Sat Mar 8 5:14PM - 13 days, 17 hours left in session

Senate Bill 293

Housing Study for Some Development Projects [view on]

Financial Analysis: FIR

Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez 16 Bernalillo
Sen. Linda M. López 11 Bernalillo

SHPAC[Referred, not scheduled]

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.


Legis DayActionDetails
4 referred SHPAC/STBTC
4 sent SHPAC

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 5 filed: [Prefiled by Antoinette Sedillo Lopez et al; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to SHPAC
title: '[prefiled by Antoinette Sedillo Lopez Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Housing Study for Some Development Projects'
actions: 'SPREF' -> '[4] SHPAC/STBTC-SHPAC'
new sponsor: Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
new sponsor: Linda M. López


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Antoinette Sedillo Lopez and Linda M. López










     SECTION 1. Section 5-15-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2006, Chapter 75, Section 3, as amended by Laws 2019, Chapter 212, Section 199 and also by Laws 2019, Chapter 275, Section 1) is amended to read:

     "5-15-3. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Tax Increment for Development Act: 

          A. "affordable housing" means decent, safe and sanitary dwellings, apartments, single-family dwellings or other living accommodations that are affordable for persons or families earning less than eighty percent of the median income within the county in which a tax increment development project is located; provided that an owner-occupied housing unit is affordable to a household if the expected sales price is reasonably anticipated to result in monthly housing costs that do not exceed thirty-three percent of the household's gross monthly income; and provided further that:

                (1) determination of mortgage amounts and payments is to be based on down payment rates and interest rates generally available to lower- and moderate-income households; and

                (2) a renter-occupied housing unit is affordable to a household if the unit's monthly housing costs, including rent and basic utility and energy costs, do not exceed thirty-three percent of the household's gross monthly income; 

          [A.] B. "base gross receipts taxes" means:

                (1) the total amount of gross receipts taxes collected within a tax increment development district, as estimated by the governing body that adopted a resolution to form that district, in consultation with the taxation and revenue department, in the calendar year preceding the formation of the tax increment development district or, when an area is added to an existing district, the amount of gross receipts taxes collected in the calendar year preceding the effective date of the modification of the tax increment development plan and designated by the governing body to be available as part of the gross receipts tax increment; and

                (2) any amount of gross receipts taxes that would have been collected in such year if any applicable additional gross receipts taxes imposed after that year had been imposed in that year;

          [B.] C. "base property taxes" means:

                (1) the portion of property taxes produced by the total of all property tax levied at the rate fixed each year by each governing body levying a property tax on the assessed value of taxable property within the tax increment development area last certified for the year ending immediately prior to the year in which a tax increment development plan is approved for the tax increment development area, or, when an area is added to an existing tax increment development area, "base property taxes" means that portion of property taxes produced by the total of all property tax levied at the rate fixed each year by each governing body levying a property tax upon the assessed value of taxable property within the tax increment development area on the date of the modification of the tax increment development plan and designated by the governing body to be available as part of the property tax increment; and

                (2) any amount of property taxes that would have been collected in such year if any applicable additional property taxes imposed after that year had been imposed in that year;

          [C.] D. "county option gross receipts taxes" means gross receipts taxes imposed by counties pursuant to the County Local Option Gross Receipts and Compensating Taxes Act and designated by the governing body of the county to be available as part of the gross receipts tax increment;

          [D.] E. "district" means a tax increment development district;

          [E.] F. "district board" means a board formed in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Increment for Development Act to govern a tax increment development district;

          [F.] G. "enhanced services" means public services provided by a municipality or county within the district at a higher level or to a greater degree than otherwise available to the land located in the district from the municipality or county, including such services as public safety, fire protection, street or sidewalk cleaning or landscape maintenance in public areas; provided that "enhanced services" does not include the basic operation and maintenance related to infrastructure improvements financed by the district pursuant to the Tax Increment for Development Act;

          [G.] H. "governing body" means the city council or city commission of a city, the board of trustees or council of a town or village or the board of county commissioners of a county;

          [H.] I. "gross receipts tax increment" means the gross receipts taxes collected within a tax increment development district in excess of the base gross receipts taxes collected in the district;

          [I.] J. "gross receipts tax increment bonds" means bonds issued by a district in accordance with the Tax Increment for Development Act, the pledged revenue for which is a gross receipts tax increment;

          K. "housing study" means a multivariable estimate of housing demand created by new employment, including new full-time economic base jobs, expected to occur as a result of implementation of a tax increment development project;

          [J.] L. "local government" means a municipality or county;

          [K.] M. "municipal option gross receipts taxes" means those gross receipts taxes imposed by municipalities pursuant to the Municipal Local Option Gross Receipts and Compensating Taxes Act and designated by the governing body of the municipality to be available as part of the gross receipts tax increment;

          [L.] N. "municipality" means an incorporated city, town or village;

          [M.] O. "new full-time economic base job" means a job:

                (1) that is primarily performed in New Mexico;

                (2) that is held by an employee who is hired to work an average of at least thirty-two hours per week for at least forty-eight weeks per year;

                (3) that is:

                     (a) involved, directly or in a supervisory capacity, with the production of: 1) a service; provided that the majority of the revenue generated from the service is from sources outside the state; or 2) tangible or intangible personal property for sale; or

                     (b) held by an employee that is employed at a regional, national or international headquarters operation or at an operation that primarily provides services for other operations of the qualifying entity that are located outside the state; and

                (4) that is not directly involved with natural resources extraction or processing, on-site services where the customer is present for the delivery of the service, retail, construction or agriculture except for value-added processing performed on agricultural products that would then be sold for wholesale or retail consumption;

          [N.] P. "owner" means a person owning real property within the boundaries of a district;

          [O.] Q. "person" means an individual, corporation, association, partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity;

          [P.] R. "project" means a tax increment development project;

          [Q.] S. "property tax increment" means all property tax collected on real property within the designated tax increment development area that is in excess of the base property tax until termination of the district and distributed to the district in the same manner as distributions are made under the provisions of the Tax Administration Act;

          [R.] T. "property tax increment bonds" means bonds issued by a district in accordance with the Tax Increment for Development Act, the pledged revenue for which is a property tax increment;

          [S.] U. "public improvements" means on-site improvements and off-site improvements that directly or indirectly benefit a tax increment development district or facilitate development within a tax increment development area and that are dedicated to the governing body in which the district lies. "Public improvements" includes:

                (1) sanitary sewage systems, including collection, transport, treatment, dispersal, effluent use and discharge;

                (2) drainage and flood control systems, including collection, transport, storage, treatment, dispersal, effluent use and discharge;

                (3) water systems for domestic, commercial, office, hotel or motel, industrial, irrigation, municipal or fire protection purposes, including production, collection, storage, treatment, transport, delivery, connection and dispersal;

                (4) highways, streets, roadways, bridges, crossing structures and parking facilities, including all areas for vehicular use for travel, ingress, egress and parking;

                (5) trails and areas for pedestrian, equestrian, bicycle or other non-motor vehicle use for travel, ingress, egress and parking;

                (6) pedestrian and transit facilities, parks, recreational facilities and open space areas for the use of members of the public for entertainment, assembly and recreation;

                (7) landscaping, including earthworks, structures, plants, trees and related water delivery systems;

                (8) public buildings, public safety facilities and fire protection and police facilities;

                (9) electrical generation, transmission and distribution facilities;

                (10) natural gas distribution facilities;

                (11) lighting systems;

                (12) cable or other telecommunications lines and related equipment;

                (13) traffic control systems and devices, including signals, controls, markings and signage;

                (14) school sites and facilities with the consent of the governing board of the public school district for which the facility is to be acquired, constructed or renovated;

                (15) library and other public educational or cultural facilities;

                (16) equipment, vehicles, furnishings and other personal property related to the items listed in this subsection;

                (17) inspection, construction management, planning and program management and other professional services costs incidental to the project;

                (18) [workforce] affordable housing; and

                (19) any other improvement that the governing body determines to be for the use or benefit of the public;

          [T.] V. "state gross receipts tax" means the gross receipts tax imposed pursuant to the Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act, but does not include that portion distributed to municipalities pursuant to Sections 7-1-6.4 and 7-1-6.46 NMSA 1978 or to counties pursuant to Section 7-1-6.47 NMSA 1978;

          [U.] W. "sustainable development" means land development that achieves sustainable economic and social goals in ways that can be supported for the long term by conserving resources, protecting the environment and ensuring human health and welfare using mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented, multimodal land use planning;

          [V.] X. "tax increment development area" means the land included within the boundaries of a tax increment development district;

          [W.] Y. "tax increment development district" means a district formed for the purposes of carrying out tax increment development projects;

          [X.] Z. "tax increment development plan" means a plan for the undertaking of a tax increment development project;

          [Y.] AA. "tax increment development project" means activities undertaken within a tax increment development area to enhance the sustainability of the local, regional or statewide economy; to support the creation of jobs, schools and workforce housing; and to generate tax revenue for the provision of public improvements and may include:

                (1) acquisition of land within a designated tax increment development area or a portion of that tax increment development area;

                (2) demolition and removal of buildings and improvements and installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds and improvements necessary to carry out the objectives of the Tax Increment for Development Act;

                (3) installation, construction or reconstruction of streets, water utilities, sewer utilities, parks, playgrounds and other public improvements necessary to carry out the objectives of the Tax Increment for Development Act;

                (4) disposition of property acquired or held by a tax increment development district as part of the undertaking of a tax increment development project at the fair market value of such property for uses in accordance with the Tax Increment for Development Act;

                (5) payments for professional services contracts necessary to implement a tax increment development plan or project;

                (6) borrowing to purchase land, buildings or infrastructure in an amount not to exceed the revenue stream that may be derived from the gross receipts tax increment or the property tax increment estimated to be received by a tax increment development district; and

                (7) grants for public improvements essential to the location or expansion of a business; and

          [Z.] BB. "taxing entity" means the governing body of a political subdivision of the state, the gross receipts tax increment or property tax increment of which may be used for a tax increment development project. [and

          AA. "workforce housing" means decent, safe and sanitary dwellings, apartments, single-family dwellings or other living accommodations that are affordable for persons or families earning less than eighty percent of the median income within the county in which the tax increment development project is located; provided that an owner-occupied housing unit is affordable to a household if the expected sales price is reasonably anticipated to result in monthly housing costs that do not exceed thirty-three percent of the household's gross monthly income; provided that:

                (1) determination of mortgage amounts and payments is to be based on down payment rates and interest rates generally available to lower- and moderate-income households; and

                (2) a renter-occupied housing unit is affordable to a household if the unit's monthly housing costs, including rent and basic utility and energy costs, do not exceed thirty-three percent of the household's gross monthly income.]"

     SECTION 2. Section 5-15-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2006, Chapter 75, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. A tax increment development plan may be approved by the governing body of the municipality or county within which tax increment development projects are proposed. Upon filing with the clerk of the governing body of an approved tax increment development plan and upon receipt of a petition bearing the signatures of the owners of at least fifty percent of the real property located within a proposed tax increment development area, the governing body [may] shall adopt a resolution declaring its intent to form a tax increment development district. Petitioners shall conduct a housing study and include the findings in the petition; provided that the entity conducting the housing study shall not solely rely on a cost-burden analysis. Prior to the formation of a district, the owner or developer of the real property located within an area proposed to be designated as a tax increment development area may enter into an agreement with the governing body concerning the improvement of specific property within the district, and that agreement may be used to establish obligations of the owner or developer and the governing body concerning the zoning, subdivision, improvement, impact fees, financial responsibilities and other matters relating to the development, improvement and use of real property within the district.

          B. A governing body may adopt a resolution on its own motion upon its finding that a need exists for the formation of a district.

          C. The resolution to form a district shall include:

                (1) the area or areas to be included within the boundaries of the district;

                (2) the purposes for which the district is to be formed;

                (3) a statement that a tax increment development plan is on file with the clerk of the governing body and that the plan includes a map depicting the boundaries of the tax increment development area and the real property proposed to be included in the area;

                (4) the rate of any proposed property tax levy;

                (5) identification of gross receipts tax increment and property tax increment financing mechanisms proposed;

                (6) identification of gross receipts tax increments and property tax increments proposed to secure proposed gross receipts tax increment bonds or property tax increment bonds;

                (7) requirement of a public hearing for the formation of the district and notice of the hearing;

                (8) a statement that formation of a district may result in the use of gross receipts tax increments or property tax increments to pay the costs of construction of public improvements made by the district; and

                (9) a reference to the Tax Increment for Development Act.

          D. A resolution may direct that, prior to holding a hearing on formation of a district, petitioners for the formation of a district prepare a study of the feasibility, the financing and the estimated costs of improvements, services and benefits to result from the formation of the proposed district. The governing body may require those petitioners to deposit with the clerk or treasurer of the governing body an amount equal to the estimated costs of conducting the study and other estimated formation costs. The deposit shall be reimbursed from the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by the tax increment development district if the district is formed and if gross receipts tax increment bonds or property tax increment bonds are issued by that district pursuant to the Tax Increment for Development Act.

          E. A resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall direct that a public hearing on formation of the district be scheduled and that notice of the hearing be mailed and published.

          F. A governing body of the municipality or county within which tax increment development projects are proposed that adopts a resolution to form a district shall notify the secretary of taxation and revenue, the secretary of finance and administration and the director of the legislative finance committee of the governing body's action within ten days following the date on which the resolution was adopted. A copy of the adopted resolution shall be included in the notice sent pursuant to this subsection. All resolution materials, including fiscal and economic studies, shall also be available electronically to the public."

     SECTION 3. Section 5-15-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2006, Chapter 75, Section 5) is amended to read:

     "5-15-5. CONTENTS OF TAX INCREMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN.--A tax increment development plan shall include:

          A. a map depicting the geographical boundaries of the area proposed for inclusion within the tax increment development area;

          B. the estimated time necessary to complete the tax increment development project;

          C. a description and the estimated cost of all public improvements proposed for the tax increment development project;

          D. whether it is proposed to use gross receipts tax increment bonds or property tax increment bonds or both to finance all or part of the public improvements;

          E. the estimated annual gross receipts tax increment to be generated by the tax increment development project and the portion of that gross receipts tax increment to be allocated during the time necessary to complete the payment of the tax increment development project;

          F. the estimated annual property tax increment to be generated by the tax increment development project and the portion of that property tax increment to be allocated during the time necessary to complete the payment of the tax increment development project;

          G. the general proposed land uses for the tax increment development project;

          H. the number and types of jobs expected to be created by the tax increment development project;

          I. the amount and characteristics of [workforce] affordable housing expected to be created by the tax increment development project;

          J. the location and characteristics of public school facilities expected to be created, improved, rehabilitated or constructed by the tax increment development project;

          K. a description of innovative planning techniques, including mixed-use transit-oriented development, traditional neighborhood design or sustainable development techniques, that are deemed by the governing body to be beneficial and that will be incorporated into the tax increment development project; and

          L. the amount and type of private investment in each tax increment development project."

     SECTION 4. Section 5-15-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2006, Chapter 75, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read:

     "5-15-7. PUBLIC HEARING.--

          A. At a public hearing conducted pursuant to the Tax Increment for Development Act, the governing body shall hear all relevant evidence and testimony and make findings. A record of the hearing shall be kept and may consist of a transcription by a court reporter, an electronic recording or minutes taken by a designated person. The record shall be preserved in the official records of the governing body and shall be open to public inspection pursuant to the Inspection of Public Records Act.

          B. Testimony at a hearing is not required to be given under oath.

          C. At the conclusion of a hearing, the governing body shall determine whether the tax increment development district should be formed based upon the interests, convenience or necessity of the owners, the residents of the proposed tax increment development district and the residents of the municipality or county in which the proposed tax increment development district is to be located. The governing body shall make the following findings before adopting a resolution to approve the formation of a district:

                (1) the tax increment development plan reasonably protects the interests of the governing body in meeting its goals to support:

                     (a) job creation;

                     (b) [workforce] affordable housing;

                     (c) public school facility creation and improvement, including the creation and improvement of facilities for charter schools; and

                     (d) underdeveloped area or historical area redevelopment;

                (2) the tax increment development plan demonstrates elements of innovative planning techniques, including mixed-use transit-oriented development, traditional neighborhood design or sustainable development techniques, that are deemed by the governing body to benefit community development;

                (3) the tax increment development plan incorporates sustainable development considerations; and

                (4) the tax increment development plan conforms to general or long-term planning of the governing body.

          D. If the governing body determines that the district should be formed, it shall:

                (1) adopt a resolution ordering that the tax increment development district be formed;

                (2) order that a formation determination among the owners of real property within the proposed district be conducted or declare that the formation determination is waived pursuant to Subsection B of Section 5-15-8 NMSA 1978; and

                (3) set the matter for an election or declare that an election is canceled pursuant to Subsection I of Section 5-15-8 NMSA 1978."

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