Hunting & Fishing License Voter Registration |
Sponsors: HB208
Rep. Rebecca Dow (R)
HB102 💲 | Violent Felonies for Meritorious Deduction |
Sponsors: HB102
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
HB71 💲 | Early Childhood Ed & Care Fund Transfers |
Sponsors: HB71
Rep. Doreen Y. Gallegos (D)
HB67 💲 | Reasonable Assurance for Higher Ed Employees |
Sponsors: HB67
Rep. Joy Garratt (D)
HB87 💲 | Non-Consensual Touching Clarification |
Sponsors: HB87
Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D)
HB155 💲 | Gaming Control Board Director Qualifications |
Sponsors: HB155
Rep. Martin R. Zamora (R)
HB411 💲 | State Mineral |
Sponsors: HB411
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
CS/ HB212 💲 | Per & Poly-Flouroalkyl Protection Act |
Sponsors: HB212
Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary (D)
HB227 💲 | Child Care Facility Qualifying Entities |
Sponsors: HB227
Rep. Linda Serrato (D)
HB258 💲 | Natural Gas Capture Requirements |
Sponsors: HB258
Rep. Matthew McQueen (D)
HB364 💲 | Federal Benefits for CYFD Custody |
Sponsors: HB364
Rep. Marianna Anaya (D)
HB370 💲 | Health Care Professionals Credentialing |
Sponsors: HB370
Rep. Doreen Y. Gallegos (D)
HB371 💲 | Off-Highway Motor Vehicles on Roads |
Sponsors: HB371
Rep. Luis M. Terrazas (R)
HB372 💲 | Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Act Changes |
Sponsors: HB372
Rep. Luis M. Terrazas (R)
HJR5 💲 | CYFD Commission, CA |
Sponsors: HJR5
Rep. Eleanor Chávez (D)
HB62 💲 | Uniform Investigative Demand Procedure |
Sponsors: HB62
Rep. Christine Chandler (D)
HB209 💲 | Sunshine Portal Fund Creation Links |
Sponsors: HB209
Rep. Rebecca Dow (R)
HB368 💲 | High Wage Jobs Tax Credit "Threshold Job" |
Sponsors: HB368
Rep. Joshua N. Hernandez (R)
HB427 💲 | Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring |
Sponsors: HB427
Rep. Micaela Lara Cadena (D)
HB468 💲 | Retiring of State Flags |
Sponsors: HB468
Rep. Mark B. Murphy (R)
HB518 | LGBTQ+ Day |
Sponsors: HB518
Rep. Marianna Anaya (D)
SB283 💲 | CYFD & Use of Federal Benefits |
Sponsors: SB283
Sen. Heather Berghmans (D)
CS/ HB61 💲 | Unfair Practices Act Changes |
Sponsors: HB61
Rep. Christine Chandler (D)
HB132 💲 | Repeal of Deposit of Will |
Sponsors: HB132
Rep. Andrea Reeb (R)
HB192 💲 | Digital Trunked Radio System Subscriber Fees |
Sponsors: HB192
Rep. Joshua N. Hernandez (R)
HB413 💲 | Physician Assistant Licensure Compact |
Sponsors: HB413
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
HB330 💲 | Land Grant-Merced & Acequia Infrastructure |
Sponsors: HB330
Rep. Miguel P. García (D)
CS/ HB343 💲 | CYFD Plans of Safe Care for Certain Children |
Sponsors: HB343
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
HB357 💲 | Mi Via Waiver Pgm. Provider Gross Receipts |
Sponsors: HB357
Rep. Tara L. Lujan (D)
CS/ HB402 💲 | Health Insurance Provider Info Loading |
Sponsors: HB402
Rep. Joshua N. Hernandez (R)
HB532 💲 | Student Water Safety Guidance |
Sponsors: HB532
Rep. Joseph Sanchez (D)
HB554 💲 | Residential Home Building Authorization |
Sponsors: HB554
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
SB5 💲 | Game Commission Reform |
Sponsors: SB5
Sen. Pete Campos (D)
HJM2 💲 | Combine Standing & Interim Committees |
Sponsors: HJM2
Rep. Susan K. Herrera (D)
HJM4 💲 | Direct Air Capture Technology |
Sponsors: HJM4
Rep. Meredith A. Dixon (D)
HJM5 | Protections for Upper Pecos Watershed |
Sponsors: HJM5
Rep. Anita Gonzales (D)
HJM6 💲 | Strengthen Relations with Taiwan |
Sponsors: HJM6
Rep. Janelle Anyanonu (D)
HJM9 💲 | Artificial Intelligence Interim Committee |
Sponsors: HJM9
Rep. Doreen Y. Gallegos (D)
HM2 💲 | LESC Artificial Intelligence Work Group |
Sponsors: HM2
Rep. Joy Garratt (D)
HM24 💲 | Corrections & CYFD Staffing Levels |
Sponsors: HM24
Rep. Eleanor Chávez (D)
HM31 | "Citizen Science Day" |
Sponsors: HM31
Rep. Linda Serrato (D)
HM37 | Mount Taylor as Cultural Property |
Sponsors: HM37
Rep. Michelle Paulene Abeyta (D)
HM15 | People Exposed to Radiation |
Sponsors: HM15
Rep. Joseph Franklin Hernandez (D)
HM32 💲 | Study Means of Teacher Advancement |
Sponsors: HM32
Rep. Randall T. Pettigrew (R)
HM42 | Didelphis Virginiana, Important Marsupial |
Sponsors: HM42
Rep. John Block (R)
HM43 💲 | Hispanic & Bilingual Education Programs |
Sponsors: HM43
Rep. Yanira Gurrola (D)
HM27 💲 | Anti-Donation Clause Interim Committee Work |
Sponsors: HM27
Rep. Linda Serrato (D)
HM34 💲 | Study Domestic Violence Service Gaps |
Sponsors: HM34
Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D)
HM40 💲 | Study Office of Peace |
Sponsors: HM40
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
HM8 | Milken Family Foundation, in Recognition |
Sponsors: HM8
Rep. Alan T. Martinez (R)
HM10 | "Valencia County Day" |
Sponsors: HM10
Rep. Tanya Mirabal Moya (R)
HM28 | "Irish-American Day" |
Sponsors: HM28
Rep. John Block (R)
HM30 | "Soil & Water Conservation District Day" |
Sponsors: HM30
Rep. Nathan P. Small (D)
HM46 | "Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month" |
Sponsors: HM46
Rep. Stefani Lord (R)
CS/ *HB70 💲 | Behavioral Health Medicaid Waiver Act |
Sponsors: HB70
Rep. Tara L. Lujan (D)
CS/ HB222 💲 | Fracturing Fluid Disclosure & Use |
Sponsors: HB222
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
HB230 💲 | Cannabis Testing Certain Employees |
Sponsors: HB230
Rep. Reena Szczepanski (D)
HB244 💲 | Magistrate Judge Minimum Age |
Sponsors: HB244
Rep. Charlotte Little (D)
HB269 💲 | Health Care Authority Visit Verification |
Sponsors: HB269
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
HB298 💲 | Local Government Official Changes |
Sponsors: HB298
Rep. Christine Chandler (D)
HB340 💲 | Dna of Certain Offenders in Codis |
Sponsors: HB340
Rep. Yanira Gurrola (D)
HB366 💲 | Veterinarian as Health Practitioner |
Sponsors: HB366
Rep. Gail Armstrong (R)
HB428 💲 | Rules Definitions for Corrections |
Sponsors: HB428
Rep. Micaela Lara Cadena (D)
HB453 💲 | Housing Creditworthiness Assistance Program |
Sponsors: HB453
Rep. Janelle Anyanonu (D)
HB458 💲 | Carbon Dioxide Storage Stewardship Act |
Sponsors: HB458
Rep. Meredith A. Dixon (D)
HB469 💲 | Border Authority & Director Requirements |
Sponsors: HB469
Rep. Raymundo Lara (D)
HB519 💲 | African American Arts Center Directors |
Sponsors: HB519
Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D)
HB553 💲 | Timber Grading Act |
Sponsors: HB553
Rep. Harlan Vincent (R)
HM45 💲 | Effect of Federal Actions on NM Residents |
Sponsors: HM45
Rep. Andrea Romero (D)
Legislators: | Democratic sponsorship | Republican sponsorship | Bipartisan sponsorship | This indicates your legislator (Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in) |
Bill Rows: | Active -- hearings scheduled | (NN) - sequence number in agenda | Inactive -- no hearings scheduled | |
Bill Progress: | Passed | Failed Vote | Tabled | |
Incomplete Data: | Heard(?) (was scheduled for hearing recently) |
Heard Long Ago (was scheduled for hearing many days ago) |
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results) |
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