Sun Mar 9 6:17AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Senator Linda M. López (D-11) [view on]

Senator since 1997

Standing Committees

Senate Health & Public Affairs Chair Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:30 PM 311
Senate Rules Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 AM 321

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Morning Committee Meetings:
 SRC - 9:00 AM Room 321
   Role: Member
Afternoon Committee Meetings:
 SHPAC - 1:00 PM Room 311
   Role: Chair
Sponsored Bills Being Heard in Committee:
 SHPAC - 1:00 PM Room 311
   SB489 Behavioral Health for Abused Children

Bills Introduced

SB216 💲 Rent Control & Certain Entities SHPACPassed, Mar 2, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB269 💲 Cannabis Testing Certain Employees SHPACPossibly heard on Mar 7; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.
SB270 💲 Federally Qualified Health Center Operations SHPACPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
*SB271 💲 Revise LFC Membership SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB322 💲 Strip Searches & Cameras SHPACPassed, Mar 3, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB365 💲 Commission on the Status of Women Funding SHPACPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB366 💲 Children's Code Reform Task Force Funding SHPACPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB367 💲 Medical Spanish Education Program SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB395 💲 Special Olympics Funding SHPACPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB396 💲 Hispanic Student Education & Reporting SIRCWas scheduled for Feb 25. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB405   Behavioral Health Review Committee SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB406   Termination of Parental Rights SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB407   Wrongful Conviction Compensation & Services SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB426 💲 Repeal Obsolete School Provision SECPassed, Feb 28, with Do Pass recommendation
SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB428 💲 Crossover Youth Act SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB429 💲 Reinstatement of Parental Rights Act SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB430 💲 "Neglected Child" Definition SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB488 💲 Increase Health Committee & Make Permanent SJCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
SB489 💲 Behavioral Health for Abused Children SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB490 💲 Central NM School Re-Engagement Programs SECPassed, Mar 3, with Do Pass, as amended
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB491 💲 Public Service Law Loan Repayment Additions SJCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
SB512 💲 Health Care Provider Reimbursements SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB513 💲 Horse Racetrack Live Race Day Requirements STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB549   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB550   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB551   Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SJR12 💲 Legislative Session Changes, CA SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
SM6 💲 Joint Consent to Mental Health Treatment SRC[Referred, not scheduled]

Bills Cosponsored

HB75 💲 County & Tribal Health Councils Funding HGEICPassed, Jan 31, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFCWas scheduled for Feb 24. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
CS/  HB149 💲 Supported Decision-Making Act HousePassed 64-0
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  HB255 💲 Rename "Juvenile Corrections Act" HousePassed 34-24
HB375 💲 Graduate Behavioral Health Scholarship Act HECPassed, Feb 26, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB467   Multicultural Student Safety & Support HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB487 💲 Protection of Hispanic Education HECPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
HGEIC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB488   Use of Language for Bilingual Education HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB38 💲 Special Education Act SenatePassed, Feb 27, 31-7
HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB250 💲 State Enforcement of Immigration Law SHPACPassed, Mar 5, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB260 💲 Cleanup of Contaminated Sites SCONCPassed, Feb 18, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB292   Protective Svcs. Workers Returning to Work SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB293 💲 Housing Study for Some Development Projects SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB297 💲 Health Care Authority Market Assessments STBTCPassed, Feb 27, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB356 💲 State Diversity Act SHPACPossibly heard on Mar 7; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.

Vote Record

Senate Health & Public Affairs
2025-01-29 SB1 💲 Behavioral Health Trust Fund Yes
2025-02-03 CS/  SB3 💲 Behavioral Health Reform & Investment Act Yes
CS/  *SB2 💲 Public Health & Safety Initiatives Yes
2025-02-04 SB6 💲 Fostering Connections Pgm Eligibility Yes
SB7 💲 Storm Water Service as Municipal Utility Yes
2025-02-05 SB52 💲 Public Office Travel Reimbursement Yes
2025-02-06 SB17 💲 Parole & Parole Board Changes Yes
2025-02-07 SB45 💲 County Health Care Assistance Fund Use Yes
SB30 💲 PERA Two Percent Cost of Living Adjustments Yes
2025-02-12 SB26 💲 Protection Against Abuse And Violence Act Yes
CS/  SB14 💲 Health Care Consolidation & Transparency Act Yes
2025-02-17 SB55 💲 Insurance Payment of Depreciation Yes
SB61 💲 Landscape Architect Licensure Yes
SB57 💲 Medical Provider Patient IPRA Info Yes
CS/  SB58 💲 Childcare Facility Licensing Act Yes
2025-02-19 SB80 💲 Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Yes
SB77 💲 Purchase of Single Family Homes Yes
SB88 💲 Medicaid Trust Fund & State Supported Fund Yes
SB53 💲 Prescribing Psychologist Psychotropics Yes
SB63 💲 Retirement of State Flag Yes
2025-02-23 *SB66 💲 Criminal Offender Employment Exemptions Yes
SB78 💲 Certified Nurse Anesthetist Role Yes
SB96 💲 Off-Highway Vehicle Tires & Sizes Yes
SB83 💲 Innovation in State Government Fund Yes
SB102 💲 Study Universal Basic Income & Pregnant Yes
SB97 💲 Nursing Home Medicaid Reimbursement Yes
SB94 💲 Statute of Limitations for Certain Sex Crimes Yes
SB46 💲 Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Yes
2025-02-24 SB113 💲 Board & Commission Sunset Dates Yes
SB104 💲 Audiology & Speech Language Compact Yes
SB103 💲 Report on Direct Care Workforce Yes
CS/  SB118 💲 Organ Donor License Box & Registry Yes
2025-02-26 CS/  SB84 💲 Sharing of Certain CYFD Info Yes
2025-02-28 CS/  SB120 💲 No Behavioral Health Cost Sharing Yes
SB122 💲 Expand Prescription Drug Donation Program Yes
SB177 💲 U Visa Certification Act Yes
2025-03-02 SB216 💲 Rent Control & Certain Entities Yes
SB105 💲 Social Work Licensure Compact No
SB145 💲 Housing Trust Fund & Affordable Housing Yes
CS/  SB235 💲 School Math Changes No
SB144 💲 Affordable Housing Act Funding Yes
SB232 💲 ABQ Affordable Housing Yes
*SB198 💲 Family Infant Toddler Funding Yes
2025-03-03 SB322 💲 Strip Searches & Cameras Yes
SB173 💲 Telecommunicators as Police in PERA Yes
CS/  SB189 💲 Public Assistance Programs Eligibility Yes
SB127 💲 Movie Exemption From Barber & Cosmetic Act Yes
2025-03-05 SB270 💲 Federally Qualified Health Center Operations Yes
SB338 💲 Recruit & Retain Rural Health Workers Yes
SB250 💲 State Enforcement of Immigration Law Yes
SB346 💲 Statewide Capital Improvements Yes
*SB205 💲 State Office of Housing Planning & Production Yes
SB365 💲 Commission on the Status of Women Funding Yes
SB427 💲 New Physician Residency Programs Yes
SB39 💲 Add Classes to Prior Authorization Drugs Yes
SB436 💲 Workforce Solutions Dept. Funding Yes
SB288 💲 Increase Aging Network Reimbursements Yes
SB395 💲 Special Olympics Funding Yes
CS/  SB305 💲 Quality Foster Parent Task Force Yes
SB366 💲 Children's Code Reform Task Force Funding Yes

Senate Rules
2025-01-27 SB5 💲 Game Commission Reform Excused
SB85 💲 Campaign Finance Changes Excused
2025-01-31 SJM1 💲 Forest Restoration & Economic Development Excused
SB109 💲 PRC & Supporting Agency Excused
SB135 💲 Reimbursement for Certain Legislators Yes
SB124 💲 Superintendent of Insurance Subpoenas Excused
2025-02-05 CS/  SJR1 💲 Legislative Salaries Commission, CA Excused
2025-02-07 SJR7 💲 Regent Nominating Committees, CA Excused
CS/  SB19 💲 Boards of Regents Training Requirements Excused
2025-02-10 SB237 💲 MLK Commission Activities Yes
2025-02-12 SB218 💲 Election Changes Yes
SB16 💲 Non-Major Party Voters in Primary Elections Excused
SB283 💲 CYFD & Use of Federal Benefits Excused
2025-02-14 SM2 💲 Wildfire Study Group Excused
SJR2 💲 Public Employees Retiree Health Care Funds Excused
2025-02-17 SJM2 💲 Frontier Areas Task Force Excused
SB299 💲 Notice of Vacant Legislative Office Yes
SJR6 💲 Early Childhood Trust Fund, CA Yes
SJR3 💲 State Education Board, CA Excused
SJR11 💲 School Elections Timing, CA Yes
2025-02-19 SB417 💲 Confirmatory Adoptions Excused
SB167 💲 Early Childhood Trust Fund Excused
SB319 💲 Minimum Car Insurance Amounts Excused
2025-02-21 SB456 💲 Permanent Courts & Justice Committee Excused
CS/  SB254 💲 Cybersecurity Act & Office Changes Excused
CS/  SB42 💲 Comprehensive Addiction And Recovery Pgm Excused
2025-02-24 SB248 💲 Lobbyist Regulation & Expenditure Reports Excused
CS/  SB507 💲 Firearm Licenses & Transfers Excused
SB505 💲 Law Enforcement Use of Body Cameras Excused
2025-02-26 SJM3 💲 Higher Ed Bilingual Ed Faculties & Degree Excused
2025-02-28 CS/  SB458 💲 CYFD Secretary Nominating Committee Excused
SB274 💲 Board of Finance Approval for Land Sales Excused
SM16   Opposition to Eminent Domain for Transmission Excused
SM14   Mt Taylor Cultural & Environmental Integrity Excused
2025-03-03 SJR15 💲 Appointed State Board of Education, CA Excused
HB193 💲 Study Public Education System Excused
HJR2 💲 Eliminate Pocket Vetoes, CA Excused
SM9 💲 Continue & Improve 520 Language Excused
2025-03-05 SB514 💲 Severance Tax Bonding Capacity Allocations Excused
SM3 💲 Beaver Population & Management Plan Excused
HB181 💲 State Trust Program Accountability Plan Excused
SM19 💲 New Mexico Meat, Cheese & Produce in Schools Excused
2025-03-07 SM13   "Citizen Science Day" Excused
CS/  *HB308 💲 Remove Mrgcd From Local Election Act Excused

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '300A'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4482'
Jan 24 session_secretary_email: '' -> ''
Jan 30 sponsored: SB216 Rent Control & Certain Entities
Feb 3 sponsored: SB250 State Enforcement of Immigration Law
sponsored: SB260 Cleanup of Contaminated Sites
sponsored: SB269 Cannabis Testing Certain Employees
sponsored: SB270 Federally Qualified Health Center Operations
sponsored: SB271 Revise LFC Membership
Feb 5 sponsored: SB292 Protective Svcs. Workers Returning to Work
sponsored: SB293 Housing Study for Some Development Projects
Feb 6 sponsored: SB297 Health Care Authority Market Assessments
Feb 7 sponsored: SB322 Strip Searches & Cameras
Feb 11 sponsored: HB375 Graduate Behavioral Health Scholarship Act
Feb 12 sponsored: SB356 State Diversity Act
sponsored: SB365 Commission on the Status of Women Funding
sponsored: SB366 Children's Code Reform Task Force Funding
sponsored: SB367 Medical Spanish Education Program
sponsored: SM6 Joint Consent to Mental Health Treatment
Feb 14 sponsored: SB395 Special Olympics Funding
sponsored: SB396 Hispanic Student Education & Reporting
sponsored: SB405 Behavioral Health Review Committee
sponsored: SB406 Termination of Parental Rights
sponsored: SB407 Wrongful Conviction Compensation & Services
sponsored: SJR12 Legislative Session Changes, CA
Feb 17 sponsored: SB426 Repeal Obsolete School Provision
sponsored: SB428 Crossover Youth Act
sponsored: SB429 Reinstatement of Parental Rights Act
sponsored: SB430 "Neglected Child" Definition
Feb 18 sponsored: HB467 Multicultural Student Safety & Support
Feb 19 sponsored: HB75 County & Tribal Health Councils Funding
sponsored: HB149 Supported Decision-Making Act
sponsored: HB255 Rename "Juvenile Corrections Act"
Feb 20 sponsored: HB487 Protection of Hispanic Education
sponsored: HB488 Use of Language for Bilingual Education
sponsored: SB488 Increase Health Committee & Make Permanent
sponsored: SB489 Behavioral Health for Abused Children
sponsored: SB490 Central NM School Re-Engagement Programs
sponsored: SB491 Public Service Law Loan Repayment Additions
sponsored: SB512 Health Care Provider Reimbursements
sponsored: SB513 Horse Racetrack Live Race Day Requirements
sponsored: SB549 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
sponsored: SB550 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
sponsored: SB551 Public Peace, Health, Safety & Welfare
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4482' -> '505-986-4482'
sponsored: SB38 Special Education Act

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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