Sun Mar 9 6:19AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Senator Harold Pope (D-23) [view on]

Senator since 2021

Legislative Aide: Sarah Minor-Schaeuble - 505-946-5573 -

Standing Committees

Senate Conservation Member Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM 311
Senate Education Vice Chair Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 AM 311

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Morning Committee Meetings:
 SEC - 8;30 a.m. Room 311
   Role: Vice Chair
Committee Meetings:
 SEC - 8:30 AM Room 311
   Role: Vice Chair
Committee Meetings:
 SCONC - 9:00 AM Room 311
   Role: Member
Sponsored Bills Being Heard in Committee:
 SHPAC - 1:00 PM Room 311
   SB146 Educational Opportunity for Military Children

Bills Introduced

CS/  SB10 💲 Anti-Hazing Act SECPassed, Jan 31, with Committee Substitution
SJCPossibly heard, but I don't know when.
SB68 💲 Graduate Scholarship Act Changes SECPassed, Feb 3, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB69 💲 Right to Repair Consumer Electronics Act STBTCPassed, Feb 6, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB76 💲 Change Back-to-School GRT Weekend STBTCWas scheduled for Feb 6. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB77 💲 Purchase of Single Family Homes FAILED SHPAC DNP.
SB90 💲 No Legislators as Lobbyists for 2 Years SRCWas scheduled for Feb 7. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB107 💲 NMSU Stem Center of Excellence SECPassed, Feb 3, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB140 💲 Certain Income Tax Exemptions STBTCWas scheduled for Mar 4. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB146 💲 Educational Opportunity for Military Children SHPACPossibly heard on Mar 7; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.
SB147 💲 Exclusionary Practices Act SECPassed, Feb 10, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB178 💲 Produced Water & Abandoned Wells Fund SCONCPassed, Feb 15, with Do Pass, as amended
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB190 💲 Homelessness Reduction SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB246 💲 Seizure Safe Schools Act SECWas scheduled for Feb 12. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SB248 💲 Lobbyist Regulation & Expenditure Reports SRCPassed, Feb 24, with Do Pass, as amended
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB433   Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
SR1   Consumption of Alcohol SRC[Referred, not scheduled]

Bills Cosponsored

HB27 💲 Librarian Protection Act House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 
HB30 💲 Motor Carrier Safety Act Changes HTPWCTabled in committee
HB128 💲 NMFA Local Solar Access Fund HousePassed, Mar 1, 43-22
SCONCPassed, Mar 6, with Do Pass recommendation
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  HB158 💲 Military Base Planning & Impact Act HousePassed 63-0
SFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB159 💲 Energy Project Siting & Military Bases HENRCPassed, Feb 6, with Do Pass recommendation
HLVMCPassed, Feb 20, with Do Pass, as amended
HJC[Referred, not scheduled]
CS/  HB169 💲 Public Expression Protection Act HCPACPassed, Feb 11, with Do Pass recommendation
HJCPassed, Feb 24, with Committee Substitution
HB281 💲 Hair Braiding Licensure HousePassed, Mar 5, 61-1
STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB489   Black Education Liaison Portal HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HJR3 💲 Environmental Rights, CA HGEICPassed, Feb 3, without recommendation
HENRC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB74 💲 Time Limit for Prosecuting Certain Crimes SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB161 💲 Background Checks for Dma Employees SenatePassed, Feb 13, 30-0
HLVMCPassed, Mar 4, with Do Pass recommendation
HJC[Referred, not scheduled]
*SB192 💲 Veteran Property Tax Exemptions STBTC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB216 💲 Rent Control & Certain Entities SHPACPassed, Mar 2, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB322 💲 Strip Searches & Cameras SHPACPassed, Mar 3, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SB356 💲 State Diversity Act SHPACPossibly heard on Mar 7; it may take 1-2 days to learn status.
SB396 💲 Hispanic Student Education & Reporting SIRCWas scheduled for Feb 25. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
SJR4 💲 Environmental Rights, CA SRC[Referred, not scheduled]
SJR7 💲 Regent Nominating Committees, CA SRCPassed, Feb 7, with Do Pass recommendation
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
SJR12 💲 Legislative Session Changes, CA SRC[Referred, not scheduled]

Vote Record

Senate Conservation
2025-01-28 SB4 💲 Clear Horizons & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Yes
2025-01-30 *SB22 💲 Water Quality & Pollution Yes
CS/  SB21 💲 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act Yes
2025-02-04 SB29 💲 Water Project Fund Appropriation Yes
SB47 💲 Santa Cruz De La Canada Land Grant Yes
CS/  *SB33 💲 Wildfire Prepared Act Yes
2025-02-06 SB60 💲 High School Water Management Pilot Project Yes
CS/  SB23 💲 Oil & Gas Royalty Rate Changes Yes
SB86 💲 Soil & Water Conservation Dist. Training Yes
2025-02-08 SB5 💲 Game Commission Reform Yes
SB48 💲 Community Benefit Fund Yes
SB49 💲 Community Benefit Fund Transfers Yes
2025-02-11 SB101 💲 Increase Certain Livestock Fees Yes
SB98 💲 Prohibit Certain Solar Covenants Yes
CS/  *SB115 💲 Public Project Revolving Fund Projects Yes
SB100 💲 Indebtedness Limit of Arroyo Flood Control Yes
SB37 💲 Strategic Water Reserve Fund Yes
SB108 💲 Water & Wetland Improvement Projects Yes
2025-02-13 SB188 💲 Rooftop Solar Panel Installation Complaints Yes
SB208 💲 Irrigation Works Fund Annual Transfer Yes
SB156 💲 Low-Income Utility Users Yes
SB142 💲 Grid Modernization Roadmap Yes
SB210 💲 Max Penalty for Water Law Violation Yes
2025-02-15 SB178 💲 Produced Water & Abandoned Wells Fund Yes
SB214 💲 Dept. of Ag. Administration & Enforcement Yes
2025-02-18 SB281 💲 Rural Electric Co-Op Wildfire Liability Act Excused
SB231 💲 Beneficial Substances Act Yes
CS/  SB262 💲 Citizen Science Projects Yes
SB260 💲 Cleanup of Contaminated Sites Yes
SB240 💲 Structural Wood Grading Act Yes
2025-02-20 SB339 💲 Curry County Water Lines Funding Yes
CS/  SB56 💲 Livestock Info During Epidemic No
2025-02-22 SB412 💲 Equine Dental Maintenance Yes
SB384 💲 Rio Hondo Watershed District Yes
SB418 💲 Qualified Microgrid Tax Credit Yes
2025-02-25 SB471 💲 Rainfall Enhancement Pilot Project Yes
SJM1 💲 Forest Restoration & Economic Development Yes
SM2 💲 Wildfire Study Group Excused
2025-02-27 CS/  SB358 💲 Equine Shelter Rescue & Welfare Trust Funds Yes
SB469 💲 Removal of Fire Hazard Trees Yes
2025-03-04 SB470 💲 Stock Water Applications to State Engineer Yes
HB91 💲 Public Utility Rate Structures Yes
SM14   Mt Taylor Cultural & Environmental Integrity Yes
SM16   Opposition to Eminent Domain for Transmission No
2025-03-06 HB128 💲 NMFA Local Solar Access Fund Yes
HB41 💲 Public Project Fund Appropriations Yes
HB291 💲 Recycling & State's Circular Economy Yes
*HB206 💲 NMFA Water Project Fund Projects Yes
HB111 💲 Search for Missing Qualified Service Animal Yes

Senate Education
2025-01-29 SB60 💲 High School Water Management Pilot Project Yes
SB8 💲 Veterinary Medical Loan Repayment Pgm Yes
CS/  SB11 💲 Anti-Distraction Policy in Schools No
2025-01-31 CS/  SB10 💲 Anti-Hazing Act Yes
SB13 💲 State-Tribal Education Compact Schools Act Yes
CS/  SB19 💲 Boards of Regents Training Requirements Yes
2025-02-03 SB93 💲 Out-of-School Programming Yes
SB107 💲 NMSU Stem Center of Excellence Yes
SB75 💲 Educational Retirement Changes Yes
SB82 💲 Public School Capital Outlay Changes Yes
SB68 💲 Graduate Scholarship Act Changes Yes
2025-02-05 SB130 💲 School Career Tech Ed. Program Units Yes
SB116 💲 Math Lab Pilot Project Yes
SB64 💲 School Career Development Success Project Yes
SB136 💲 Firearm Detection Software Fund Yes
2025-02-07 SB133 💲 Educational Retirees Returning to Work Yes
SB242 💲 Advancing the Science of Reading Act Yes
2025-02-10 SB147 💲 Exclusionary Practices Act Yes
SB245 💲 Charter Schools as Boards of Finance Yes
2025-02-12 CS/  SB235 💲 School Math Changes Yes
SB160 💲 Student Use of Wireless Communication Plans Yes
SB38 💲 Special Education Act Yes
SB238 💲 Youth Behavioral Health Prevention Project Yes
2025-02-14 SB258 💲 Human Sexuality Education Yes
SB247 💲 Publication of Certain Educational Info Yes
2025-02-17 *SB163 💲 Tribal Regalia At School Events Yes
SB343 💲 Teacher Salary Rates Changes Yes
SB300 💲 Access to Adult Literacy Programs Yes
SB280 💲 NMMI in Capital Outlay Act Yes
SB268 💲 UNM & NMSU Athletics Yes
2025-02-19 SB345 💲 Teacher & Instructional Support Licensure Yes
SB344 💲 K-4 Vision And Hearing Screening Yes
SB314 💲 Torrance County NM History Curriculum No
2025-02-21 SB380 💲 Physician Graduate Medical Ed. Trust Fund Yes
SB354 💲 Padre Antonio Jose Martinez Documentary Yes
SJR3 💲 State Education Board, CA Yes
CS/  SB387 💲 Community School Fund & Framework Yes
SB325 💲 Corrections Substance Abuse Counselor Ed. Yes
2025-02-24 SJR6 💲 Early Childhood Trust Fund, CA Yes
SB201 💲 Public Ed. Reform Fund Uses No
SB394 💲 UNM-Taos Observatory Yes
2025-02-26 SB167 💲 Early Childhood Trust Fund Yes
SB411 💲 Physician Loan Repayment Act Yes
SJR11 💲 School Elections Timing, CA Yes
HB157 💲 New School Licenses Yes
CS/  HB24 💲 Community Governance Attorneys Changes Yes
SB421 💲 Educational Retirement Board Powers Yes
2025-02-28 SB426 💲 Repeal Obsolete School Provision Yes
SB148 💲 Anti-Hazing Act No
2025-03-03 HB69 💲 Loan Forgiveness Multiplier Act Yes
SB437 💲 No School Use of Corporal Punishment Yes
CS/  SB480 💲 Student Graduation Reporting Yes
SB490 💲 Central NM School Re-Engagement Programs Yes
2025-03-05 SB493 💲 Kanw Radio Station Yes
CS/  SB492 💲 Hub for All College Online Enrollment Yes
SB494 💲 Rural School Defibrillator Training Yes
SB495 💲 Higher Education Radio Yes
SJR15 💲 Appointed State Board of Education, CA Yes
HB89 💲 Graduate Scholarship Act Changes Yes
2025-03-07 HB297 💲 School Personnel Computer Science Licensure Yes
HB260 💲 Allowable Responses to Student Behavior Yes
HB238 💲 Middle & High School Professional Work Hours Yes
HB193 💲 Study Public Education System Yes

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 22 sponsored: SB68 Graduate Scholarship Act Changes
sponsored: SB69 Right to Repair Consumer Electronics Act
sponsored: SB74 Time Limit for Prosecuting Certain Crimes
sponsored: SB76 Change Back-to-School GRT Weekend
sponsored: SB77 Purchase of Single Family Homes
sponsored: SR1 Consumption of Alcohol
Jan 23 office: '' -> '301A'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4380'
district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Sarah Minor-Schaeuble '
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ' '
district_legislative_aide: 'Sarah Minor-Schaeuble ' -> 'Sarah Minor-Schaeuble'
district_legislative_aide_email: ' ' -> ''
sponsored: HB27 Librarian Protection Act
sponsored: HB30 Motor Carrier Safety Act Changes
sponsored: SB90 No Legislators as Lobbyists for 2 Years
sponsored: SB107 NMSU Stem Center of Excellence
sponsored: SB140 Certain Income Tax Exemptions
sponsored: SJR4 Environmental Rights, CA
Jan 24 session_secretary_email: '' -> ''
Jan 27 sponsored: SB146 Educational Opportunity for Military Children
sponsored: SB147 Exclusionary Practices Act
Jan 28 sponsored: HB158 Military Base Planning & Impact Act
sponsored: HB159 Energy Project Siting & Military Bases
sponsored: HB169 Public Expression Protection Act
sponsored: SB161 Background Checks for Dma Employees
sponsored: SB178 Produced Water & Abandoned Wells Fund
Jan 29 sponsored: SB190 Homelessness Reduction
sponsored: SB192 Veteran Property Tax Exemptions
sponsored: SJR7 Regent Nominating Committees, CA
Jan 30 sponsored: SB216 Rent Control & Certain Entities
Feb 3 sponsored: SB246 Seizure Safe Schools Act
sponsored: SB248 Lobbyist Regulation & Expenditure Reports
Feb 4 sponsored: HB128 NMFA Local Solar Access Fund
Feb 5 sponsored: HB281 Hair Braiding Licensure
Feb 7 sponsored: SB322 Strip Searches & Cameras
Feb 11 district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5573'
Feb 12 sponsored: SB356 State Diversity Act
Feb 14 sponsored: HJR3 Environmental Rights, CA
sponsored: SB396 Hispanic Student Education & Reporting
sponsored: SJR12 Legislative Session Changes, CA
Feb 18 sponsored: SB433 Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact
Feb 20 sponsored: HB489 Black Education Liaison Portal
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4380' -> '505-986-4380'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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