Sat Mar 8 5:30PM - 13 days, 17 hours left in session

House Bill 251

Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes [view on]

Financial Analyses: FIR | LESC

Rep. William A. Hall II 3 San Juan
Rep. Tanya Mirabal Moya 7 Valencia
Rep. Brian G. Baca 8 Valencia
Rep. Luis M. Terrazas 39 Catron, Grant & Hidalgo
Rep. Catherine J. Cullen 57 Sandoval

HousePassed, Mar 5, 62-0
SJC[Referred, not scheduled]

"Official" History

This is the official nmlegis action history. I'm doing my best to translate the LONG/WEIRD-STRING to something less gibberishy. And before you ask, no, the "Legis Day" number has no mapping to the real world.

Actions: [3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC [10] DP [13] PASSED/H (62-0) [11] SJC-SJC

Legis DayActionDetails
3 referred HLVMC/HEC
3 sent HLVMC
5 passed HLVMC (view committee report) DP 10-0
5 sent HEC
10 passed HEC (view committee report) DP 8-0
13 passed House 62-0
11 referred SJC
11 sent SJC

Abeyta, Michelle Pauleneyes Chatfield, Jackexcused
Anaya, Mariannayes Herrera, Susan K.excused
Anyanonu, Janelleyes Jones, Jeniferexcused
Armstrong, Gailyes Little, Charlotteexcused
Baca, Brian G.yes Lord, Stefaniexcused
Block, Johnyes Mirabal Moya, Tanyaexcused
Borrego, Cynthiayes Sanchez, Josephexcused
Brown, Cathrynn N.yes Sariñana, Debra M.excused
Cadena, Micaela Larayes  
Cates, Kathleenyes  
Chandler, Christineyes  
Chavez, Nicoleyes  
Chávez, Eleanoryes  
Cullen, Catherine J.yes  
De La Cruz, Artyes  
Dixon, Meredith A.yes  
Dow, Rebeccayes  
Duncan, Markyes  
Ferrary, Joanne J.yes  
Gallegos, Doreen Y.yes  
Garcia, Marthayes  
García, Miguel P.yes  
Garratt, Joyyes  
Gonzales, Anitayes  
Gurrola, Yanirayes  
Hall II, William A.yes  
Henry, Jonathan A.yes  
Hernandez, Joseph Franklinyes  
Hernandez, Joshua N.yes  
Herndon, Pamelyayes  
Hochman-Vigil, Dayanyes  
Johnson, D. Wondayes  
Lara, Raymundoyes  
Lente, Derrick J.yes  
Lujan, Tara L.yes  
Lundstrom, Patricia A.yes  
Martinez, Alan T.yes  
Martínez, Javieryes  
Mason, Jimmy G.yes  
Matthews, Marianyes  
McQueen, Matthewyes  
Mejia, Angelitayes  
Montoya, Rodyes  
Murphy, Mark B.yes  
Ortez, Kristinayes  
Parajón, Cristinayes  
Pettigrew, Randall T.yes  
Reeb, Andreayes  
Romero, Andreayes  
Romero, G. Andrésyes  
Roybal Caballero, Patriciayes  
Rubio, Angelicayes  
Sena Cortez, Elaineyes  
Serrato, Lindayes  
Silva, Sarahyes  
Small, Nathan P.yes  
Szczepanski, Reenayes  
Terrazas, Luis M.yes  
Thomson, Elizabeth "Liz"yes  
Torres-Velásquez, E. Dianeyes  
Vincent, Harlanyes  
Zamora, Martin R.yes  

This table shows bill actions detected on Ed's system, using heuristics that may not be 100% accurate and which may not reflect the "official" nmlegis chronology. It is probably more than you care to know.

Feb 4 filed: [Prefiled by William A. Hall II et al; not yet on nmlegis]
sent to HLVMC
title: '[prefiled by William A. Hall Ii Et Al; Not Yet on Nmlegis]' -> 'Ed. Retirement Beneficiary Changes'
actions: 'HPREF' -> '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC'
new sponsor: William A. Hall II
new sponsor: Tanya Mirabal Moya
new sponsor: Brian G. Baca
new sponsor: Luis M. Terrazas
new sponsor: Catherine J. Cullen
Feb 6 scheduled for HLVMC on Tue Feb 11, 13:30
Feb 12 passed HLVMC; sent to HEC
actions: '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC' -> '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC'
Feb 20 scheduled for HEC on Wed Feb 26, 08:30
Feb 27 passed HEC; sent to Speaker's Table
actions: '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC' -> '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC [10] DP-T'
on House calendar for Fri Feb 28, 10:30
Feb 28 actions: '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC [10] DP-T' -> '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC [10] DP'
on House calendar for Sat Mar 1, 13:00
Mar 2 on House calendar for Mon Mar 3, 10:30
Mar 3 on House calendar for Tue Mar 4, 10:30
Mar 4 on House calendar for Wed Mar 5, 10:30
Mar 5 passed House; referred to SJC; sent to SJC
actions: '[3] HLVMC/HEC-HLVMC [5] DP-HEC [10] DP' -> '+ [13] PASSED/H (62-0) [11] SJC-SJC'


57th legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 2025


William A. Hall II and Tanya Mirabal Moya and Brian G. Baca

and Luis M. Terrazas and Catherine J. Cullen









     SECTION 1. Section 22-11-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, Chapter 16, Section 152, as amended) is amended to read:


          A. Upon retirement pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act, a member may elect, and, except as provided in Subsection D, [or] E or F of this section, such election shall be irrevocable, to receive the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement benefit, as provided in Section 22-11-30 NMSA 1978, to be effective on the member's retirement in any one of the following optional forms:

                (1) OPTION A. An unreduced retirement benefit pursuant to Section 22-11-30 NMSA 1978;

                (2) OPTION B. A reduced annuity payable during the member's life with provision that upon the member's death the same annuity shall be continued during the life of and paid to the beneficiary designated by the member in writing at the time of electing this option; or

                (3) OPTION C. A reduced annuity payable during the member's life with provision that upon the member's death one-half of this same annuity shall be continued during the life of and paid to the beneficiary designated by the member in writing at the time of electing this option.

          B. In the case of Options B and C of Subsection A of this section, the actuarial equivalent of the member's retirement benefit shall be computed on the basis of the lives of both the member and the beneficiary or in the event that a supplemental needs trust is the designated beneficiary, the life of the member and the beneficiary of that trust.

          C. In the event that the named beneficiary of a retired member who elected Option B or C of Subsection A of this section at the time of retirement predeceases the retired member or the supplemental needs trust terminates while the retired member is living, the annuity of the retired member shall be adjusted by adding an amount equal to the amount by which the annuity of the retired member was reduced at retirement as a result of the election of Option B or C of Subsection A of this section. The adjustment authorized in this subsection shall be made as follows:

                (1) beginning on the first month following the month in which the named beneficiary of a retiree dies or the beneficiary of a supplemental needs trust that is the named beneficiary dies or that trust otherwise terminates applicable to an annuity received by a retiree who retires after June 30, 1987; or

                (2) beginning on July 1, 1987 applicable to an annuity received by a retiree who retired prior to July 1, 1987 and otherwise qualifies for the adjustment; provided, however, no adjustment shall be made retroactively.

          D. A retired member who is being paid an adjusted annuity pursuant to Subsection C of this section because of the death of the named beneficiary or the death of the beneficiary of a supplemental needs trust or the termination of that trust may exercise a one-time irrevocable option to designate another beneficiary and may select either Option B or Option C of Subsection A of this section; provided that:

                (1) the amount of the annuity under the option selected shall be recalculated and have the same actuarial present value, computed on the effective date of the designation, as the annuity being paid to the retired member prior to the designation;

                (2) the designation and the amount of the annuity shall be subject to a court order as provided for in Subsection B of Section 22-11-42 NMSA 1978; and

                (3) the retired member shall pay one hundred dollars ($100) to the board to defray the cost of determining the new annuity amount.

          E. A retired member who is being paid an annuity under Option B or C of Subsection A of this section with a living or operating designated beneficiary other than the retired member's spouse or former spouse or the supplemental needs trust of the retired member's spouse or former spouse may exercise a one-time irrevocable option to deselect the designated beneficiary and elect to:

                (1) designate another beneficiary; provided that:

                     (a) the retired member shall not have an option to change from the current form of payment;

                     (b) the amount of the annuity under the form of payment shall be recalculated and shall have the same actuarial present value, computed [as of] on the effective date of the designation, as the amount of annuity paid prior to the designation; and

                     (c) the retired member shall pay one hundred dollars ($100) to the board to defray the cost of determining the new annuity amount; or

                (2) have future annuity payments made without a reduction as a result of Option B or C of Subsection A of this section.

          F. A retired member who is being paid an annuity under Option B or C of Subsection A of this section with the member's spouse as the designated beneficiary may exercise a one-time irrevocable option to deselect the designated beneficiary and elect to:

                (1) designate another beneficiary; provided that:

                     (a) the retired member shall not have an option to change from the current form of payment;

                     (b) the amount of the annuity under the form of payment shall be recalculated and shall have the same actuarial present value, computed as of the effective date of the designation, as the amount of annuity paid prior to the designation;

                     (c) the retired member's spouse provides a notarized, written statement expressing the spouse's consent to relinquish the designation as a beneficiary; and

                     (d) the retired member shall pay one hundred dollars ($100) to the board to defray the cost of determining the new annuity amount;

                (2) have the future annuity payments made without a reduction as a result of Option B or C of Subsection A of this section;

                (3) upon becoming divorced from the named spouse and subject to an order of a court as provided for in Subsection B of Section 22-11-42 NMSA 1978, elect to have future annuity payments made under retirement benefit Option A of Subsection A of this section;

                (4) upon becoming divorced from the named spouse, exercise a one-time irrevocable option to designate another beneficiary; provided that:

                     (a) the retired member shall not have an option to change from the current form of payment;

                     (b) the amount of the annuity under the form of payment selected shall be recalculated and shall have the same actuarial present value, computed as of the effective date of the designation, as the amount of annuity paid prior to the designation;

                     (c) the designation and the amount of the annuity shall be subject to a court order as provided for in Subsection B of Section 22-11-42 NMSA 1978; and

                     (d) the retired member shall pay one hundred dollars ($100) to the board to defray the cost of determining the new annuity amount; or

                (5) have the future annuity payments made without a reduction as a result of Option B or C of Subsection A of this section.   

          [F.] G. In the event of the death of the member who has not retired and who has completed at least five years' earned service credit, the member shall be considered as retiring on the first day of the month following the date of death, and the benefits due the surviving beneficiary, computed [as of] on that date, shall, except as provided in Subsection [J] K of this section, be commenced effective on the first day of such month in accordance with the terms of Option B of Subsection A of this section. In lieu of the provisions of Option B, the surviving beneficiary may elect to receive payment of all the contributions made by the member, plus interest at the rate set by the board reduced by the sum of any disability benefits previously received by the member, or the surviving beneficiary may choose to defer receipt of the survivor's benefit to whatever age the beneficiary chooses up to the time the member would have attained age sixty. If the benefit is thus deferred, it shall be calculated as though the member had retired on the first day of the month in which the beneficiary elects to receive the benefit. In the event of the death of the beneficiary or in the event that a supplemental needs trust is the designated survivor beneficiary, the termination of that trust or the death of the beneficiary of that trust after the death of the member and prior to the date on which the beneficiary has elected to receive the beneficiary's benefit, the estate of the beneficiary shall be entitled to a refund of the member's contributions plus interest at the rate earned by the fund during the preceding fiscal year, reduced by the sum of any disability benefits previously received by the member.

          [G.] H. In the event of the death of a member who has not retired and who has completed at least five years' earned service credit, but who has not designated a beneficiary in writing pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act, the eligible surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner shall be the surviving beneficiary eligible for benefits in accordance with the provisions of Subsection [F] G of this section.

          [H.] I. In the case of death of a retired member who did not elect either Option B or C of Subsection A of this section and before the benefits paid to the member have equaled the sum of the member's accumulated contributions to the fund plus accumulated interest at the rate set by the board, the balance shall be paid to the beneficiary designated in writing to the director by the member or, if no beneficiary was designated, to the eligible surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of the member or, if there is no eligible surviving spouse or domestic partner of the member, to the estate of the member.

          [I.] J. No benefit shall be paid pursuant to this section if the member's contributions have been refunded pursuant to Section 22-11-15 NMSA 1978.

          [J.] K. In the case of death of a member with less than five years' earned service credit or death of a member who has filed with the director a notice rejecting the provisions of Subsection [F] G of this section, which notice shall be revocable by the member at any time prior to retirement, the member's contributions to the fund plus interest at the rate set by the board shall be paid to the beneficiary designated in writing to the director by the member or, if no beneficiary was designated, to the eligible surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of the member or, if there is no eligible surviving spouse or domestic partner of the member, to the estate of the member."

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Legislators: Democratic sponsorship Republican sponsorship Bipartisan sponsorship This indicates your legislator
(Highlights bills they sponsor, committees they sit in)
Bill Rows: Active -- hearings scheduled (NN) - sequence number in agenda Inactive -- no hearings scheduled
Bill Progress: Passed Failed Vote Tabled
Incomplete Data: Heard(?)
(was scheduled for hearing recently)
Heard Long Ago
(was scheduled for hearing many days ago)
(There is very little I can do about these because does not report real-time results)

This site pulls data from but is in no way associated with that site or the state of New Mexico. It's just a labor of love by Ed.

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