Sun Mar 9 6:11AM - 13 days, 5 hours left in session

Representative William A. Hall II (R-3) [view on]

Representative since 2024

Legislative Aide: April Gonzalez - 505-946-5603 -

Standing Committees

House Judiciary Member Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:30 PM 309
House Labor, Veterans' And Military Affairs Committee Member Tuesday & Thursday 1:30 PM 315
House Enrolling & Engrossing - B Member At Call of Chair

Daily Schedule - fixed commitments

  Sunday (Today) Monday (Tomorrow) Tuesday (Schedules may be incomplete)
Afternoon Committee Meetings:
 HJC - 1:30 PM OR 15 minutes after floor ends Room 309
   Role: Member

Bills Introduced

HB251 💲 Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes HousePassed, Mar 5, 62-0
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB299 💲 State Law Enforcement Instructor PERA HLVMCWas scheduled for Feb 11. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.

Bills Cosponsored

HB163 💲 Additions to "Delinquent Act" HCPACTabled in committee
HB371 💲 Off-Highway Motor Vehicles on Roads House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 
*HB381   Pretrial Detention Presumption HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB555 💲 Photos for Licensed Massage Therapy HHHC🗓 Mon Mar 108:30 AMRoom 307 
HB565   Gun Waiting Period for Law Enforcement HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HB566   Gun Waiting Period & Law Enforcement HCPAC[Referred, not scheduled]
HJR7 💲 No County Sheriff Term Limits, CA HGEICWas scheduled for Feb 26. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HM7   "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" HJCWas scheduled for Feb 5. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.
HM19   "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day" Signed
HM28   "Irish-American Day" House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 

Vote Record

House Judiciary
2025-02-03 HB182 💲 Judicial Retirement Changes Yes
HB183 💲 Magistrate Retirement Changes Yes
HB127 💲 License Plate Readers Funding Yes
2025-02-05 HB209 💲 Sunshine Portal Fund Creation Links Yes
HB12 💲 Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Order Changes No
HB147 💲 Additional Second District Judgeship Yes
2025-02-06 HB216 💲 Community-Based Domestic Violence Programs Yes
2025-02-10 CS/  HB49 💲 Closed Captioning Act Yes
HB36 💲 Board of Optometry Powers And Duties Yes
CS/  HB66 💲 Workers' Compensation Changes Yes
CS/  HB149 💲 Supported Decision-Making Act Yes
HB26 💲 Ticket Resale At State And Nonprofit Events No
CS/  HB10 💲 RLD Cannabis Enforcement Yes
2025-02-12 HB103 💲 Battery on Peace Officer Penalty Yes
CS/  HB8 💲 Criminal Competency & Treatment No
2025-02-14 HJR2 💲 Eliminate Pocket Vetoes, CA Yes
HJR1 💲 Session Length, Subjects & Overrides, CA Yes
CS/  HB140 💲 "Hazardous Waste Constituent" Definition No
HB160 💲 Stop, Look & Listen for Railroad Equipment Yes
2025-02-15 *HB82 💲 Physical Therapy Licensure Compact Yes
2025-02-17 HB220 💲 Ignition-Resistant Construction Yes
CS/  HB81 💲 Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact Yes
HB74 💲 Firefighter And EMS Provider Peer Support Act Yes
CS/  HB24 💲 Community Governance Attorneys Changes Yes
CS/  HB79 💲 Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology Compact Yes
HB98 💲 Automatic Expungement of Eviction Records No
CS/  HB215 💲 No Use of AI for Rent Manipulation No
2025-02-19 HB101 💲 Firearm At Polling Place for Law Enforcement Yes
HB102 💲 Violent Felonies for Meritorious Deduction Yes
HB104 💲 Crimes Against Peace Officer Definitions Yes
2025-02-21 HB87 💲 Non-Consensual Touching Clarification Yes
HB84 💲 Employee Free Speech Act No
2025-02-22 HB143 💲 Lobbying Activity Reports No
2025-02-24 HB178 💲 Nursing Practice Changes Yes
HB339 💲 Housing Discrimination & Human Rights Act No
CS/  HB169 💲 Public Expression Protection Act Yes
CS/  HB153 💲 Protect Reporters From Exploitative Spying No
CS/  HB212 💲 Per & Poly-Flouroalkyl Protection Act No
CS/  HB60 💲 Artificial Intelligence Act No
CS/  HB73 💲 Childhood Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations Yes
2025-02-26 HB13 💲 Distribution System And Electrification Plans No
CS/  HB78 💲 Prohibit Discrimination Against 340b Entities No
2025-02-28 HB9 💲 Immigrant Safety Act No
CS/  HB284 💲 Free-Roaming Horses & Livestock Code Yes
CS/  *HB308 💲 Remove Mrgcd From Local Election Act Yes
HB258 💲 Natural Gas Capture Requirements Excused
HB171 💲 Pharmacy Custodial Care Facilities Yes
HB72 💲 Nursing Staff-to-Patient Ratios in Hospitals No
2025-03-01 CS/  HB205 💲 CYFD Nominating Committee Yes
HB5 💲 Office of Child Advocate Act Yes
CS/  HB256 💲 No Statutory Bill Intro Deadline Yes
HJR5 💲 CYFD Commission, CA No
HB203 💲 Use of State Devices for CYFD Business Yes
HB364 💲 Federal Benefits for CYFD Custody Yes
2025-03-03 CS/  HB296 💲 Public Accountant Licensure Requirements Yes
HB243 💲 Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Yes
HB62 💲 Uniform Investigative Demand Procedure No
HB217 💲 Counseling Compact Yes
HB323 💲 Engineer Licensure Yes
2025-03-05 HB132 💲 Repeal of Deposit of Will Yes
CS/  HB120 💲 Accessibility of State Agencies Yes
HB352 💲 Close & Relocate Certain Magistrate Courts Yes
CS/  HB61 💲 Unfair Practices Act Changes No
HB413 💲 Physician Assistant Licensure Compact Yes
CS/  HB255 💲 Rename "Juvenile Corrections Act" No
2025-03-07 HB298 💲 Local Government Official Changes Yes
CS/  HB222 💲 Fracturing Fluid Disclosure & Use No
HB340 💲 Dna of Certain Offenders in Codis Yes
HB287 💲 Telephone, Text & Social Media Crimes Yes
CS/  HB253 💲 Sealing of Certain Court Records No
2025-03-08 HB269 💲 Health Care Authority Visit Verification Yes
HB244 💲 Magistrate Judge Minimum Age Yes
HB469 💲 Border Authority & Director Requirements No
HB428 💲 Rules Definitions for Corrections No
HB230 💲 Cannabis Testing Certain Employees No
CS/  HB442 💲 Mobile Home Rent Stabilization No
HB366 💲 Veterinarian as Health Practitioner Yes

House Labor, Veterans' And Military Affairs Committee
2025-01-28 HB68 💲 One-to-One Apprentice to Journeyman Ratios No
HB67 💲 Reasonable Assurance for Higher Ed Employees No
CS/  HB66 💲 Workers' Compensation Changes No
2025-01-30 HB161 💲 State Park Day Passes for Veterans Yes
HB84 💲 Employee Free Speech Act No
HB6 💲 IRB Project Minimum Wage No
HB96 💲 PERA Member Temporary Payment Yes
2025-02-04 HB146 💲 Railway Safety Act Yes
HB129 💲 Public Employee Probation Period Yes
*HB22 💲 Prohibit Credit Card Fee Tip Deductions Yes
*HB138 💲 Hospital Patient Safety Act No
2025-02-06 CS/  HB158 💲 Military Base Planning & Impact Act Yes
2025-02-11 HB251 💲 Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes Yes
HB254 💲 Ed. Retirees Returning to Work Time Period Yes
HB249 💲 Unemployment & Emergencies & Disasters Yes
HB245 💲 Compensation for Veterans' Benefits Yes
2025-02-13 HB264 💲 State Employee Salaries, Leave & Retention Yes
HB282 💲 Teach Employee Rights in High School No
HB246 💲 Increase Minimum Wage No
2025-02-18 HB331 💲 Cannabis Business & Labor Peace Agreement No
HB337 💲 Health Care Whistleblower Protection Act No
2025-02-20 HB159 💲 Energy Project Siting & Military Bases Yes
HB336 💲 Certain Retirees Returning to Work Yes
2025-02-25 HB468 💲 Retiring of State Flags Yes
2025-02-27 CS/  HB438 💲 Employee Payment for Unused Leave No
HB494 💲 Tax Exemptions for Veterans Yes
2025-03-04 SB161 💲 Background Checks for Dma Employees Yes

This table shows a chronological list of updates for this legislator: office/phone/email updates, bills sponsored, committee role changes. It is probably way more than you want to know.

Jan 23 district_legislative_aide: '' -> 'April Gonzalez '
district_legislative_aide_email: '' -> ' '
district_legislative_aide_phone: '' -> '505-946-5603 '
district_legislative_aide: 'April Gonzalez ' -> 'April Gonzalez'
district_legislative_aide_email: ' ' -> ''
district_legislative_aide_phone: '505-946-5603 ' -> '505-946-5603'
joined: HYEEB: Member
Jan 24 office: '' -> '203DN'
office_phone: '' -> '986-4336'
Jan 25 session_secretary_email: '' -> 'House Session Secretary List'
Jan 28 sponsored: HB163 Additions to "Delinquent Act"
sponsored: HJR7 No County Sheriff Term Limits, CA
Jan 29 sponsored: HM7 "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day"
Feb 4 sponsored: HB251 Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes
Feb 5 sponsored: HB299 State Law Enforcement Instructor PERA
Feb 10 sponsored: HM19 "Law Enforcement Appreciation Day"
Feb 11 sponsored: HB371 Off-Highway Motor Vehicles on Roads
sponsored: HB381 Pretrial Detention Presumption
Feb 20 sponsored: HB555 Photos for Licensed Massage Therapy
sponsored: HB565 Gun Waiting Period for Law Enforcement
sponsored: HB566 Gun Waiting Period & Law Enforcement
Feb 21 sponsored: HM28 "Irish-American Day"
Feb 26 office_phone: '986-4336' -> '505-986-4336'

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

Powered by Mojolicious. Tracking software is fully Open Source. See About page for more info, and for a list of recent changes.