Sat Mar 8 5:22PM - 13 days, 17 hours left in session
Sponsors | ||
Rep. Art De La Cruz | 12 | Bernalillo |
Rep. Raymundo Lara | 34 | Doña Ana |
Rep. Dayan Hochman-Vigil | 15 | Bernalillo |
Rep. Patricia A. Lundstrom | 9 | McKinley |
Rep. Cathrynn N. Brown | 55 | Eddy & Lea |
Status | |||
[Merged into HB2] | |||
This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.
Actions: [4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC [6] DP/a-HAFC [1] (Succeeding entries: H 2).
Legis Day | Action | Details | ||
4 | referred | HTPWC/HAFC | ||
4 | sent | HTPWC | ||
6 | passed | HTPWC (view committee report) | DP/a | 9-0 |
6 | sent | HAFC | ||
1 | merged into HB2 |
This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.
Feb 10 | filed: [Prefiled by Art De La Cruz et al; not yet on nmlegis] |
[new] | |
sent to HTPWC | |
title: '[prefiled by Art De La Cruz Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Dept. of Transportation Act of 2025' | |
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC' | |
new sponsor: Art De La Cruz | |
new sponsor: Raymundo Lara | |
new sponsor: Dayan Hochman-Vigil | |
new sponsor: Patricia A. Lundstrom | |
new sponsor: Cathrynn N. Brown | |
Feb 11 | referred to HTPWC/HAFC; sent to HTPWC |
scheduled for HTPWC on Thu Feb 13, 09:00 | |
Feb 12 | actions: '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC- HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC' -> '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC' |
Feb 14 | passed HTPWC; sent to HAFC |
actions: '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC' -> '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC [6] DP/a-HAFC' | |
Feb 21 | merged into HB2 General Appropriation Act of 2025 |
actions: '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC [6] DP/a-HAFC' -> '[4] HTPWC/HAFC-HTPWC [6] DP/a-HAFC [1] (Succeeding entries: H 2).' | |
on House calendar for Sat Feb 22, 12:30 | |
Feb 22 | on House calendar for Mon Feb 24, 10:30 |
57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - FIRST SESSION, 2025
Art De La Cruz and Raymundo Lara and Dayan Hochman-Vigil and Patricia A. Lundstrom
and Cathrynn N. Brown
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the "Department of Transportation Appropriation
Act of 2025".
SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Department of Transportation Appropriation Act of 2025:
A. "agency" means an office, department, agency, institution, board, bureau, commission,
court, district attorney, council or committee of state government;
B. "explanatory" means information that can help users to understand reported performance measures and to evaluate the significance of underlying factors that may have affected the reported information;
C. "federal funds" means any payments by the United States government to state government or agencies except those payments made in accordance with the federal Mineral Leasing Act;
D. "general fund" means that fund created by Section 6-4-2 NMSA 1978 and includes federal Mineral Leasing Act receipts and those payments made in accordance with the federal block grant and the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 but excludes the general fund operating reserve, the appropriation contingency fund, the tax stabilization reserve and any other fund, reserve or account from which general appropriations are restricted by law;
E. "interagency transfers" means revenue, other than internal service funds, legally transferred from one agency to another;
F. "internal service funds" means:
(1) revenue transferred to an agency for the financing of goods or services to another agency on a cost-reimbursement basis; and
(2) balances in agency internal service fund accounts appropriated by the
Department of Transportation Appropriation Act of 2025;
G. "other state funds" means:
(1) nonreverting balances in agency accounts, other than in internal service fund accounts, appropriated by the Department of Transportation Appropriation Act of 2025;
(2) all revenue available to agencies from sources other than the general fund, internal service fund accounts, interagency transfers and federal funds; and
(3) all revenue, the use of which is restricted by statute or agreement;
H. "outcome" means the measure of the actual impact or public benefit of a program;
I. "output" means the measure of the volume of work completed or the level of actual services or products delivered by a program;
J. "performance measure" means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to assess a program;
K. "quality" means the measure of the quality of a good or service produced and is often an indicator of the timeliness, reliability or safety of services or products produced by a program;
L. "revenue" means all money received by an agency from sources external to that agency, net of refunds and other correcting transactions, other than from issue of debt, liquidation of investments or as agent or trustee for other governmental entities or private persons; and
M. "target" means the expected level of performance of a program's performance measures.
SECTION 3. FORMAT.--The general format of the appropriations set forth in the Department of Transportation Appropriation Act of 2025 with respect to symbols used, column headings and stating of amounts is that used in the General Appropriation Act of 2024.
(1) Project design and construction:
The purpose of the project design and construction program is to provide improvements and additions to the state's highway infrastructure to serve the interest of the general public. These improvements include those activities directly related to highway planning, design and construction necessary for a complete system of highways in the state.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 34,204.3 1,873.3 36,077.6
(b) Contractual services 121,043.5 462,412.2 583,455.7
(c) Other 139,856.9 59,322.3 199,179.2
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Percent of projects in production let to bid as scheduled 75%
(b) Quality: Percent of final cost-over-bid amount, less gross receipts
tax, on highway construction projects 3%
(c) Outcome: Percent of projects completed according to schedule 88%
(2) Highway operations:
The highway operations program is responsible for maintaining and providing improvements to the state's highway infrastructure that serves the interest of the general public. The maintenance and improvements include those activities directly related to preserving roadway integrity and maintaining open highway access throughout the state system. Some examples include bridge maintenance and inspection, snow removal, chip sealing, erosion repair, right-of-way mowing and litter pick up, among numerous other activities.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 145,346.5 3,000.0 148,346.5
(b) Contractual services 72,451.1 72,451.1
(c) Other 114,992.3 114,992.3
Performance measures:
(a) Output: Number of statewide pavement lane miles preserved 3,500
(b) Outcome: Percent of interstate lane miles rated fair or better 91%
(c) Outcome: Number of combined systemwide lane miles in poor condition 4,000
(d) Outcome: Percent of bridges in fair, or better, condition based on
deck area 95%
(3) Program support:
The purpose of program support is to provide management and administration of financial and human resources, custody and maintenance of information and property and the management of construction and maintenance projects.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits32,530.432,530.4
(b) Contractual services 3,166.7 3,166.7
(c) Other 15,650.2 15,650.2
Performance measures:
(a) Explanatory: Vacancy rate in all programs
(4) Modal:
The purpose of the modal program is to provide federal grants management and oversight of programs with dedicated revenues, including transit and rail, traffic safety and aviation.
(a) Personal services and
employee benefits 6,729.9 6,880.0 1,752.3 15,362.2
(b) Contractual services 16,965.4 1,300.0 12,762.9 31,028.3
(c) Other 11,151.3 2,620.0 38,284.8 52,056.1
The internal services funds/interagency transfers appropriations to the modal program of the department of transportation include ten million five hundred thousand dollars ($10,500,000) from the weight distance tax identification permit fund.
Performance measures:
(a) Outcome: Number of traffic fatalities 400
(b) Outcome: Number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities 140.
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