Sat Mar 8 4:48PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

House Memorial 24

Corrections & CYFD Staffing Levels [view on]

Financial Analysis: FIR

Rep. Eleanor Chávez 26 Bernalillo

House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [8] HGEIC-HGEIC [10] DP

Legis DayActionDetails
8 referred HGEIC
8 sent HGEIC
10 passed HGEIC (view committee report) DP 5-3; nays: Block, Mejia, Zamora

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 21 filed: [Prefiled by Eleanor Chávez; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to HGEIC
title: '[prefiled by Eleanor Chávez; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Corrections & CYFD Staffing Levels'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[8] HGEIC-HGEIC'
new sponsor: Eleanor Chávez
Feb 25 added to HGEIC 2025-02-26 08:30
added to HGEIC agenda on Wed Feb 26, 08:30
Feb 27 passed HGEIC; sent to Speaker's Table
actions: '[8] HGEIC-HGEIC' -> '[8] HGEIC-HGEIC [10] DP-T'
on House calendar for Fri Feb 28, 10:30
Feb 28 actions: '[8] HGEIC-HGEIC [10] DP-T' -> '[8] HGEIC-HGEIC [10] DP'
on House calendar for Sat Mar 1, 13:00
Mar 2 on House calendar for Mon Mar 3, 10:30
Mar 3 on House calendar for Tue Mar 4, 10:30
Mar 4 on House calendar for Wed Mar 5, 10:30
Mar 5 on House calendar for Thu Mar 6, 10:30
Mar 6 on House calendar for Fri Mar 7, 10:30
Mar 7 on House calendar for Sat Mar 8, 12:00


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Eleanor Chávez









     WHEREAS, the corrections department and the children, youth and families department provide critical public safety services in this state; and

     WHEREAS, the corrections department and the children, youth and families department must have adequate staffing levels to provide those critical services; and

     WHEREAS, over the last decade, both the corrections department and the children, youth and families department have been significantly understaffed; and

     WHEREAS, some correctional facilities have official vacancy rates for frontline correctional officer positions in excess of thirty percent, which has led to more dangerous staffing situations in correctional facilities; and

     WHEREAS, several frontline positions at the children, youth and families department have official vacancy rates in excess of thirty percent, including child protective services and juvenile justice facility positions; and

     WHEREAS, it is difficult to fully evaluate the understaffing situations at the corrections department and the children, youth and families department because the departments have eliminated many unfilled positions; and

     WHEREAS, the children, youth and families department is operating under the requirements of the Kevin S. settlement agreement that necessitates adequate and safe staffing; and

     WHEREAS, there has been a lack of opportunity for frontline workers to provide input and perspective to shape recruiting and retention policies at the corrections department or the children, youth and families department; and

     WHEREAS, ensuring the safety of the public is the most essential role of state government;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the legislative finance committee be requested to create a task force to generate a report that:

          A. recommends safe and adequate staffing levels for all public safety positions at the corrections department and the children, youth and families department;

          B. analyzes current staffing levels at the corrections department and the children, youth and families department, including shift, post and job classification details;

          C. determines the reasons for current inadequate staffing levels;

          D. analyzes the efficacy of current recruiting and retention strategies at the corrections department and the children, youth and families department;

          E. recommends actions that the executive branch could take to remedy inadequate staffing levels; and

          F. recommends legislation, including appropriations, necessary to remedy inadequate staffing levels; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force be requested to consist of the following members:

          A. a member from the state personnel office, appointed by the director of the state personnel office, with direct knowledge of the corrections department and the children, youth and families department job classifications, pay bands and hiring practices;

          B. a member from the corrections department appointed by the secretary of corrections;

          C. a member from the children, youth and families department appointed by the secretary of children, youth and families;

          D. three members employed by the children, youth and families department, including at least one member who works in child protective services and at least one member who is a correctional officer in a juvenile detention facility, appointed by the executive director of the union representing the largest number of employees at the corrections department and the children, youth and families department;

          E. one member employed at the union representing the largest number of employees at the corrections department and the children, youth and families department, appointed by the executive director of that union;

          F. two members, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, who are state representatives;

          G. one member, appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives, who is a state representative;

          H. two members, appointed by the majority leader of the senate, who are state senators; and

          I. one member, appointed by the minority leader of the senate, who is a state senator; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force be requested to meet monthly from May 2025 through November 2025 to develop and finalize the report by December, 1 2025; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report developed pursuant to this memorial be provided to the corrections department, the children, youth and families department, the office of the governor and the legislature; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the report developed pursuant to this memorial be made available to the public on the legislature's website; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the corrections department, the children, youth and families department, the office of the governor and each member of the legislature.

- 5 -

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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