Sat Mar 8 4:52PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

Senate Bill 129

Rail Infrastructure Tax Credit [view on]

Financial Analysis: FIR

Sen. Crystal Brantley 35 Catron, Doña Ana, Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra & Socorro
Sen. Craig W. Brandt 40 Sandoval
Sen. Joseph Cervantes 31 Doña Ana & Otero

STBTCWas scheduled for Feb 13. No vote recorded. Presumed stalled.

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [2] STBTC/SFC-STBTC

Legis DayActionDetails
2 referred STBTC/SFC
2 sent STBTC

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Jan 23 filed: [Prefiled by Crystal Brantley; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to STBTC
title: '[prefiled by Crystal Brantley; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Rail Infrastructure Tax Credit'
actions: 'SPREF' -> '[2] STBTC/SFC-STBTC'
new sponsor: Craig W. Brandt
new sponsor: Crystal Brantley
Feb 12 scheduled for STBTC on Thu Feb 13, 13:30
new sponsor: Joseph Cervantes


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Crystal Brantley and Joseph Cervantes










     SECTION 1. A new section of the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act is enacted to read:


          A. For taxable years prior to January 1, 2036, a taxpayer that is a railroad that incurs qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures or qualified new rail infrastructure expenditures may claim a tax credit against the taxpayer's tax liability for that taxable year imposed pursuant to the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act. The tax credit provided by this section may be referred to as the "rail infrastructure corporate income tax credit".

          B. The amount of credit that may be allowed pursuant to this section shall be equal to fifty percent of a taxpayer's qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures or qualified new rail infrastructure expenditures; provided that:

                (1) for qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures, the amount of tax credit shall not exceed an amount equal to the product of five thousand dollars ($5,000) multiplied by the number of miles of railroad track owned or leased in the state by the taxpayer as of the close of the taxable year; and

                (2) for qualified new rail infrastructure expenditures, the amount of tax credit shall not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each new rail-served customer project of the taxpayer.

          C. A taxpayer that seeks to claim a tax credit provided by this section shall apply for a certificate of eligibility from the department of transportation during the taxable year in which, or within three months after, the qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures or qualified new rail infrastructure expenditures are incurred. The application shall include the number of miles of railroad track that the taxpayer owns or leases in New Mexico, a description of the amount of qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures or qualified new rail infrastructure expenditures completed, supporting expenditure detail and the amount of tax credit requested.

          D. If the department of transportation determines that a taxpayer is a railroad and meets the requirements to claim a tax credit pursuant to this section, that department shall issue to the taxpayer a dated certificate of eligibility providing the amount of the tax credit for which the taxpayer is eligible and the taxable year in which the credit may be claimed. The department of transportation shall provide the taxation and revenue department with the certificates of eligibility issued pursuant to this subsection in an electronic format at regularly agreed-upon intervals.

          E. The department of transportation may certify a maximum annual aggregate amount of credits of six million dollars ($6,000,000) per calendar year. If a taxpayer applies for and meets the requirements for the tax credit, but the maximum aggregate amount of credits has been certified for that taxable year, the department of transportation shall issue the taxpayer a certificate of eligibility for the next taxable year in which there are available certifications. The department of transportation shall publish to its website on a regular basis the number of rail infrastructure corporate income tax credits that have been certified in each calendar year. Completed applications shall be made on forms and in the manner prescribed by the department of transportation and considered in the order received.

          F. To receive a tax credit provided by this section, a taxpayer shall claim the credit on forms and in the manner prescribed by the department within twelve months following the calendar year in which the certificate of eligibility was issued. The claim shall include a certificate of eligibility issued pursuant to this section.

          G. A certificate of eligibility issued pursuant to this section may either be submitted by the taxpayer with that taxpayer's return or be sold, exchanged or otherwise transferred to another taxpayer. The parties to such a transaction shall notify the department of the sale, exchange or transfer within ten days of the sale, exchange or transfer. The notification shall include the names, addresses and taxpayer identification numbers of the parties to the transfer, the amount of the credit being transferred, the year that the credit was originally allowed to the transferring taxpayer and the taxable year or years for which the credit may be claimed.

          H. That portion of a tax credit that exceeds a taxpayer's tax liability in the taxable year in which the tax credit is claimed shall not be refunded but may be carried forward for a maximum of five consecutive taxable years.

          I. The credit provided by this section shall be included in the tax expenditure budget pursuant to Section 7-1-84 NMSA 1978, including the total annual aggregate cost of the credit.

          J. The department of transportation may promulgate rules necessary for administering the provisions of this


          K. As used in this section:

                (1) "qualified new rail infrastructure expenditures" means gross expenditures for new rail infrastructure incurred by a taxpayer, including the new construction of industrial leads, switches, sidings, rail loading docks and transloading structures involved with servicing new customer locations or existing customer expansions adjacent to a railroad located in New Mexico;

                (2) "qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures" means gross expenditures for maintenance, reconstruction or replacement of railroad infrastructure, including track, roadbed, bridges, industrial leads, sidings and track-related structures in New Mexico that are owned or leased by a taxpayer claiming the credit provided by this section. "Qualified reconstruction or replacement expenditures" does not include expenditures used to generate a federal tax credit or expenditures funded by a state or federal grant;

                (3) "railroad" means a railroad that is classified by the federal surface transportation board as a class two or class three railroad located wholly or partly in New Mexico or an owner or lessee of a rail siding, yard track, industrial spur or industry track located in New Mexico on or adjacent to a railroad; and

                (4) "rail-served customer project" means construction of railroad infrastructure to provide rail service."

     SECTION 2. Section 7-1-8.8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2019, Chapter 87, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read:

     "7-1-8.8. INFORMATION THAT MAY BE REVEALED TO OTHER STATE AND LEGISLATIVE AGENCIES.--An employee of the department may reveal confidential return information to the following agencies; provided that a person who receives the information on behalf of the agency shall be subject to the penalties in Section 7-1-76 NMSA 1978 if the person fails to maintain the confidentiality required:

          A. a committee of the legislature for a valid legislative purpose, return information concerning any tax or fee imposed pursuant to the Cigarette Tax Act;

          B. the attorney general, return information acquired pursuant to the Cigarette Tax Act for purposes of Section 6-4-13 NMSA 1978 and the master settlement agreement defined in Section 6-4-12 NMSA 1978;

          C. the commissioner of public lands, return information for use in auditing that pertains to rentals, royalties, fees and other payments due the state under land sale, land lease or other land use contracts;

          D. the secretary of [human services] health care authority or the secretary's delegate under a written agreement with the department:

                (1) the last known address with date of all names certified to the department as being absent parents of children receiving public financial assistance, but only for the purpose of enforcing the support liability of the absent parents by the child support enforcement division or any successor organizational unit;

                (2) return information needed for reports required to be made to the federal government concerning the use of federal funds for low-income working families;

                (3) return information of low-income taxpayers for the limited purpose of outreach to those taxpayers; provided that the [human services department] health care authority shall pay the department for expenses incurred by the department to derive the information requested by the [human services department] health care authority if the information requested is not readily available in reports for which the department's information systems are programmed;

                (4) return information required to administer the Health Care Quality Surcharge Act; and

                (5) return information in accordance with the provisions of the Easy Enrollment Act;

          E. the department of information technology, by electronic media, a database updated quarterly that contains the names, addresses, county of address and taxpayer identification numbers of New Mexico personal income tax filers, but only for the purpose of producing the random jury list for the selection of petit or grand jurors for the state courts pursuant to Section 38-5-3 NMSA 1978;

          F. the state courts, the random jury lists produced by the department of information technology under Subsection E of this section;

          G. the director of the New Mexico department of agriculture or the director's authorized representative, upon request of the director or representative, the names and addresses of all gasoline or special fuel distributors, wholesalers and retailers;

          H. the public regulation commission, return information with respect to the Corporate Income and Franchise Tax Act required to enable the commission to carry out its duties;

          I. the state racing commission, return information with respect to the state, municipal and county gross receipts taxes paid by racetracks;

          J. the gaming control board, tax returns of license applicants and their affiliates as provided in Subsection E of Section 60-2E-14 NMSA 1978;

          K. the director of the workers' compensation administration or to the director's representatives authorized for this purpose, return information to facilitate the identification of taxpayers that are delinquent or noncompliant in payment of fees required by Section 52-1-9.1 or 52-5-19 NMSA 1978;

          L. the secretary of workforce solutions or the secretary's delegate, return information for use in enforcement of unemployment insurance collections pursuant to the terms of a written reciprocal agreement entered into by the department with the secretary of workforce solutions for exchange of information;

          M. the New Mexico finance authority, information with respect to the amount of municipal and county gross receipts taxes collected by municipalities and counties pursuant to any local option municipal or county gross receipts taxes imposed, and information with respect to the amount of governmental gross receipts taxes paid by every agency, institution, instrumentality or political subdivision of the state pursuant to Section 7-9-4.3 NMSA 1978;

          N. the superintendent of insurance, return information with respect to the premium tax and the health insurance premium surtax;

          O. the secretary of finance and administration or the secretary's designee, return information concerning a credit pursuant to the Film Production Tax Credit Act;

          P. the secretary of economic development or the secretary's designee, return information concerning a credit pursuant to the Film Production Tax Credit Act;

          Q. the secretary of public safety or the secretary's designee, return information concerning the Weight Distance Tax Act;

          R. the secretary of transportation or the secretary's designee, return information concerning the Weight Distance Tax Act and return information concerning rail infrastructure corporate income tax credits for which eligibility is certified or otherwise determined by the secretary or the secretary's designee;

          S. the secretary of energy, minerals and natural resources or the secretary's designee, return information concerning tax credits or deductions for which eligibility is certified or otherwise determined by the secretary or the secretary's designee;

          T. the secretary of environment or the secretary's designee, return information concerning tax credits for which eligibility is certified or otherwise determined by the secretary or the secretary's designee; and

          U. the secretary of state or the secretary's designee, taxpayer information required to maintain voter registration records and as otherwise provided in the Election Code."

     SECTION 3. APPLICABILITY.--The provisions of this act apply to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2025.

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Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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