Sun Mar 9 6:04AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Senator Micaelita Debbie O'Malley (D-13) [view on]

Standing Committees

Senate Judiciary Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:00 PM 321
Senate Tax, Business & Transportation Member Tuesday & Thursday 1:30 PM 321

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)

Bills Introduced

*SB192 💲 Veteran Property Tax Exemptions STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB193 💲 Weight Loss Drugs Insurance Coverage STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB232 💲 ABQ Affordable Housing SHPACPassed, Mar 2, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  SB279 💲 Gas-Operated Semiauto Firearms Exclusion Act SJCPassed, Mar 7, with Committee Substitution
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB422 💲 Affordable Housing Organization Support STBTCPassed yesterday with Do Pass recommendation
SFCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.

Bills Cosponsored

SB378 💲 Liquor Tax Rates STBTCWas scheduled for Mar 4. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB508 💲 Coverage for Certain Health Care STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]

Vote Record

Senate Judiciary
2025-01-31 SB151 💲 Magistrate Judge Retirement Changes Yes
SB150 💲 Judicial Retirement Changes Yes
SB191 💲 Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs Yes
SB161 💲 Background Checks for Dma Employees Yes
2025-02-03 SB8 💲 Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment Pgm Yes
2025-02-05 SB85 💲 Campaign Finance Changes Yes
SB155 💲 Determination of Embezzlement Penalty No
SB220 💲 Publication of Legal Settlement Terms Yes
SB124 💲 Superintendent of Insurance Subpoenas Yes
2025-02-10 SB301 💲 Court Emergency Property Reserve Fund Yes
SB282 💲 Structured Settlement Guardian Ad Litem Yes
SB47 💲 Santa Cruz De La Canada Land Grant Yes
2025-02-12 CS/  SB21 💲 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act Yes
SB17 💲 Parole & Parole Board Changes Yes
SB13 💲 State-Tribal Education Compact Schools Act Yes
2025-02-17 SB72 💲 Nonprofit Condo Assoc. Remote Business Yes
SB6 💲 Fostering Connections Pgm Eligibility Yes
SB109 💲 PRC & Supporting Agency Yes
SB16 💲 Non-Major Party Voters in Primary Elections No
SB36 💲 Sensitive Personal Information Nondisclosure Yes
2025-02-19 CS/  HB8 💲 Criminal Competency & Treatment Excused
2025-02-24 CS/  SB119 💲 Investment in Bioscience Companies Yes
SB128 💲 Certain Characters on License Plates Yes
SB283 💲 CYFD & Use of Federal Benefits Yes
SB417 💲 Confirmatory Adoptions Yes
2025-02-26 SB319 💲 Minimum Car Insurance Amounts Yes
SB57 💲 Medical Provider Patient IPRA Info Yes
SB299 💲 Notice of Vacant Legislative Office Yes
2025-02-28 CS/  SB18 💲 Crime of Swatting Yes
CS/  SB507 💲 Firearm Licenses & Transfers No
CS/  SB54 💲 Criminal Justice Changes Yes
SB505 💲 Law Enforcement Use of Body Cameras Yes
2025-03-01 SB63 💲 Retirement of State Flag No
CS/  SB70 💲 Add Racketeering Crimes Yes
CS/  SB180 💲 Self-Service Storage Rental Changes No
SB179 💲 Electronic Disclosure for Rental Agreements Yes
SB504 💲 Aoc Transcription Services Yes
SB73 💲 Require Bicycle Stops for Safety Yes
SB123 💲 Regional Transit District Law Enforcement Yes
2025-03-03 SB9 💲 Pipeline Safety Act Violations Civil Penalty Yes
2025-03-05 SB53 💲 Prescribing Psychologist Psychotropics Yes
SB219 💲 Medical Psilocybin Act Yes
SB213 💲 Yielding to Transit Buses Yes
2025-03-07 SB226 💲 Truck Tractor Max Speed Limit Yes
CS/  SB159 💲 Independent Theater Beer & Wine Licenses Yes
SB221 💲 Additional Unfair Insurance Claims Practice Yes
CS/  SB267 💲 Housing Application Fees Yes
CS/  SB279 💲 Gas-Operated Semiauto Firearms Exclusion Act Yes

Senate Tax, Business & Transportation
2025-02-05 SB24 💲 Apprentice & Training Program Contributions Yes
SB51 💲 Southern NM Communication Infrastructure Yes
SB9 💲 Pipeline Safety Act Violations Civil Penalty Yes
2025-02-06 SB72 💲 Nonprofit Condo Assoc. Remote Business Yes
SB73 💲 Require Bicycle Stops for Safety Yes
SB79 💲 Unleaded Aviation Fuel Grant Program Yes
SB36 💲 Sensitive Personal Information Nondisclosure Yes
CS/  SB59 💲 Public Works Minimum Wage Definitions Yes
SB69 💲 Right to Repair Consumer Electronics Act Yes
2025-02-07 SB65 💲 Consumer Solar Protection Act Yes
*SB81 💲 NM Property Insurance Pgm. Assoc. Board Yes
2025-02-11 SB91 💲 Private Collection of Speeding Camera Fines Yes
SB219 💲 Medical Psilocybin Act Yes
SB92 💲 Horse Racing & Jockey Insurance Fund Yes
SB123 💲 Regional Transit District Law Enforcement Yes
SB126 💲 Increase Rural Service Fund Allocations Yes
SB112 💲 Higher Ed Housing Facility Property Tax No
2025-02-13 SB152 💲 County Petition for Cannabis License Pause Yes
SB265 💲 Motor Vehicle & Boat Violation Penalties Yes
CS/  SB137 💲 Rename Enhanced 911 Act Excused
SB225 💲 Increase Various Penalties Yes
SB143 💲 Create Utility Oversight Fund Yes
SB128 💲 Certain Characters on License Plates Yes
CS/  SB267 💲 Housing Application Fees Yes
CS/  SB175 💲 Child Care Facility Loan Fund Changes Yes
2025-02-18 CS/  SB159 💲 Independent Theater Beer & Wine Licenses Yes
SB241 💲 Hwy Construction Auto Speed Enforcement Yes
SB170 💲 NMFA Definitions, Funds & Rates No
CS/  SB180 💲 Self-Service Storage Rental Changes Excused
SB179 💲 Electronic Disclosure for Rental Agreements Yes
CS/  SB169 💲 Strategic Economic Development Site Readiness Yes
SB158 💲 Reporting of Economic Development Incentives Excused
SB194 💲 Notice of Termination of Franchises Yes
SB164 💲 Wireless Consumer Infrastructure Changes Yes
SB162 💲 Severance Tax Permanent Fund Investments Yes
CS/  SB20 💲 Increase Cigarette & Tobacco Products Taxes Yes
*SB31 💲 Zero-Interest Natural Disaster Loans Yes
2025-02-20 SB221 💲 Additional Unfair Insurance Claims Practice Excused
SB39 💲 Add Classes to Prior Authorization Drugs Yes
SB213 💲 Yielding to Transit Buses Excused
SB199 💲 Administration of Local DWI Grant Program Excused
SB227 💲 Funds in State Reserve Excused
SB202 💲 Standardize State Investment Fund Language Yes
SB186 💲 Multifamily Housing Valuation Yes
SB215 💲 Coverage for Certain Insurance Risks Excused
2025-02-21 SB226 💲 Truck Tractor Max Speed Limit Excused
2025-02-25 SB284 💲 Foster Children & Homeowners Insurance Yes
SB236 💲 Look Twice for Motorcycle License Plate Yes
SB252 💲 Social Work Telehealth Services Yes
CS/  SB249 💲 Health Care Provider Gross Receipts Yes
SB206 💲 Procurement Changes Yes
SB7 💲 Storm Water Service as Municipal Utility Yes
SB259 💲 Professional Fundraiser Requirements Yes
CS/  SB376 💲 State Employee Health Benefit Contributions Yes
2025-02-27 SB357 💲 Essential Services Development Act Excused
SB297 💲 Health Care Authority Market Assessments Excused
SB239 💲 Homeowner Assoc. Lot Owner Remedy Yes
SB420 💲 Community Privacy & Safety Act Excused
SB369 💲 400th Anniversary of Winemaking in America Yes
CS/  SB287 💲 Recreational Vehicle Manufacture & Dealer Act Excused
SB41 💲 Turquoise Alert System Yes
SB290 💲 Raise Marriage License Fees Excused
SB233 💲 Distributed Generation Written Statement Yes
2025-03-01 SB100 💲 Indebtedness Limit of Arroyo Flood Control Excused
SB355 💲 Public Finance Accountability Act Excused
SB303 💲 Gaming Machine Standards Excused
SB302 💲 Gaming Control Board Access Background Checks Excused
SB327 💲 Lowrider Capital License Plate Excused
2025-03-04 SB445 💲 Water Gross Receipts 6-Year Limit Yes
CS/  *HB47 💲 Veteran Property Tax Exemptions Yes
CS/  SB353 💲 Search & Rescue Emergency Responses Yes
SB350 💲 Housing Support Needs & Stabilization Yes
SB45 💲 County Health Care Assistance Fund Use Yes
SB370 💲 Obgyn Medicaid Reimbursement Rates Yes
SB351 💲 Correctional Reentry Workforce Program Yes
2025-03-06 SB348 💲 Payments in Lieu of Taxes for Property No
CS/  SB168 💲 Travel Insurance Act Yes
SB230 💲 Maximum Notary Fees Yes
CS/  *SB383 💲 Flood Recovery Bonds & Gross Receipts Yes
SB364 💲 Law Enforcement Qualifications Yes
HB6 💲 IRB Project Minimum Wage Yes
2025-03-08 CS/  HB66 💲 Workers' Compensation Changes Yes
SB377 💲 NM United License Plate Yes
SB460 💲 Film Loans to Certain Projects Yes
SB318 💲 Firearms in Unfair Practices Act Yes
SB352 💲 Certain Photos as Confidential Yes
SB52 💲 Public Office Travel Reimbursement Yes
CS/  SB118 💲 Organ Donor License Box & Registry Yes
SB422 💲 Affordable Housing Organization Support Yes
SB408 💲 State Architectural And Engineering Contracts Yes
SB413 💲 Investment in NM Private Equity Yes

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '218C'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4301'
Jan 24 session_secretary_email: '' -> ''
Jan 29 sponsored: SB192 Veteran Property Tax Exemptions
sponsored: SB193 Weight Loss Drugs Insurance Coverage
Jan 31 sponsored: SB232 ABQ Affordable Housing
Feb 4 sponsored: SB279 Gas-Operated Semiauto Firearms Exclusion Act
Feb 13 sponsored: SB378 Liquor Tax Rates
Feb 17 sponsored: SB422 Affordable Housing Organization Support
Feb 20 sponsored: SB508 Coverage for Certain Health Care
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4301' -> '505-986-4301'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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