Sun Mar 9 5:58AM - 13 days, 6 hours left in session

Senator Craig W. Brandt (R-40) [view on]

Senator since 2013

Legislative Aide: Lisa Brenner -

Standing Committees

Senate Finance Ranking Member Monday through Friday 1:30 PM 322
Senate Committees' Committee Member At call of chair

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Sponsored Bills Being Heard in Committee:
 HHHC - 8:30 AM Room 307
   SB249 Health Care Provider Gross Receipts

Bills Introduced

CS/  SB18 💲 Crime of Swatting SenatePassed 36-0
SB64 💲 School Career Development Success Project SECPassed, Feb 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB67 💲 Use of Phone Location for 911 Calls STBTCWas scheduled for Feb 11. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
CS/  SB70 💲 Add Racketeering Crimes SenatePassed 38-0
HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB87 💲 Use of Resources & Fed. Immigration Law SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB95 💲 Fentanyl Dealing with Death as Capital Crime SJCWas scheduled for Jan 29. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB116 💲 Math Lab Pilot Project SECPassed, Feb 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB129 💲 Rail Infrastructure Tax Credit STBTCWas scheduled for Feb 13. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB130 💲 School Career Tech Ed. Program Units SECPassed, Feb 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB195   Prohibiting Antisemitic Discrimination SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
*SB196   Rebuttable Presumption Against Release SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  SB249 💲 Health Care Provider Gross Receipts SenatePassed 34-0
HHHC🗓 Mon Mar 108:30 AMRoom 307 
SB253 💲 Felons in Possession of a Firearm SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB286 💲 Education Freedom Account Act SECWas scheduled for Feb 24. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB317 💲 Youth Apprentice Internship Opportunity Pgm STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB346 💲 Statewide Capital Improvements SHPACPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB359 💲 Removal of Unlawful Occupants SJCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
SB410   Crystalline Polymorph Psilocybin Rescheduling tabled (no details)
SB411 💲 Physician Loan Repayment Act SECPassed, Feb 26, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB455 💲 Health Practitioner Coinsurance GRT passed in STBTC [Mar 8: unofficial report from Eduardo]

Bills Cosponsored

CS/  HB137 💲 Strategic Water Supply Act HousePassed 57-4
SCONC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB245 💲 Compensation for Veterans' Benefits HLVMCPassed, Feb 11, with Do Pass recommendation
HJC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  SB169 💲 Strategic Economic Development Site Readiness SenatePassed 37-2
SB191 💲 Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs SJCPassed, Jan 31, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB219 💲 Medical Psilocybin Act STBTCPassed, Feb 11, with Do Pass, as amended
SJCPassed, Mar 5, with Committee Substitution
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB295 💲 Gross Receipts Tax Changes STBTCWas scheduled for Feb 25. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB364 💲 Law Enforcement Qualifications STBTCPassed, Mar 6, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  SB480 💲 Student Graduation Reporting SenatePassed 36-0
SM4   "ALS Awareness Day" Senate🗓 Sat Mar 81:00 PMSenate Floor 

Vote Record

Senate Finance
2025-02-10 SB135 💲 Reimbursement for Certain Legislators Excused
SB75 💲 Educational Retirement Changes Yes
SB161 💲 Background Checks for Dma Employees Excused
2025-02-12 CS/  SB3 💲 Behavioral Health Reform & Investment Act Yes
SB1 💲 Behavioral Health Trust Fund Yes
CS/  *SB2 💲 Public Health & Safety Initiatives No
2025-02-13 SB82 💲 Public School Capital Outlay Changes Yes
2025-02-18 CS/  SB23 💲 Oil & Gas Royalty Rate Changes Excused
SB13 💲 State-Tribal Education Compact Schools Act Excused
CS/  SJR1 💲 Legislative Salaries Commission, CA Excused
SB112 💲 Higher Ed Housing Facility Property Tax Excused
2025-02-19 SB242 💲 Advancing the Science of Reading Act Yes
SB48 💲 Community Benefit Fund No
SB38 💲 Special Education Act Yes
CS/  *SB33 💲 Wildfire Prepared Act Yes
SB220 💲 Publication of Legal Settlement Terms Yes
*SB81 💲 NM Property Insurance Pgm. Assoc. Board No
2025-02-21 SB133 💲 Educational Retirees Returning to Work Excused
SB158 💲 Reporting of Economic Development Incentives Yes
SB162 💲 Severance Tax Permanent Fund Investments Yes
CS/  SB21 💲 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act No
SB92 💲 Horse Racing & Jockey Insurance Fund Yes
2025-02-22 CS/  SB175 💲 Child Care Facility Loan Fund Changes Yes
SB8 💲 Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment Pgm Yes
2025-02-24 CS/  *SB115 💲 Public Project Revolving Fund Projects Excused
2025-02-25 SB143 💲 Create Utility Oversight Fund Yes
SB101 💲 Increase Certain Livestock Fees Excused
SB142 💲 Grid Modernization Roadmap Yes
2025-02-26 SB202 💲 Standardize State Investment Fund Language Excused
SB126 💲 Increase Rural Service Fund Allocations No
*SB31 💲 Zero-Interest Natural Disaster Loans Yes
SB280 💲 NMMI in Capital Outlay Act Yes
SB201 💲 Public Ed. Reform Fund Uses Excused
SB343 💲 Teacher Salary Rates Changes Yes
SB345 💲 Teacher & Instructional Support Licensure Yes
CS/  SB137 💲 Rename Enhanced 911 Act Yes
SB186 💲 Multifamily Housing Valuation No
2025-02-27 SB199 💲 Administration of Local DWI Grant Program Yes
SJR3 💲 State Education Board, CA Yes
SB5 💲 Game Commission Reform Yes
2025-02-28 SB113 💲 Board & Commission Sunset Dates No
CS/  SB59 💲 Public Works Minimum Wage Definitions No
SB83 💲 Innovation in State Government Fund No
CS/  SB387 💲 Community School Fund & Framework No
CS/  SB11 💲 Anti-Distraction Policy in Schools Yes
CS/  SB169 💲 Strategic Economic Development Site Readiness Yes
SB227 💲 Funds in State Reserve Yes
2025-03-01 SB88 💲 Medicaid Trust Fund & State Supported Fund Yes
SB236 💲 Look Twice for Motorcycle License Plate Yes
CS/  SB119 💲 Investment in Bioscience Companies No
SB37 💲 Strategic Water Reserve Fund Yes
CS/  SB249 💲 Health Care Provider Gross Receipts Yes
2025-03-03 CS/  SB20 💲 Increase Cigarette & Tobacco Products Taxes No
2025-03-04 CS/  SB18 💲 Crime of Swatting Yes
CS/  SB70 💲 Add Racketeering Crimes Yes
SB274 💲 Board of Finance Approval for Land Sales Yes
2025-03-05 SB290 💲 Raise Marriage License Fees Excused
HB69 💲 Loan Forgiveness Multiplier Act Excused
CS/  SB480 💲 Student Graduation Reporting Excused
CS/  SB376 💲 State Employee Health Benefit Contributions Excused
2025-03-06 SB155 💲 Determination of Embezzlement Penalty Yes
SB252 💲 Social Work Telehealth Services Yes
2025-03-07 SB170 💲 NMFA Definitions, Funds & Rates Yes
CS/  SB376 💲 State Employee Health Benefit Contributions Excused

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 22 sponsored: SB64 School Career Development Success Project
sponsored: SB67 Use of Phone Location for 911 Calls
sponsored: SB70 Add Racketeering Crimes
sponsored: SB87 Use of Resources & Fed. Immigration Law
Jan 23 office: '' -> '414D'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4703'
district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Lisa Brenner '
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ' '
district_legislative_aide: 'Lisa Brenner ' -> 'Lisa Brenner'
district_legislative_aide_email: ' ' -> ''
sponsored: SB95 Fentanyl Dealing with Death as Capital Crime
sponsored: SB116 Math Lab Pilot Project
sponsored: SB129 Rail Infrastructure Tax Credit
sponsored: SB130 School Career Tech Ed. Program Units
Jan 24 session_secretary_email: '' -> ''
Jan 28 sponsored: SB169 Strategic Economic Development Site Readiness
Jan 29 sponsored: SB191 Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs
sponsored: SB195 Prohibiting Antisemitic Discrimination
sponsored: SB196 Rebuttable Presumption Against Release
Jan 30 sponsored: SB219 Medical Psilocybin Act
Feb 3 sponsored: HB245 Compensation for Veterans' Benefits
sponsored: SB249 Health Care Provider Gross Receipts
sponsored: SB253 Felons in Possession of a Firearm
Feb 5 sponsored: SB286 Education Freedom Account Act
sponsored: SB295 Gross Receipts Tax Changes
Feb 7 sponsored: SB317 Youth Apprentice Internship Opportunity Pgm
Feb 10 sponsored: SM4 "ALS Awareness Day"
Feb 11 sponsored: SB346 Statewide Capital Improvements
Feb 12 sponsored: SB359 Removal of Unlawful Occupants
sponsored: SB364 Law Enforcement Qualifications
Feb 14 sponsored: SB410 Crystalline Polymorph Psilocybin Rescheduling
sponsored: SB411 Physician Loan Repayment Act
Feb 19 sponsored: SB455 Health Practitioner Coinsurance GRT
Feb 20 sponsored: SB480 Student Graduation Reporting
Feb 24 sponsored: HB137 Strategic Water Supply Act
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4703' -> '505-986-4703'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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