Sat Mar 8 4:49PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

House Memorial 28

"Irish-American Day" [view on]

Rep. John Block 51 Otero
Rep. Kathleen Cates 44 Bernalillo & Sandoval
Rep. Jonathan A. Henry 54 Eddy, Chaves & Otero
Rep. William A. Hall II 3 San Juan
Rep. Susan K. Herrera 41 Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe & Taos

House🗓 Sat Mar 812:00 PMHouse Floor 

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [8] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld

Legis DayActionDetails
8 nt prntd
8 nt ref com
8 tabled

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 21 filed: [Prefiled by John Block et al; not yet on nmlegis]
nt ref com; tabled
title: '[prefiled by John Block Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> '"Irish-American Day"'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[8] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld'
new sponsor: John Block
new sponsor: Kathleen Cates
new sponsor: Jonathan A. Henry
new sponsor: William A. Hall II
new sponsor: Susan K. Herrera
on House calendar for Sat Feb 22, 12:30
Feb 22 on House calendar for Mon Feb 24, 10:30
Feb 24 on House calendar for Tue Feb 25, 10:38
Feb 25 on House calendar for Wed Feb 26, 10:30
Feb 26 on House calendar for Thu Feb 27, 10:30
Feb 27 on House calendar for Fri Feb 28, 10:30
Feb 28 on House calendar for Sat Mar 1, 13:00
Mar 2 on House calendar for Mon Mar 3, 10:30
Mar 3 on House calendar for Tue Mar 4, 10:30
Mar 4 on House calendar for Wed Mar 5, 10:30
Mar 5 on House calendar for Thu Mar 6, 10:30
Mar 6 on House calendar for Fri Mar 7, 10:30
Mar 7 on House calendar for Sat Mar 8, 12:00


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


John Block and Kathleen Cates and Jonathan A. Henry

and William A. Hall II and Susan K. Herrera








     WHEREAS, there are approximately thirty-one million five hundred thousand Irish Americans in the United States; and

     WHEREAS, the story of Irish Americans has always been one of strength and perseverance through adversity; and

     WHEREAS, many Irish immigrants arrived on America's shores to escape the great famine, embraced their new home and helped build the nation into what it is today; and

     WHEREAS, approximately seven percent of New Mexico residents claim Irish heritage; and

     WHEREAS, many Irish Americans have made impacts on New Mexican culture; and

     WHEREAS, Stephen Watts Kearny, born to parents of Irish descent, used diplomacy rather than arms to defeat Mexican troops en route to Santa Fe; and

     WHEREAS, Henry McCarty, also known as "Billy the Kid", also born to Irish parents, has roots in Lincoln and Chaves counties and was later buried at Fort Sumner; and

     WHEREAS, Sister Mary de Sales Deheney, an Irish immigrant and member of the sisters of charity, was the first woman licensed as a doctor in the territory of New Mexico; and

     WHEREAS, Georgia O'Keeffe, one of the most significant artists of the twentieth century, whose father was of Irish descent, was inspired by New Mexico landscape and culture before making New Mexico her permanent home;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that March 17, 2025 be declared "Irish-American Day" in the house of representatives; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this day be a celebration of all Irish Americans and their contributions to the nation's culture; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be transmitted to the Irish-American society of New Mexico.

- 2 -

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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