Sun Mar 9 6:01AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Representative Joanne J. Ferrary (D-37) [view on]

Representative since 2017

Legislative Aide: Matthew Gloudemans - 505-946-5637 -

Standing Committees

House Consumer & Public Affairs Chair Tuesday & Thursday 1:30 PM 317
House Health & Human Services Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 AM 307

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Morning Committee Meetings:
 HHHC - 8:30 AM Room 307
   Role: Member
Sponsored Bills Being Heard in Committee:
 HJC - 1:30 PM OR 15 minutes after floor ends Room 309
   HB124 Death of Protected Person or Guardian

Bills Introduced

HB115 💲 Residential Treatment Services Funding HHHCPassed, Feb 3, with Do Pass, as amended
HAFCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
HB116 💲 Boarding for Certain Health Discharges HHHCPassed, Feb 5, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB117 💲 Death Certificate by Physician Assistant HousePassed, Feb 22, 64-0
SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB124 💲 Death of Protected Person or Guardian HCPACPassed, Feb 6, with Do Pass recommendation
HJC🗓 Mon Mar 101:30 PM OR 15 minutes after floor endsRoom 309 
HB211 💲 Solar Market Tax Credit Changes HENRCPassed, Feb 8, without recommendation
HTRCWas scheduled for Feb 19. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
CS/  HB212 💲 Per & Poly-Flouroalkyl Protection Act House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 
HB213 💲 School Solar Tax Credits HENRCPassed, Feb 8, with Do Pass recommendation
HTRCWas scheduled for Feb 14. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB375 💲 Graduate Behavioral Health Scholarship Act HECPassed, Feb 26, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB396 💲 Spaceport Board & Taxes HCEDCTabled in committee
HB397 💲 Behavioral Health Student Stipends HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB452 💲 Clarify Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards HENRCTabled in committee
HB459 💲 Pollinator Research HGEICPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB552 💲 Medical Corporation Accountability Act HHHC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB604   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare HRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB605   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare HRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HJM8   Trinity Site Rest Stop HTPWC[Referred, not scheduled]
HJR3 💲 Environmental Rights, CA HGEICPassed, Feb 3, without recommendation
HENRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HM1   New Mexico Food And Farms Day Signed
HM50   Trinity Site Rest Stop HTPWC[Referred, not scheduled]

Bills Cosponsored

CS/  HB35 💲 Children's Health Protection Zones HENRCPassed, Feb 4, with Committee Subst., w/o recommendation
HHHCPassed, Feb 12, with Do Pass recommendation
HB72 💲 Nursing Staff-to-Patient Ratios in Hospitals HHHCPassed, Feb 3, with Do Pass recommendation
HJCPassed, Feb 28, with Committee Substitution
HB85 💲 Prohibiting Nonfunctional Turf Installation HAAWCPassed, Jan 28, with Do Pass recommendation
HGEICWas scheduled for Feb 12. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
CS/  HB149 💲 Supported Decision-Making Act HousePassed 64-0
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB216 💲 Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs HJCPassed, Feb 5, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB219 💲 Slot Canyon Riverlands State Park HRDLCPassed, Mar 4, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
HB229 💲 NM-Grown Approved Supplier Program HAAWCPassed, Feb 11, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFCWas scheduled for Feb 26. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB232 💲 Prohibit Certain Homeowner Association Fees HCEDCWas scheduled for Feb 10. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HB417 💲 Liquor Tax Changes & Programs HHHCPassed, Feb 19, with Do Pass recommendation
HTRCPassed, Feb 24, with Do Pass, as amended
HB430 💲 Health Data Privacy Act HHHCPassed, Feb 24, with Do Pass recommendation
HJC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  SB118 💲 Organ Donor License Box & Registry SHPACPassed, Feb 24, with Do Pass recommendation
STBTCPassed yesterday with Committee Substitution
SB122 💲 Expand Prescription Drug Donation Program SHPACPassed, Feb 28, with Do Pass, as amended
STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB276 💲 Uranium Mining Reclamation Revolving Fund SIRCPassed, Feb 20, with Do Pass, as amended
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB431 💲 Liquor Tax Changes & Programs STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]

Vote Record

House Consumer & Public Affairs
2025-01-28 HB12 💲 Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Changes Yes
HB27 💲 Librarian Protection Act Yes
HB26 💲 Ticket Resale At State And Nonprofit Events Yes
HB4 💲 Criminal Competency & Treatment Yes
2025-01-30 HB39 💲 Juvenile Record in Firearm Background Checks Yes
HB31 💲 Fourth Degree Felony for Shooting Threat Yes
CS/  HB60 💲 Artificial Intelligence Act Yes
2025-02-03 HB38 💲 Possession of Weapon Conversion Device Yes
HB50 💲 Penalties for Vehicle Thefts Yes
2025-02-04 HB89 💲 Graduate Scholarship Act Changes Yes
HB86 💲 Human Trafficking Changes Yes
HB87 💲 Non-Consensual Touching Clarification Yes
CS/  HB73 💲 Childhood Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations Yes
2025-02-06 HB103 💲 Battery on Peace Officer Penalty Yes
HB124 💲 Death of Protected Person or Guardian Yes
HB101 💲 Firearm At Polling Place for Law Enforcement Yes
HB102 💲 Violent Felonies for Meritorious Deduction Yes
2025-02-08 HB132 💲 Repeal of Deposit of Will Yes
HB104 💲 Crimes Against Peace Officer Definitions Excused
2025-02-11 HB111 💲 Search for Missing Qualified Service Animal Yes
CS/  HB153 💲 Protect Reporters From Exploitative Spying Yes
CS/  HB169 💲 Public Expression Protection Act Yes
HB154 💲 Bingo & Raffle Act Exemptions Yes
2025-02-13 HB197 💲 Expand "Silver Alert" Definition Yes
2025-02-15 CS/  HB255 💲 Rename "Juvenile Corrections Act" Yes
HB250 💲 Menstrual Products in Correctional Facilities Yes
CS/  HB76 💲 Congenital Heart Disease Tests for Infants Yes
CS/  HB253 💲 Sealing of Certain Court Records Yes
2025-02-18 HB9 💲 Immigrant Safety Act Yes
HB287 💲 Telephone, Text & Social Media Crimes Yes
HB281 💲 Hair Braiding Licensure Yes
2025-02-20 HB339 💲 Housing Discrimination & Human Rights Act Yes
2025-02-22 *HB17 💲 Commission on Reduction of Grocery Costs Yes
CS/  HB442 💲 Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Yes
HB406 💲 Victim Recovery for Incarcerated Yes
HB418 💲 Mobile Home Rental Agreements & Landlords Yes
HB440 💲 Homeowners Assoc. Liens Yes
2025-02-25 HB405 💲 Volunteer Firefighter Svc. & Training Yes
HB532 💲 Student Water Safety Guidance Yes
2025-02-27 SB17 💲 Parole & Parole Board Changes Yes
SB72 💲 Nonprofit Condo Assoc. Remote Business Yes
HB554 💲 Residential Home Building Authorization Yes
HB470 💲 "Neglected Child" Definition Yes
HB518   LGBTQ+ Day Yes
2025-03-04 CS/  HB125 💲 Liability Waivers for Conservators Yes
2025-03-06 HB462 💲 Nonpayment of Rent Notice Period Yes

House Health & Human Services
2025-01-28 CS/  HB11 💲 Paid Family & Medical Leave Act Yes
2025-01-29 HB52 💲 Rural Health Care Tax Credit Eligibility Yes
CS/  HB54 💲 Defibrillators in Every High School Yes
HB56 💲 Medicaid Reimbursements for Birth Centers Excused
HB58 💲 Mental Health Programs in Schools Funding Excused
HB42 💲 Medicaid Waiver Reimbursement Rate Increases Yes
HB55 💲 Medicaid for Personal Care Services Yes
HB40 💲 Universal Adult Changing Stations Yes
2025-01-30 HB36 💲 Board of Optometry Powers And Duties Yes
2025-01-31 HB46 💲 Real Property From Health Related Equipment Yes
*HB82 💲 Physical Therapy Licensure Compact Excused
CS/  HB81 💲 Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact Excused
HB74 💲 Firefighter And EMS Provider Peer Support Act Yes
CS/  HB76 💲 Congenital Heart Disease Tests for Infants Yes
CS/  HB79 💲 Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology Compact Excused
HB77 💲 Annual Federal Snap State Outreach Plans Excused
2025-02-03 HB115 💲 Residential Treatment Services Funding Yes
HB53 💲 Reimbursement for Vagus Nerve Stimulation Yes
HB117 💲 Death Certificate by Physician Assistant Excused
HB72 💲 Nursing Staff-to-Patient Ratios in Hospitals Excused
2025-02-05 HB116 💲 Boarding for Certain Health Discharges Yes
CS/  *HB70 💲 Behavioral Health Medicaid Waiver Act Yes
HB15 💲 Health Care Strategic Recruitment Program Yes
CS/  HB78 💲 Prohibit Discrimination Against 340b Entities Yes
HB80 💲 Personal Insurance Credit Info Act Changes Yes
2025-02-06 HB106 💲 DWI Blood Testing Yes
2025-02-07 HB131 💲 Caregiver Background Checks Yes
HB119 💲 Contract Adjustments Under Procurement Code Yes
HB152 💲 Medically Assisted Treatment for Juveniles Yes
2025-02-10 HB174 💲 Pharmacy Reimbursement for Certain Plans Yes
HB186 💲 State-Administered Health Coverage Plan Yes
*HB138 💲 Hospital Patient Safety Act Yes
HB151 💲 Menstrual Products in Ed. Institutions Yes
2025-02-12 HB171 💲 Pharmacy Custodial Care Facilities Yes
HB217 💲 Counseling Compact Yes
HB214 💲 Doula Credentialing & Access Act Yes
CS/  HB35 💲 Children's Health Protection Zones Yes
HB178 💲 Nursing Practice Changes Yes
2025-02-14 HB230 💲 Cannabis Testing Certain Employees Yes
HB243 💲 Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Yes
HB7 💲 Children's Future Act & Fund Excused
HB233 💲 Diabetic Foot Ulcer Equipment Coverage Excused
HB263 💲 Hospital Price Transparency Act Yes
CS/  HB95 💲 Coverage for Fertility Preservation Services Yes
HB196 💲 Behavioral Health & Child Care Funding Yes
HB242 💲 Psychology Interjurisdictional Act Yes
HB207 💲 Adopting a Child Tax Credit Yes
2025-02-17 HB341 💲 CYFD Foster Parent ID Cards Yes
HB329 💲 Behavioral Health Purchasing Collaborative Yes
HB269 💲 Health Care Authority Visit Verification Yes
2025-02-19 HB345 💲 Foster Care Behavioral Health Assessment Yes
CS/  SB3 💲 Behavioral Health Reform & Investment Act Yes
HB417 💲 Liquor Tax Changes & Programs Yes
2025-02-21 HB354 💲 Community Criminal Justice Division Project Yes
HB5 💲 Office of Child Advocate Act Yes
HJR5 💲 CYFD Commission, CA Yes
HB357 💲 Mi Via Waiver Pgm. Provider Gross Receipts Yes
HB366 💲 Veterinarian as Health Practitioner Yes
HB355 💲 Overdose Prevention Program Yes
2025-02-24 HB393 💲 Recruit & Retain Health Providers Excused
HB430 💲 Health Data Privacy Act Excused
HB389 💲 State Health Data Utility Excused
*HB303 💲 Exposure to Certain Drugs as Child Abuse No
HB370 💲 Health Care Professionals Credentialing Yes
HB373 💲 Revised Uniform Parentage Act Excused
HB364 💲 Federal Benefits for CYFD Custody Yes
2025-02-26 HB407 💲 Shaken Baby Syndrome Education Yes
CS/  HB344 💲 Healthcare Equipment Gross Receipts Yes
CS/  HB343 💲 CYFD Plans of Safe Care for Certain Children Yes
HB413 💲 Physician Assistant Licensure Compact Yes
HB404 💲 Social Services Monetary Stipend Project Yes
CS/  HB402 💲 Health Insurance Provider Info Loading Excused
2025-02-28 SB6 💲 Fostering Connections Pgm Eligibility Yes
HB441 💲 Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact Yes
HB408 💲 CYFD Community-Based Foster Care Studies Yes
HB461 💲 Prior Authorization Process Exemptions Yes
HB439 💲 Public Safety Telecommunicator Cpr Training Yes
HB420 💲 Housing Stabilization Program Yes
2025-03-03 HB465 💲 Protections for Safe Harbor Nurses Yes
HB503 💲 Domestic Relations Mediation Program Yes
HB437 💲 Foster Care Organization Tax Credit Yes
2025-03-05 HM15   People Exposed to Radiation Yes
SB283 💲 CYFD & Use of Federal Benefits Yes
HB517 💲 Free Condoms for Certain Students Excused
HB513 💲 Organ Donor Public Assistance & Registry Excused
HB505 💲 Opioid Use Disorder Drug Stocks Yes
HB347 💲 Behavioral Health Program Financial Aid Yes
HB527 💲 Insurance Coverage for Medical Cannabis Costs Excused
2025-03-07 SB417 💲 Confirmatory Adoptions Yes
HB542 💲 Childbirth Income Tax Credit Yes

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '314C'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4844'
district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Matthew Gloudemans '
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ' '
district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5637 '
district_legislative_aide: 'Matthew Gloudemans ' -> 'Matthew Gloudemans'
district_legislative_aide_email: ' ' -> ''
district_legislative_aide_phone: '505-946-5637 ' -> '505-946-5637'
sponsored: SB118 Organ Donor License Box & Registry
sponsored: SB122 Expand Prescription Drug Donation Program
Jan 25 session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List'
Jan 28 sponsored: HB149 Supported Decision-Making Act
Jan 29 sponsored: HB211 Solar Market Tax Credit Changes
sponsored: HB212 Per & Poly-Flouroalkyl Protection Act
sponsored: HB213 School Solar Tax Credits
Jan 30 sponsored: HB229 NM-Grown Approved Supplier Program
sponsored: HB232 Prohibit Certain Homeowner Association Fees
Jan 31 sponsored: HB219 Slot Canyon Riverlands State Park
sponsored: HB72 Nursing Staff-to-Patient Ratios in Hospitals
sponsored: HB216 Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs
Feb 11 sponsored: HB375 Graduate Behavioral Health Scholarship Act
Feb 12 sponsored: HB396 Spaceport Board & Taxes
sponsored: HB397 Behavioral Health Student Stipends
Feb 13 sponsored: HB417 Liquor Tax Changes & Programs
Feb 17 sponsored: HB430 Health Data Privacy Act
sponsored: SB431 Liquor Tax Changes & Programs
Feb 18 sponsored: HB452 Clarify Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards
sponsored: HB459 Pollinator Research
Feb 20 sponsored: HB552 Medical Corporation Accountability Act
sponsored: HB604 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
sponsored: HB605 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
sponsored: SB276 Uranium Mining Reclamation Revolving Fund
Feb 21 sponsored: HJM8 Trinity Site Rest Stop
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4844' -> '505-986-4844'
Mar 4 sponsored: HM50 Trinity Site Rest Stop

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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