Sat Mar 8 4:59PM - 13 days, 18 hours left in session

House Memorial 25

"African American Day" [view on]

Rep. Pamelya Herndon 28 Bernalillo


"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [6] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld- w/drn - PASSED/H (69-0)- SGND.

Legis DayActionDetails
6 nt prntd
6 nt ref com
6 tabled
6 withdrawn
6 passed House 69-0
6 signed SGND.

Abeyta, Michelle Pauleneyes  
Anaya, Mariannayes  
Anyanonu, Janelleyes  
Armstrong, Gailyes  
Baca, Brian G.yes  
Block, Johnyes  
Borrego, Cynthiayes  
Brown, Cathrynn N.yes  
Cadena, Micaela Larayes  
Cates, Kathleenyes  
Chandler, Christineyes  
Chatfield, Jackyes  
Chavez, Nicoleyes  
Chávez, Eleanoryes  
Cullen, Catherine J.yes  
De La Cruz, Artyes  
Dixon, Meredith A.yes  
Dow, Rebeccayes  
Duncan, Markyes  
Ferrary, Joanne J.yes  
Gallegos, Doreen Y.yes  
García, Miguel P.yes  
Garratt, Joyyes  
Gonzales, Anitayes  
Gurrola, Yanirayes  
Hall II, William A.yes  
Henry, Jonathan A.yes  
Hernandez, Joseph Franklinyes  
Hernandez, Joshua N.yes  
Herndon, Pamelyayes  
Herrera, Susan K.yes  
Hochman-Vigil, Dayanyes  
Johnson, D. Wondayes  
Jones, Jeniferyes  
Lara, Raymundoyes  
Lente, Derrick J.yes  
Little, Charlotteyes  
Lord, Stefaniyes  
Lujan, Tara L.yes  
Lundstrom, Patricia A.yes  
Martinez, Alan T.yes  
Martínez, Javieryes  
Mason, Jimmy G.yes  
Matthews, Marianyes  
McQueen, Matthewyes  
Mejia, Angelitayes  
Mirabal Moya, Tanyayes  
Montoya, Rodyes  
Murphy, Mark B.yes  
Ortez, Kristinayes  
Parajón, Cristinayes  
Pettigrew, Randall T.yes  
Reeb, Andreayes  
Romero, Andreayes  
Romero, G. Andrésyes  
Roybal Caballero, Patriciayes  
Rubio, Angelicayes  
Sanchez, Josephyes  
Sariñana, Debra M.yes  
Sena Cortez, Elaineyes  
Serrato, Lindayes  
Silva, Sarahyes  
Small, Nathan P.yes  
Szczepanski, Reenayes  
Terrazas, Luis M.yes  
Thomson, Elizabeth "Liz"yes  
Torres-Velásquez, E. Dianeyes  
Vincent, Harlanyes  
Zamora, Martin R.yes  

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 14 filed: [Prefiled by Pamelya Herndon; not yet on nmlegis]
nt ref com; tabled; passed House
title: '[prefiled by Pamelya Herndon; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> '"African American Day"'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[6] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld- w/drn - PASSED/H (69-0).'
new sponsor: Pamelya Herndon
Feb 17 signed
actions: '[6] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld- w/drn - PASSED/H (69-0).' -> '[6] nt prntd-nt ref com-tbld- w/drn - PASSED/H (69-0)- SGND.'


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


Pamelya Herndon









     WHEREAS, African-American day is a celebration of the achievements and contributions of African Americans to the history of both New Mexico and the United States; and

     WHEREAS, New Mexico recognizes the importance of honoring African Americans, having enacted Section 12-5-12 NMSA 1978, which states, "the second Friday of February of each year shall be set apart and be known as "African-American day""; and

     WHEREAS, African-American day is a day to reflect on the many sacrifices that African Americans have made toward the democracy everyone enjoys today; and

     WHEREAS, African-American day shall be observed by the people of New Mexico in recognition of those efforts; and

     WHEREAS, African-American day is celebrated in tandem with Black history month; and

     WHEREAS, the celebration of African-American day is also a time for people to reflect upon the need for diversity in thinking and strategic planning as laws and policies are developed to ensure that all voices are heard in decisions that affect New Mexico and New Mexicans; and

     WHEREAS, African-American day provides an opportunity to honor the often-forgotten accomplishments of Black Americans to every important outcome that makes up the history of New Mexico and the country; and

     WHEREAS, Black history month should not be treated as though it is separate from the collective American history or as though Black history month is merely a compilation of greatest hits, ranging from the badges and incidents of slavery to some of the most important supreme court cases that have created precedents inspired by African American experiences, but rather as a month that is focused on the shared experiences of African Americans blended into a recipe that creates a unique flavor of diversity with a multicultural experience that everyone can appreciate; and

     WHEREAS, the African American community in New Mexico has a compelling legacy that dates back to 1539, when Esteban, a Spanish Moor from North Africa, traveled to New Mexico seeking gold; and

     WHEREAS, after the American Civil War, thousands of African American soldiers, also known as the buffalo soldiers, were garrisoned at eleven different forts throughout the territory of New Mexico; and

     WHEREAS, today, New Mexico has a vibrant African American community with a growing population that is still not fully embraced, as evidenced by disproportionate health outcomes, housing disparities and high unemployment; and

     WHEREAS, efforts to advance racial equality and civil engagement continue to be urgent priorities; and

     WHEREAS, the great contributions that African Americans have made to both the history of New Mexico and the history of the United States should be celebrated and acknowledged while also recognizing that the fight for racial justice and equality continues every day;

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that February 14, 2025 be declared "African-American day" in the house of representatives; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be transmitted to the governor, the executive director of the office on African American affairs, the president of the university of New Mexico, the president of the New Mexico black caucus and the president of the New Mexico state conference of the national association for the advancement of colored people.

Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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