Sun Mar 9 6:11AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Representative Nathan P. Small (D-36) [view on]

Representative since 2017

Legislative Aide: Luciana Nino - 505-946-5636 -

Standing Committees

House Appropriations & Finance Chair Monday through Friday 1:30 PM 307
House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Member Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 AM 317
House Printing & Supplies Member At Call of Chair

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)

Bills Introduced

CS/  HB2 💲 General Appropriation Act of 2025 HousePassed, Feb 24, 50-18
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB141   General Appropriation Act of 2025 HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB181 💲 State Trust Program Accountability Plan HousePassed, Mar 3, 57-3
SRCPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB187 💲 State Trust Program Accountability Plan HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  HB191 💲 Wildfire Suppression & Preparedness Funds HousePassed, Mar 7, 65-0
SCONC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB219 💲 Slot Canyon Riverlands State Park HRDLCPassed, Mar 4, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
HB295 💲 Tax on Property Owned by NM RETA HENRCPassed, Feb 15, with Do Pass recommendation
HTRCPossibly heard on Mar 7; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.
CS/  HB311 💲 Reclaimed Water Act HAAWCPassed, Feb 20, with Committee Substitution
HJCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
HB548 💲 Oil & Gas Equalization Tax Act HENRCPassed, Feb 27, with Do Pass recommendation
HTRCWas scheduled for Mar 3. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB600   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare HRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB601   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare HRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HJR12 💲 College Boards of Regents Changes, CA HousePassed, Mar 1, 64-1
SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HM30   "Soil & Water Conservation District Day" House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 

Bills Cosponsored

CS/  HB20 💲 Technology & Innovation Division HousePassed, Mar 3, 54-3
STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB145 💲 Additional Highway Project Bonding HousePassed, Mar 3, 65-0
STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB172 💲 "New Mexico Red & Green Chile Month" HousePassed, Feb 26, 63-0
SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB457 💲 Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Act HENRCPassed, Mar 1, with Do Pass, as amended
HCEDCPossibly heard on Mar 7; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.
HB458 💲 Carbon Dioxide Storage Stewardship Act On Speaker's Table
HB538 💲 Industrial Decarbonization Production Credits HENRCPossibly heard on Mar 6; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.
SB5 💲 Game Commission Reform House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 

Vote Record

House Appropriations & Finance
2025-01-21 *HB1 💲 Feed Bill Yes
2025-02-20 SB1 💲 Behavioral Health Trust Fund Yes
HB71 💲 Early Childhood Ed & Care Fund Transfers Yes
2025-02-21 CS/  HB2 💲 General Appropriation Act of 2025 Yes
HB181 💲 State Trust Program Accountability Plan Yes
2025-02-24 HB41 💲 Public Project Fund Appropriations Yes
*HB252 💲 Kinship Caregiver Support Pilot Program Yes
2025-02-26 HB145 💲 Additional Highway Project Bonding Yes
HB128 💲 NMFA Local Solar Access Fund Yes
CS/  HB20 💲 Technology & Innovation Division Yes
CS/  HB137 💲 Strategic Water Supply Act Yes
2025-02-27 *HB206 💲 NMFA Water Project Fund Projects Yes
CS/  HB149 💲 Supported Decision-Making Act Yes
2025-02-28 CS/  HB158 💲 Military Base Planning & Impact Act Yes
HB63 💲 Public School Funding Formula Changes Yes
*HB17 💲 Commission on Reduction of Grocery Costs Yes
HB15 💲 Health Care Strategic Recruitment Program Yes
HB289 💲 Geothermal Projects Development Fund Yes
2025-03-03 HB209 💲 Sunshine Portal Fund Creation Links Yes
HB167 💲 Higher Ed. Payment for Certain Tests Yes
2025-03-04 HB449 💲 Higher Education Major Projects Fund Yes
HB175 💲 Forest & Watershed Buffer Projects Yes
HB240 💲 Drinking Water System Grants & Loans Yes
HB156 💲 Increase Educational Salaries Yes
CS/  HB191 💲 Wildfire Suppression & Preparedness Funds Yes
2025-03-05 HB113 💲 Animal Welfare Program And Trust Fund Yes
HB192 💲 Digital Trunked Radio System Subscriber Fees Yes
2025-03-07 CS/  *HB70 💲 Behavioral Health Medicaid Waiver Act Yes
*HB448 💲 Office of Housing Planning & Production Yes
HB519 💲 African American Arts Center Directors Yes
HB553 💲 Timber Grading Act Yes
HB458 💲 Carbon Dioxide Storage Stewardship Act Yes
HB453 💲 Housing Creditworthiness Assistance Program Yes
2025-03-08 CS/  HB73 💲 Childhood Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations Yes

House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources
2025-01-28 HB51 💲 Energy Storage System Income Tax Credit Yes
2025-01-30 HB109 💲 Extreme Weather Resilience Fund Yes
2025-02-04 HB128 💲 NMFA Local Solar Access Fund Yes
2025-02-05 CS/  HB35 💲 Children's Health Protection Zones Yes
2025-02-06 HB13 💲 Distribution System And Electrification Plans Excused
HB159 💲 Energy Project Siting & Military Bases Yes
2025-02-08 HB213 💲 School Solar Tax Credits Yes
HB176 💲 Backup Power Generation Tax Credit Yes
HB175 💲 Forest & Watershed Buffer Projects Excused
CS/  HB140 💲 "Hazardous Waste Constituent" Definition Yes
CS/  HB212 💲 Per & Poly-Flouroalkyl Protection Act Excused
HB211 💲 Solar Market Tax Credit Changes Yes
2025-02-11 HB258 💲 Natural Gas Capture Requirements Yes
2025-02-13 HB333 💲 Cleanup of Contaminated Sites Yes
HB289 💲 Geothermal Projects Development Fund Yes
2025-02-15 HB291 💲 Recycling & State's Circular Economy Yes
HB295 💲 Tax on Property Owned by NM RETA Yes
2025-02-18 HB361 💲 EMNRD Conversion of Certain Wells Excused
HB259 💲 Oil & Gas Act Violation Penalties Yes
HB91 💲 Public Utility Rate Structures Yes
HJM4 💲 Direct Air Capture Technology Excused
2025-02-20 HB390 💲 Curry County Water Lines Excused
2025-02-22 CS/  HB137 💲 Strategic Water Supply Act Yes
CS/  HB403 💲 Oil & Gas Fund Distribution & Uses Yes
2025-02-25 HB553 💲 Timber Grading Act Yes
2025-02-27 CS/  HB392 💲 Single-Use Plastic Bag Act Yes
HB548 💲 Oil & Gas Equalization Tax Act Yes
CS/  HB394 💲 Clean Energy & Natural Resources Board Yes
CS/  HB222 💲 Fracturing Fluid Disclosure & Use Yes
2025-03-01 HB458 💲 Carbon Dioxide Storage Stewardship Act Yes
HB457 💲 Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Act Yes
2025-03-04 CS/  *SB33 💲 Wildfire Prepared Act Yes
CS/  SB23 💲 Oil & Gas Royalty Rate Changes Yes
2025-03-06 SB5 💲 Game Commission Reform Yes
2025-03-08 SB48 💲 Community Benefit Fund Yes
SB142 💲 Grid Modernization Roadmap Yes

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '304B'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4319'
Jan 25 session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List'
Jan 28 sponsored: HB141 General Appropriation Act of 2025
sponsored: HB172 "New Mexico Red & Green Chile Month"
sponsored: HB181 State Trust Program Accountability Plan
sponsored: SB5 Game Commission Reform
Jan 29 sponsored: HB187 State Trust Program Accountability Plan
sponsored: HB191 Wildfire Suppression & Preparedness Funds
sponsored: HB219 Slot Canyon Riverlands State Park
Feb 3 sponsored: HJR12 College Boards of Regents Changes, CA
Feb 5 sponsored: HB295 Tax on Property Owned by NM RETA
sponsored: HB311 Reclaimed Water Act
Feb 10 sponsored: HB20 Technology & Innovation Division
Feb 11 district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Luciana Nino'
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ''
district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5636'
Feb 17 sponsored: HB145 Additional Highway Project Bonding
Feb 18 sponsored: HB457 Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Act
sponsored: HB458 Carbon Dioxide Storage Stewardship Act
Feb 20 sponsored: HB538 Industrial Decarbonization Production Credits
sponsored: HB548 Oil & Gas Equalization Tax Act
sponsored: HB600 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
sponsored: HB601 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
Feb 21 sponsored: HM30 "Soil & Water Conservation District Day"
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4319' -> '505-986-4319'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

Powered by Mojolicious. Tracking software is fully Open Source. See About page for more info, and for a list of recent changes.