Sun Mar 9 6:21AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Representative Jimmy G. Mason (R-66) [view on]

Representative since 2023

Legislative Aide: Estefani Hammond - 505-946-5666 -

Standing Committees

House Commerce & Economic Development Committee Ranking Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:30 PM 317
House Rural Development, Land Grants And Cultural Affairs Member Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM 305

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Morning Committee Meetings:
 HRDLC - 9:30 AM Room 305
   Role: Member
Afternoon Committee Meetings:
 HCEDC - 1:30 PM Room 317
   Role: Ranking Member

Bills Introduced

HB162 💲 Repeal Firearm Sale Waiting Period HCPACTabled in committee
HB567   DWI Saliva Testing HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]

Bills Cosponsored

HB327 💲 Certain Natural Gas as Renewable Energy HENRC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB351 💲 Storm Event Zero-Interest Loans HRDLCPassed, Feb 20, with Do Pass recommendation
HAFC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB367 💲 Add Days of Live Horse Racing HGEICPassed, Feb 24, with Do Pass recommendation
HCEDC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB387 💲 Education Opportunity Account Act HEC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB553 💲 Timber Grading Act On Speaker's Table
HB565   Gun Waiting Period for Law Enforcement HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB566   Gun Waiting Period & Law Enforcement HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HM12   "4-H Day" Signed

Vote Record

House Commerce & Economic Development Committee
2025-01-29 CS/  HB49 💲 Closed Captioning Act No
CS/  HB19 💲 Trade Ports Development Act Yes
2025-02-03 HB202 💲 Gun Storage Income Tax Credit Yes
CS/  HB10 💲 RLD Cannabis Enforcement Yes
2025-02-05 HB179 💲 Saturday After Thanksgiving GRT Sunset Yes
HB220 💲 Ignition-Resistant Construction Yes
CS/  HB215 💲 No Use of AI for Rent Manipulation No
2025-02-10 HB56 💲 Medicaid Reimbursements for Birth Centers No
2025-02-12 HB14 💲 Earned Income Tax Credit Yes
*HB22 💲 Prohibit Credit Card Fee Tip Deductions Yes
2025-02-14 *HB261 💲 Spaceport District Fund Investment Yes
HB323 💲 Engineer Licensure Yes
2025-02-17 HB174 💲 Pharmacy Reimbursement for Certain Plans Yes
CS/  HB20 💲 Technology & Innovation Division No
CS/  HB296 💲 Public Accountant Licensure Requirements Yes
HB40 💲 Universal Adult Changing Stations No
2025-02-19 CS/  HB11 💲 Paid Family & Medical Leave Act No
2025-02-21 HB154 💲 Bingo & Raffle Act Exemptions Yes
CS/  HB112 💲 Cannabis Licensure Changes Yes
HB155 💲 Gaming Control Board Director Qualifications Yes
2025-02-24 CS/  HB61 💲 Unfair Practices Act Changes No
HB64 💲 Expand Post-Secondary Tuition Eligibility No
HB99 💲 Nonrepairable Vehicle Certificates Yes
2025-02-26 HB227 💲 Child Care Facility Qualifying Entities No
CS/  HB93 💲 Advanced Grid Technology Plans Yes
HB368 💲 High Wage Jobs Tax Credit "Threshold Job" Yes
HB325 💲 Housing Construction Tax Credit Yes
2025-02-28 CS/  *HB346 💲 Hemp Products & Synthetic Cannabinoids Yes
HB233 💲 Diabetic Foot Ulcer Equipment Coverage Yes
HB447 💲 Gaming Tax Exemption in Disaster Area Yes
CS/  HB421 💲 Business Security Assistance Act Yes
HB281 💲 Hair Braiding Licensure Yes
HB370 💲 Health Care Professionals Credentialing Yes
2025-03-03 HB469 💲 Border Authority & Director Requirements No
CS/  HB410 💲 Consumer Info & Data Protection Act Yes
2025-03-05 HJM9 💲 Artificial Intelligence Interim Committee Yes
HB415 💲 Notice of Use of Earned Sick Leave Yes

House Rural Development, Land Grants And Cultural Affairs
2025-01-28 HB41 💲 Public Project Fund Appropriations Yes
HB21 💲 Land Grant-Merced Assistance Fund Changes Yes
CS/  HB24 💲 Community Governance Attorneys Changes Yes
2025-02-05 HB172 💲 "New Mexico Red & Green Chile Month" Yes
2025-02-06 CS/  HB191 💲 Wildfire Suppression & Preparedness Funds Yes
2025-02-11 HB228 💲 Local Restrictions on Certain Fences No
HB227 💲 Child Care Facility Qualifying Entities No
HB226 💲 Increase Rural Health Care Tax Credit Yes
2025-02-13 HB273 💲 Certain Natural Gas as Renewable Energy Yes
HB161 💲 State Park Day Passes for Veterans Yes
HB288 💲 Chaparral Local Governance Study Yes
HB239 💲 Espanola Lowrider Museum Yes
2025-02-18 HB315 💲 Archaeology Field School Education Program Yes
HB326 💲 Small Business Disaster Relief Tax Credit Yes
HB330 💲 Land Grant-Merced & Acequia Infrastructure Yes
2025-02-20 HB351 💲 Storm Event Zero-Interest Loans Yes
HB334 💲 Rural Electric Co-Op Wildfire Liability Act Yes
HB411 💲 State Mineral Yes
2025-02-25 HB519 💲 African American Arts Center Directors Yes
HB521 💲 Agritourism Promotion Act Yes
HB419 💲 Correctional Reentry Workforce Program Yes
2025-02-27 HB576 💲 Museum & Park Admission for Adopted Children Yes
HB571 💲 Building Housing Communities Yes
SB47 💲 Santa Cruz De La Canada Land Grant Yes
2025-03-04 HB265 💲 Creative Industries Fund No
HB219 💲 Slot Canyon Riverlands State Park No

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 office: '' -> '203B'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4226'
district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'Estefani Hammond '
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ' '
district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5666 '
district_legislative_aide: 'Estefani Hammond ' -> 'Estefani Hammond'
district_legislative_aide_email: ' ' -> ''
district_legislative_aide_phone: '505-946-5666 ' -> '505-946-5666'
Jan 24 office: '203B' -> '202B'
office_phone: '986-4226' -> '986-4220'
Jan 25 session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List'
Jan 28 sponsored: HB162 Repeal Firearm Sale Waiting Period
Feb 4 sponsored: HM12 "4-H Day"
Feb 7 sponsored: HB327 Certain Natural Gas as Renewable Energy
Feb 11 sponsored: HB351 Storm Event Zero-Interest Loans
sponsored: HB367 Add Days of Live Horse Racing
sponsored: HB387 Education Opportunity Account Act
Feb 20 sponsored: HB553 Timber Grading Act
sponsored: HB565 Gun Waiting Period for Law Enforcement
sponsored: HB566 Gun Waiting Period & Law Enforcement
sponsored: HB567 DWI Saliva Testing
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4220' -> '505-986-4220'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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